N.B. - These records are from a typewritten transcription of the Parish Register. It seems to contain a number of 'typos' and spelling errors. The original spellings on the film have been maintained.
A list of those who read their Recantation in the Church of Castle Caulfeild on the date: stated, each entry signed by Lindesay Dobbins:
Date | Name |
1750 Apl 8 | McCONELLY (?) ...rge |
1753 Spt 30 | HAVENA Thomas |
1753 Nov 18 | FITZGERALD John |
1763 Nov 6 | BURNS Daniel |
1764 Jan 22 | LAVERY Antony |
1764 Dec 16 | MURPHY Bridget |
1766 Dec 28 | McLOUGHLAND Charles |
1768 Jly 3 | REYNOLDS Catherine |
1769 Apl 2 | McMAHON Peter |
1769 Apl 2 | HUGHES Catherine |
1769 Jly 16 | CAHOON John |
1769 Jly 30 | DONAHOE James |
1769 Spt 24 | KELLY Terrence |
1769 Spt 24 | FULLER Robert |
1769 Spt 24 | McCRYSTAL Laurence |
1769 Oct 2 | CARBERRY Jonei |
1769 Oct 2 | McSKINIDORE Patrick |
1770 Apl 2 | McCORMICK Michll |
1770 May 6 | McCLEANE Robert |
1770 Aug 5 | GILES Jane |
1771 Mch 24 | HAUGHEY Roger |
1772 Jne 14 | CULLAN Mary |