Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Key to Marriage Record Column Headings & Occupation Codes

Key to Marriage Record Column Headings

  1. st Column=Name of Groom
  2. nd Column=Date of Marriage (dd/mm/yyyy)
  3. rd Column (A-S-O) Age-Status-Occupation
      • F = of Full age (i.e. over 21) or else actual age is stated
    • S = marital status of the groom. i.e.
      • b = bachelor
      • w = widower
    • O = occupation coded below
  4. th Column = Place of residence
  5. th column = Name of Father
  6. th Column = Occupation of father, coded below
  7. th Column = Name of Bride
  8. th Column (A-S-O) Age-Status-Occupation
    • F = of Full age (i.e. over 21) or else actual age is stated
    • S = marital status of the bride. i.e.
      • s = spinster
      • w = widow
    • O = occupation, coded below
  9. th Column = Place of residence
  10. th Column = Name of Father
  11. th Column = Occupation of father, coded below
  12. th Column = Witnesses to marriage
  13. th Column = Page and number of marriage

Codes for occupations:

ar architect
ac clerk to attorney
ba barister
b bleacher
bk baker or bookmaker
bs blacksmith
bt butcher
bm boot maker
bu butler
c carpenter
ca captain
cb coach builder
cme captain of military engineers
cho Clerk in the Holy Order
cle clergyman
ck clerk
co cook
col collector
con constable
cm cabinet maker
cp cooper
ct caretaker
dec deceased
dl dealer of money
dm dress maker
dr doctor
eng engineer
esq esquire
f farmer
fo foreman
fr failed to record
fm fireman
fo foreman
fs farm service
g Gentleman
gd gardener
gk game keeper
gm grocery merchant
gr grocer
gw general work
hm house maid
ik inn keeper
j joiner
l laborer
la land agent
ls land stewart
lb linen bleacher
lc letter carrier
ld a lady
ll landlord
lnl linen lapper
lm land merchant
ln linen draper (all male)
lw lawyer
ld linen draper
lmd ladies maid
lp lapper
ls land stewart
lw lawyer
m merchant
ma mailman
man manuf(acturer)
mc manager of creamery
mas mason
md medical doctor
mi miller
ml milliner, for a woman
mm millman
mo moulderer
ms minister
msa muslin agent
mw millwright
na not available, not entered
nl nailer
nw needle worker
pa painter
pb pubendary
ph physican
pm policeman
pmb Presbyterian minister
pn pensioner
po porter
pom postman
pof post office official
pp pauper
pr pensioner
pt painter
pu publican
rnpo Royal Naval petty officer
s smith
sa sewing agent
sc scutcher
scm school master
sea seaman
sd soldier
se service
sh shoe maker
sk shop keeper
sl solicitor
sm Stone mason
ss sugar smith
st stewart
sv servant
sx sexton
t teacher
tk time keeper
tl tailor
tm trade merchant
tn tanner
trm tradesman
un under
w weaver
wd woolen draper
ww wheel wright
xco ex constable