The stipend is raised by voluntary contributions, and those only are reported who actually contribute:
Surname | First Name | Amount |
ANDERSON | John | Two shillings and sixpence |
ANDERSON | Oliver | Five shillings |
BAIRD | William | Ten shillings |
BOAK | George | No contribution |
BOAK | John | Four shillings |
BOAK | William | Six shillings |
BOYD | Mrs. | Ten shillings |
BRADLEY | Mrs. | (half year) Two shillings and sixpence |
BRATTIN | Francis | No contribution |
BRIDGEFORD | James | Twelve shillings |
CLARKE | James | Nine shillings |
COLHOUN | John | One pound |
CORNWATH | John | No contribution |
CORNWATH | Joseph | One pound |
CORNWATH | Robert | Six shillings |
COX | Oliver | Ten shillings |
CRAIG | John | Nine shillings |
CRAIG | Robert | Nine shillings |
CRAWFORD | John | Eight shillings |
CUMMINS | Mrs. | Ten shillings |
DAVIS | Margaret | Two shillings and sixpence |
DENNISTON | Mrs. | Seven shillings |
DEVENNY | William | No contribution |
DONAGHY | William | Seven shillings and sixpence |
DONNELLY | Charles | Four shillings |
DORAGH | Nathaniel | Five shillings |
DORAGH | Robert | Two shillings and sixpence |
DOUGLASS | Thomas | Eight shillings |
GIBSON | James | Eight shillings |
GIBSON | Robert | (half year) Two shillings and sixpence |
GIBSON | Robert | Ten shillings |
GLENN | Miss | Ten shillings |
GORDON | James | Ten shillings |
GORDON | Margaret | No contribution |
GORDON | Mrs. | Eight shillings |
GORDON | William | Six shillings |
GOURLY | James | Eight shillings |
GOURLY | John | Five shillings |
GOURLY | Samuel | One pound |
HEBURN | Andrew | No contribution |
KILGORE | Esther | Two shillings and sixpence |
KINCAID | James | No contribution |
KINCAID | William | No contribution |
KIRKWOOD | Aaron | Four shillings |
KIRKWOOD | Oliver | Two shillings |
KNOX | Alexander | Twelve shillings |
KNOX | James, jun. | Three shillings |
KNOX | James, sen. | One pound |
KNOX | John | Fifteen shillings |
LINDSAY | Anne | Three shillings |
LINDSAY | James | Eight shillings |
LINDSAY | James | Four shillings |
LINDSAY | John | Fifteen shillings |
LINDSAY | Wm. | Five shillings |
LOWRY | John | Ten shillings |
MARSHALL | Mrs. | Fifteen shillings |
McCLEERY | Robert | One pound |
McCOMB | William | Ten shillings |
McCREA | Alexander | Ten shillings |
McCREA | David | Ten shillings |
McCREA | John | Two pounds |
McCREA | Miss | Ten shillings |
McCREA | William | Two pounds |
McELHENNY | James | One pound) |
McGOWAN | John | Seven shillings and sixpence |
McINTYRE | Gustavus | Nine shillings |
McNEILL | David | Four shillings |
McNEILL | Joseph | Four shillings |
McNEILL | Joseph, jun. | Four shillings |
MILLER | James | Eight shillings |
MILLER | John | Six shillings and three pence |
MITCHELL | David | Five shillings |
MITCHELL | Joseph | No contribution |
MITCHELL | William | Five shillings |
MOORE | Joseph | Ten shillings |
MORRISON | Thomas | Six shillings |
NICKLE | Andrew | Four shillings and ten pence |
NICKLE | Joseph | Twelve shillings |
POLLOCK | Mrs. | Nine shillings |
POLLOCK | Thomas | Nine shillings |
PORTER | James | Twelve shillings |
PORTER | Jane | Four shillings |
PORTER | Mrs. | Fourteen shillings |
SMITH | Miss | Twelve shillings |
SMITH | William | No contribution |
THOMPSON | Jane | (half year) One shilling and sixpence |
THOMPSON | William | Five shillings and sixpence |
WARK | Jane | Three shillings |
WEIR | David, jun. | Ten shillings |
WEIR | David, sen. | Nine shillings |
WEIR | William | Ten shillings |
WOODS | Miss | No contribution |
WRIGHT | Mrs. | Ten shillings |
Stipend paid to REV. M. CHAMBERS £34.15.1