Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Address to the Rev. Thomas Neville Burgoyne, Donagheady Parish, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland March 1836

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post, March 1 1836
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


The Parishioners of Donagheady have presented their late curate, the Rev. Thomas N. Burgoyne, with an address, which appears in our paper, expressive of their regret at his removal, and bearing testimony to the highly creditable manner in which he discharged the important duties of his sacred calling whilst resident amongst them. The mutual good feeling which the Address and Reply evince, is highly creditable to both parties, and the signatures (in number 350) which want of space prohibits our insertion in full, show the estimation in which Mr Burgoyne has been universally held by all classes of his late parishioners.



Rev. and Dear Sir,

We, the Inhabitants of the Parish of Donagheady, beg to express to you the deep regret we feel at your removal from amongst us. The efficient and zealous manner in which you have discharged the important duties of your situation, during a residence of five years, could not fail in producing in our minds the most favourable feeling towards you, and a lively anxiety for your future welfare. In so extensive and populous a Parish as ours is, cases of individual suffering must necessarily have been of frequent occurrence; and where-ever such came within the sphere of your influence, you invariably proved yourself ready and willing to alleviate them by every means in your power, whilst your benevolent and zealous exertions in promoting the Charitable Institutions of the Parish, and your attention to the education of the children of the poorer classes, have created in us a feeling of approbation and esteem of your conduct, which we cannot avoid giving expression to; and, we trust, that, wherever the scene of your future labours may be placed, you may enjoy that happiness and peace of mind which it has been your constant endeavour to promote, both by your assistance and counsel.

We remain,

Rev. and Dear Sir,

Your sincerely attached Friends,

Andrew Baird, R. N.
Samuel Daly
Francis O’Neil
Andrew Campbell
Thomas Young
Robert Craig
D. J. Walker
Robert Rouleston
A. C. D. L. Edie
Thomas Colhoun Woods
John McCrea
Richard McElwaine
Samuel Jack
James Browne
John Cary
Thomas Allen
John Monteith, Pres. Min.
Bartley Corcoran
Saml. T. Wray, Pres. Min.
Thomas Smyth
Thomas Ramsay
Andrew Roden
John R. Cary
Samuel McIntyre
James Stevenson
James Clarke
Robert McCrea
James McElhenny
William M. Morris, M. D.
Ninian Love
James McCrea
John Hunter
William McCrea
Robert Stewart
Alex. Brittie [Brittin], R. Pres. Min.
John King
Andrew Woods
William Gamble
Archibald Tomlinson
Charles Morrison
Robert Alexander
George M Connell
James Dunn
John Haslett
Charles Ramsay
James Lowry
William Baird
John Lighton, &c. &c.


To which Address, the Rev. Gentleman returned the following Answer –

My Dear Friends,

Accept my most sincere acknowledgments, for the kind and affectionate manner in which you have addressed me on my removal from the Parish of Donagheady. Believe me, I feel totally incapable of expressing my feelings towards you on this occasion. It affords me no small gratification, that my endeavours (however inadequate) to discharge the duties of my sacred calling have met with the approbation of the many kind and valuable friends, who honoured me with this expression of their regard. I shall always dwell with pleasure on the very liberal assistance you have given me, when any charitable object was to be promoted during my residence amongst you. If my exertions, in behalf of your charitable institutions, and the education of the children of the poor, have earned in any degree, your approval, I desire to ascribe the merit to HIM, who enabled me to discharge these important duties with effect. It is my earnest prayer, “that the author and giver of all good” may continue amongst you, faithful and zealous labourers for the enlargement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom. I shall retain, with sincere satisfaction, this valued testimonial of your esteem and regard.

With heartfelt gratitude to each and all of you, and every wish and prayer for your happiness and welfare, spiritual and temporal, and trusting that I shall be enabled, in every situation in which I may be placed, to retain a continuance of your respect and esteem,

Believe me,

My Dear Friends,

Your sincere well wisher,


Strabane, 1st March, 1836.