The preface of the Register lists the ministers as:
Rev. John Houston beginning May 24, 1843
Rev. George Brown became the Assistant Minister in July 28, 1892.
He performed a few baptisms before Rev. Houston's retirement which was mid-1899.
Baptisms 1843-1928
No. | Birth Date | Baptism Date | Child | Father | Mother |
1 | September 18, 1843 | William | John Fair | Phoebe Norris | |
2 | February 27, 1844 | Samuel Houston | John Young | Isabella Osborne | |
3 | March 13, 1844 | Sarah Jane | Thomas Bates | Martha Elliott | |
4 | June 18, 1844 | Mary Jane | Davis Erwin | Mary Sproule | |
5 | September 11, 1844 | Albert King | James Houston | Elizabeth Young | |
6 | September 15, 1844 | Anne | John Hunter | Martha Fullerton | |
7 | October 3, 1844 | Robert | Robert Walker | Nancy McKonkey | |
8 | October 14, 1844 | John | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Johnston | |
9 | January 15, 1845 | Robert | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
10 | March 20, 1845 | John Henry | John Houston | Anne Osborne | |
11 | May 4, 1845 | John | William Stewart | Margaret Kirkpatrick | |
12 | July 27, 1845 | Isabella | Samuel Young | Nancy West | |
13 | November 13, 1845 | Sarah | William Norris | Elizabeth Hamilton | |
14 | May 17, 1846 | William James | William Alcorn | Sarah Keyes | |
15 | October 22, 1846 | Elizabeth | James Houston | Elizabeth Young | |
16 | October 28, 1846 | Eliza Anne | John Young | Isabella Osborne | |
17 | January 17, 1847 | Robert | Thomas Norris | Margaret Hamilton | |
18 | June 15, 1847 | Andrew | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
19 | August 4, 1847 | Joseph | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
20 | October 6, 1847 | John | Robert Walker | Nancy McKonkey | |
21 | December 31, 1847 | Matilda | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Johnston | |
22 | February 13, 1848 | William | William Norris | Elizabeth Hamilton | |
23 | September 18, 1848 | Anna Maria | James Houston | Elizabeth Young | |
24 | November 16, 1848 | Mary | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
25 | December 7, 1848 | George Patrick | Luke Porter | Ann Andrews | |
26 | March 14, 1849 | Mary | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
27 | May 24, 1849 | John | Matthew Maines | Sarah Johnston | |
28 | May 31, 1849 | Jane | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
29 | July 15, 1849 | Ross | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
30 | May 9, 1850 | Arthur | William Foster | Mary Fyffe | |
31 | June 23, 1850 | Joseph | William Norris | Elizabeth Hamilton | |
32 | September 24, 1850 | Matthew Thomas | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
33 | October 15, 1850 | Mary | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
34 | November 7, 1850 | King | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
35 | April 9, 1851 | Anna | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
36 | April 24, 1851 | Mark | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
37 | December 8, 1851 | Anne | William Foster | Mary Fyffe | |
38 | April 8, 1852 | Sarah Jane | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
39 | May 31, 1852 | Isabella | James Houston | Elizabeth Young | |
40 | August 15, 1852 | Mary | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
41 | November 25, 1852 | Annie | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
42 | January 18, 1853 | David | Anthony Doak | Margaret Fyffe | |
43 | January 25, 1853 | Matilda | Thomas Bates | Martha Elliott | |
44 | January 26, 1853 | Alexander | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
45 | March 13, 1853 | Thomas | Robert Bates | Fanny Henderson | |
46 | April 24, 1853 | Fanny | Francis Bates | Jane Smith | |
47 | May 25, 1853 | James | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
48 | June 27, 1853 | Catherine | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
49 | August 7, 1853 | Jane | William Hetherington | Elizabeth Kelso | |
50 | October 11, 1853 | Eliza Jane | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
51 | January 31, 1854 | Margaret | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
52 | March 13, 1854 | William | Luke Porter | Anne Andrews | |
53 | May 14, 1854 | Mary | Robert Bates | Fanny Henderson | |
54 | December 28, 1854 | John | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
55 | March 27, 1855 | John | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
56 | April 10, 1855 | William | Anthony Doak | Margaret White | |
57 | June 11, 1855 | James | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
58 | October 15, 1855 | Isabella | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
59 | November 15, 1855 | Andrew | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
60 | July 24, 1856 | Noble Alexander | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
61 | August 4, 1856 | Catherine | Robert Bates | Fanny Henderson | |
62 | September 15, 1856 | Matthew | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
63 | December 23, 1856 | Mary | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
64 | December 23, 1856 | Margaret | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
65 | June 18, 1857 | Elizabeth | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
66 | June 24, 1857 | Edmond Henry | William Orr | Mary Johnston | |
67 | September 24, 1857 | Mary | Andrew Dorrough | Anne Glass | |
68 | September 29, 1857 | John | Anthony Doak | Margaret Fyffe | |
69 | October 12, 1857 | William Alexander | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
70 | March 13, 1858 | Sarah | John Cambel | Betty Gardner | |
71 | March 31, 1858 | Isabella | James Shields | Jane Patterson | |
72 | August 18, 1858 | Matilda | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
73 | October 15, 1858 | Margaret Jane | John Coulter | Mary Laughlin | |
74 | November 1, 1858 | Margaret | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
75 | November 11, 1858 | Eliza Jane | Joseph White | Margaret Menard | |
76 | November 15, 1858 | Anne Jane | Robert Bates | Fanny Henderson | |
77 | December 9, 1858 | Robert Shields | John Perry | Mary Nethery | |
78 | March 14, 1859 | Eliza Jane | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
79 | April 25, 1859 | James | Anthony Doak | Margaret Fyffe | |
80 | November 3, 1859 | Robert | Richard Barnwell | Lovey Buchanan | |
81 | November 21, 1859 | Noble Alexander | Matthew Maines | Sally Johnston | |
82 | May 18, 1860 | Joseph | Joseph White | Margaret Menard | |
83 | June 6, 1860 | Eliza Jane | Andrew Dorragh | Anne Glass | |
84 | July 4, 1860 | Eliza Anne | John Cambell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
85 | July 4, 1860 | Eliza Jane | William McCaffrey | Anne Gardner | |
86 | November 15, 1860 | Charlotte | Luke Porter | Anne Andrews | |
87 | November 29, 1860 | Margaret | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
88 | December 6, 1860 | John James | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
89 | January 23, 1861 | Eliza Jane | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
90 | June 17, 1861 | Joseph | William Doak | Anne Jane Fyffe | |
91 | June 17, 1861 | Martha | Richard Barnwell | Lovey Buchanan | |
92 | August 25, 1861 | Sarah Jane | Anthony Doak | Margaret Fyffe | |
93 | October 15, 1861 | Mary Jane | Joseph White | Isabella Laughlin | |
94 | October 30, 1861 | William | John Coulter | Mary Laughlin | |
95 | December 5, 1861 | Sarah Anne | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
96 | July 15, 1862 | James | Robert White | Mary Cunningham | |
97 | July 23, 1862 | Sarah Anne | Andrew Dorragh | Anne Glass | |
98 | August 4, 1862 | Josias Simpson | William Orr | Mary Johnston | |
99 | December 14, 1862 | Robert George | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
100 | December 29, 1862 | Margaret Jane | Joseph White | Margaret Menard | |
101 | January 1, 1863 | Andrew | William Simpson | Nancy Quin | |
102 | February 4, 1863 | James | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
103 | February 4, 1863 | John | William Doak | Anne Jane Fyffe | |
104 | May 7, 1863 | John Francis | John Houston | Isabella Houston | |
105 | June 4, 1863 | James | James McDonnell | Margaret McFarland | |
106 | July 20, 1863 | William | Joseph Hunter | Mary Graham | |
107 | August 7, 1863 | James | John Coulter | Mary Laughlin | |
108 | August 13, 1863 | John James | John Cambell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
109 | January 25, 1864 | Samuel | Anthony Doak | Margaret Fyffe | |
110 | February 10, 1864 | Andrew Thomas | Richard Barnwell | Lovey Buchanan | |
111 | February 16, 1864 | William | Joseph White | Isabella Laughlin | |
112 | April 25, 1864 | Charles | Andrew Jack | Mary Scott | |
113 | April 25, 1864 | John James | Andrew Jack | Mary Scott | |
114 | October 1, 1864 | Samuel | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
115 | January 10, 1865 | Robert James | Andrew Dorrough | Anne Glass | |
116 | July 19, 1865 | Mary | John Coulter | Mary Laughlin | |
117 | December 22, 1865 | Sarah Elizabeth | Andrew Sproule | Martha Mitchell | |
118 | December 28, 1865 | William | William Doak | Anne Jane Fyffe | |
119 | March 22, 1866 | William | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
120 | May 4, 1866 | Adam | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
121 | August 1, 1866 | John James | Joseph White | Isabella Laughlin | |
122 | November 29, 1866 | Rachel Wilelmina | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
123 | December 6, 1866 | Anne | Andrew Jack | Mary Scott | |
124 | December 31, 1866 | William | Richard Barnwell | Olivia Buchanan | |
125 | April 15, 1867 | James | William Doak | Anne Jane Fyffe | |
126 | July 5, 1867 | Mary Ann | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
127 | December 18, 1867 | James | William McKay | Mary Ann Elliott | |
128 | December 4, 1868 | Thomas | James McDonnel | Margaret McFarland | |
129 | December 9, 1868 | Isabella | John Cambell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
130 | December 16, 1868 | Albert John | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
131 | March 8, 1869 | John | John Coulter | Mary Laughlin | |
132 | May 13, 1869 | Alexander | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
133 | June 8, 1869 | Jane Olivia | Richard Barnwell | Lovey Buchanan | |
134 | June 27, 1869 | James | John Job | Margaret Park | |
135 | August 16, 1869 | Joseph | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
136 | September 28, 1869 | Sarah Jane | William Doak | Jane Anne Fyffe | |
137 | January 17, 1870 | Rebecca | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
138 | June 14, 1870 | Robert | William McKay | Mary Ann Elliott | |
139 | December 13, 1870 | Matilda | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
140 | April 11, 1871 | Sarah Anne | John Job | Margaret Park | |
141 | April 11, 1871 | Mary Jane | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
142 | April 19, 1871 | Fanny | John Cambell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
143 | April 20, 1871 | Charlotte | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
144 | June 12, 1871 | Eliza Margaret | James Lekey | Margaret McIntyre | |
145 | August 24, 1871 | Rebecca Stuart | John Stuart Clements | Elizabeth Elliott | |
146 | February 16, 1872 | Margaret Anne | William Doak | Jane Anne Fyffe | |
147 | April 4, 1872 | Robert Osborne | John Young | Esther Young | |
148 | December 4, 1872 | George Andrew | John Cambell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
149 | December 10, 1872 | George | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
150 | December 17, 1872 | Mary Anne | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
151 | April 9, 1873 | Esther Isabella | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
152 | May 19, 1873 | Rebecca Jane Greer | John Houston | Rebecca Greer | |
153 | August 19, 1873 | John | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
154 | November 13, 1873 | Matilda Jane | John Stuart Clements | Elizabeth Elliott | |
155 | March 6, 1874 | William James | William O'Hara | Catherine A McDonnel | |
156 | April 21, 1874 | Rebecca Anne | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
157 | September 23, 1874 | James | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
158 | December 29, 1874 | Robert James | John Stuart Clements | Elizabeth Elliott | |
159 | January 25, 1875 | John George | John Young | Esther Young | |
160 | April 23, 1875 | Rebecca | Noble Johnston | Elizabeth Lammey | |
161 | October 23, 1875 | John James | William Young | Mary Ann Mills | |
162 | November 5, 1875 | Thomas | Stuart Perry | Eliza Johnston | |
163 | November 25, 1875 | Joseph | John McIldowney | Jane King | |
164 | December 6, 1875 | Robert George | William McCormack | Eliza Porter | |
165 | December 14, 1875 | David | William McCay | Mary Ann Elliott | |
166 | December 16, 1875 | Charles Henry | George Barber | Mary McKee | |
167 | April 27, 1876 | Noble | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
168 | May 18, 1876 | Isabella | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
169 | July 7, 1876 | Mary Isabella | John Young | Esther Young | |
170 | September 28, 1876 | Samuel | John Campbell | Elizabeth Gardner | |
171 | December 12, 1876 | Alexander | William Fyffe | Sally White | |
172 | March 21, 1877 | Henry | Stuart Perry | Eliza Johnston | |
173 | April 28, 1877 | Margaret Elizabeth | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
174 | May 16, 1877 | Sarah Elizabeth | John Young | Esther Young | |
175 | July 24, 1877 | Alexander | William Young | Mary Ann Mills | |
176 | April 5, 1878 | William King | John McIldowney | Jane King | |
177 | November 7, 1878 | William Arthur | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
178 | December 2, 1878 | Robert | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
179 | August 1, 1879 | Essie Anna | John Young | Esther Young | |
180 | August 20, 1879 | David Alexander | John Stuart Clements | Elizabeth Elliott | |
181 | December 18, 1879 | John | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
182 | November 10, 1880 | Anna Maria | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
183 | December 15, 1881 | Harriett | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
184 | May 23, 1882 | Mary Elizabeth Annie | John McIldowney | Jane King | |
185 | July 11, 1882 | Margaret Jane | Ross Houston | Lizzie Gray | |
186 | September 22, 1882 | Sarah Elizabeth | William Dudgeon | Sally Wilkin | |
187 | December 4, 1882 | Robert Alexander | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
188 | December 24, 1883 | William | John Deery | Margaret Johnston | |
189 | January 3, 1884 | Alicia | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
190 | July 1, 1884 | Guy | Ross Houston | Lizzie Guy | |
191 | August 11, 1884 | Anne Wilhemina | William Dudgeon | Sarah Wilkin | |
192 | October 9, 1884 | Jemima Jane | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
193 | April 3, 1885 | Mildred King | King Houston | Mary Chapman Meeke | |
194 | August 25, 1885 | James Johnston | John Deery | Margaret Johnston | |
195 | October 9, 1885 | John Elliott | William Dudgeon | Sarah Wilkin | |
196 | June 4, 1886 | John Alexander | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
197 | July 23, 1886 | Susan | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
198 | July 26, 1886 | Andrew Leckey | John McIntyre | Rebecca Leckey | |
199 | April 12, 1887 | Edith Elizabeth | Ross Houston | Lizzie Gray | |
200 | April 13, 1887 | Robert | James Porter | Eliza Andrews | |
201 | April 27, 1887 | Jane | William Dudgeon | Sarah Wilkin | |
202 | June 23, 1887 | Andrew John | John Deery | Margaret Johnston | |
203 | September 6, 1887 | Jane | Thomas Young | Eliza McClelland | |
204 | October 6, 1887 | David Albert | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
205 | February 15, 1888 | Edith | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
206 | February 23, 1888 | Alfred David | Matthew James Clarke | Matilda Maggie Oake | |
207 | February 23, 1888 | Joseph Oake | Matthew James Clarke | Matilda Maggie Oake | |
208 | January 10, 1889 | Mary | Thomas Young | Eliza McClelland | |
209 | May 23, 1889 | Luke | James Porter | Eliza Andrews | |
210 | July 4, 1889 | Thomas George | John Deery | Margaret Johnston | |
211 | July 30, 1889 | Robert | Robert White | Rebecca Fyffe | |
212 | August 3, 1889 | Robert Armour | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
213 | August 14, 1889 | John Hutchison | Matthew James Clarke | Matilda Maggie Oake | |
214 | January 1, 1890 | Mary | Robert T Clements | Mary White | |
215 | February 26, 1890 | Isabella | Ross Houston | Lizzie Grey | |
216 | July 24, 1890 | Hugh | Thomas Young | Eliza McClelland | |
217 | September 23, 1890 | William Foster | James Leckey | Margaret McIntyre | |
218 | January 2, 1891 | Margaret | John Deery | Margaret Johnston | |
219 | May 15, 1891 | Adam ?eury | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
220 | June 16, 1891 | Elizabeth | Thomas Young | Eliza Young | |
221 | November 18, 1891 | William | James Porter | Eliza Porter | |
222 | August 22, 1892 | George Browne | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
223 | August 9, 1892 | August 22, 1892 | Charlotte | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston |
224 | February 18, 1893 | June 13, 1893 | John | Thomas Young | Elizabeth McClelland |
225 | March 23, 1893 | July 6, 1893 | Ann Jane | James Porter | Eliza Porter |
226 | September 7, 1893 | October 18, 1893 | Mary King | Ross Houston | Elizabeth Houston |
227 | December 17,1893 | May 16, 1894 | Isabella | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston |
228 | July 6, 1894 | November 30, 1894 | David John Telford | Robert T. Clements | Mary Clements |
229 | June 12, 1895 | Margaret | Thomas Young | Elizabeth McClelland | |
230 | August 13, 1895 | John Armour | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston | |
231 | October 7, 1895 | James | James Porter | Eliza Porter | |
232 | March 11, 1896 | Catherine | William Cochrane | Emily Crawford | |
233 | May 6, 1896 | James John Frederick | James Hunter | Martha McCollum | |
234 | February 10, 1896 | June 18, 1896 | isabella Jane Fyffe | John Doak | Rebecca Fyffe |
235 | July 18, 1896 | January 19, 1897 | Charlotte Louisa | John Johnston | Margaret Johnston |
236 | September 2, 1896 | August 25, 1897 | William John | Richard Lewis | Catherine Smyth |
237 | August 25, 1897 | January 10, 1898 | Sarah | William Cochrane | Emily Crawford |
238 | August 7, 1898 | September 4, 1898 | Gertrude Mary Elizabeth | James White | Sarah White |
239 | November 9, 1898 | February 23, 1899 | Sarah Sproule | James Hunter | Martha McCollum |
240 | December 5, 1898 | March 8, 1899 | Thomas | Thomas Young | Elizabeth McClelland |
241 | October 22, 1898 | December 21, 1899 | Margaret | Richard Lewis | Catherine Smyth |
242 | February 20, 1900 | May 20, 1900 | Isabella | William Cochrane | Emily Crawford |
243 | April 10, 1900 | June 27, 1900 | John Herbert | John Coulter | Margaret Browne |
244 | March 17, 1901 | July 30, 1901 | James | John Coulter | Margaret Browne |
245 | September 17, 1901 | October 16, 1901 | Stewart | Henry Perry | Matilda Watson |
246 | June 27, 1902 | September 3, 1902 | Joseph Anthony | David Doak | Saragh Emma Fyffe |
247 | August 26, 1902 | September 19, 1902 | Frances Beatrice | Thomas O’Donnell | Maggie Watson |
248 | May 21, 1903 | June 30, 1903 | Alfred John | Henry Perry | Matilda Watson |
249 | March 13, 1904 | June 13, 1904 | David Fyffe | David Doak | Saragh Emma Fyffe |
250 | March 27, 1904 | March 10, 1905 | Charles Henry | James Hunter | Martha McCollum |
251 | July 3, 1905 | December 22, 1905 | William Albert | John Coulter | Margaret Browne |
252 | October 19, 1905 | December 26, 1905 | John James William Robert | James White | Sarah White |
253 | November 7, 1905 | March 16, 1906 | Maria | James McKinney | Mary Jane Devlin |
254 | December 20, 1905 | March 27, 1906 | William Henry | Robert Bates | Maggie Norris |
255 | March 16, 1906 | July 9, 1906 | Rita Isabel | David Doak | Sarah Emma Fyffe |
256 | June 28, 1906 | August 13, 1906 | Robert John | Charles Hamilton | Mary Craig |
257 | May 9, 1904 | August 15, 1907 | Elizabeth Dorothy | Thomas O’Donnell | Maggie Watson |
258 | July 1, 1907 | March 27, 1908 | Lily Evaline | Robert Bates | Maggie Norris |
259 | September 12, 1908 | December 20, 1908 | George | John Coulter | Margaret Browne |
260 | July 22, 1909 | October 6, 1909 | Frederick George Samuel Alexander | James White | Sarah White |
261 | June 16, 1909 | October 12, 1909 | William Thomas | William Warnock | Annie Maria Graham |
262 | January 11, 1907 | April ? 1907 | Robert James | William Warnock | Annie Maria Graham |
263 | June 19, 1911 | September 12, 1911 | Margaret Jane | James Aiken | Ellen Reid |
264 | December 12, 1911 | February 23, 1912 | David Thomas | John James Adams | Isabella Mitchell |
265 | December 20, 1911 | April 30, 1912 | James Samuel | John Coulter | Margaret Browne |
266 | September 18, 1912 | November 10, 1912 | Elizabeth Kathleen | James Aiken | Ellen Reid |
267 | June 27, 1913 | October 21, 1913 | Elizabeth Graham | William Warnock | Annie Maria Graham |
268 | Decebmer 21 1913 | March 25, 1914 | James Alexander | James Adams | Isabella Mitchell |
269 | June 26, 1915 | October 21, 1915 | Mary Elizabeth | John James Adams | Isabella Mitchell |
270 | February 3, 1916 | March 8, 1916 | Margretta Mary Anne Sarah | Robert Brooks Holmes | Martha Jane McCrea Alexander |
271 | October 8, 1916 | March 9, 1917 | John Osborne | George Young | Minnie Winnifred Kyle |
272 | January 6, 1917 | March 14, 1917 | Eileen Margaret | John James Adams | Isabella Mitchell |
273 | May 20, 1918 | June 19, 1918 | Florence Anna Elizabeth | John Lecky | Annie Elizabeth Porter |
274 | April 27, 1918 | October 4, 1918 | Edith Charlotte Wilhemina | Thomas Monteith | Edith Charlotte Wilhemina Mitchell |
275 | July 13, 1918 | October 16, 1918 | William Lewis Johnston | John George Young | Minnie Winnifred Kyle |
276 | May 12, 1919 | July 8, 1919 | Ethel Wynne Margaret | Samuel Alexander | Charlotte Duncan |
277 | March 1, 1920 | July 23, 1920 | Isabella | Thomas Monteith | Edith Charlotte Wilhemina Mitchell |
278 | May 21, 1920 | August 25, 1920 | Isabel Esther | John George Young | Minnie Winnifred Kyle |
279 | November 4, 1920 | January 12, 1921 | John Antony | John Porter | Annie Elizabeth Porter |
280 | January 4, 1921 | April 5, 1921 | William Johnson | Samuel Lynn | Lizzie Wilson |
281 | August 30, 1921 | December 14, 1921 | Gladys Roseanna Maude | Thomas Monteith | Edith Charlotte Wilhelmina Mitchell |
282 | December 18, 1921 | March 2, 1922 | George Wesley | James Porter | Annie Atwell |
283 | December 9, 1921 | July 15, 1922 | Charlotte Isabel | Samuel Alexander | Charlotte Duncan |
284 | April 4, 1922 | June 21, 1922 | James | Samuel Lynn | Lizzie Wilson |
285 | 07/04/22 | November 2, 1922 | Elizabeth Margaret | William Elliott Clements | Sarah Jane Allen |
286 | January 21, 1923 | April 18, 1923 | Margaret Isabel | Edwin Fyffe Doak | Mary Maria Patterson |
287 | June 1, 1923 | June 11, 1923 | Ellen | John Coulter | Ella Doak |
288 | February 27, 1923 | June 13, 1923 | Rachael Maggie | Thomas Mulligan | Catherine Ward |
289 | June 24, 1923 | July 30, 1923 | Sarah Hilda | Samuel Lynn | Lizzie Wilson |
290 | May 30, 1923 | October 31, 1923 | Florence Jane Alexandra | Thomas Monteith | Edith Charlotte Wilhelmina Mitchell |
291 | June 16, 1923 | November 15, 1923 | Elsie Maude | John Herbert Coulter | Elizabeth Rebecca Coulter |
292 | January 31, 1924 | May 27, 1924 | John James | James Porter | Annie Atwell |
293 | March 29, 1924 | August 14, 1924 | Eileen Mary | Edwin Fyffe Doak | Mary Maria Patterson |
294 | July 8, 1924 | August 15, 1924 | Samuel George | Samuel Alexander | Charlotte Duncan |
295 | April 6, 1924 | November 13, 1924 | Ann Jane | William Elliott Clements | Sarah Jane Allen |
296 | September 23, 1920 | December 20, 1924 | John George | Andrew Blair | Sarah Jane Cairns |
297 | February 25, 1923 | December 20, 1924 | Marie Isabel | Andrew Blair | Sarah Jane Cairns |
298 | November 4, 1924 | May 20, 1925 | Robert John | John Herbert Coulter | Elizabeth Rebecca Coulter |
299 | May 22, 1925 | August 18, 1925 | Thomas Henry | Samuel Lynn | Lizzie Wilson |
300 | November 16, 1925 | December 22, 1925 | Thomas Samuel | Thomas Mulligan | Catherine Ward |
301 | July 2, 1925 | March 4, 1926 | William John | William Clements | Sarah Jane Allen |
302 | August 11, 1925 | April 8, 1926 | Anna Kathleen | Edwin Fyffe Doak | Mary Maria Patterson |
303 | January 19, 1926 | May 26, 1926 | Sarah Henrietta Mildred | Thomas Monteith | Edith Charlotte Wilhelmina Mitchell |
304 | April 12, 1926 | August 2, 1926 | Robert | Robert White | Elizabeth Young |
305 | June 16, 1926 | September 29, 1926 | Cecil George | John Herbert Coulter | Elizabeth Rebecca Coulter |
306 | July 6, 1926 | October 14, 1926 | Ethel Muriel | James Porter | Annie Atwell |
307 | August 19, 1926 | December 14, 1926 | Sarah Ann | William Clements | Sarah Jane Allen |
308 | December 27, 1926 | January 8, 1927 | John Knox | Samuel Johnston | Minnie Louisa Scott |
309 | December 9, 1926 | January 9, 1927 | Jane Wall | Samuel Lynn | Lizzie Wilson |
310 | July 31, 1927 | September 21, 1927 | William John | William James Jobb | Sarah Coulter |
311 | January 30, 1928 | March 18, 1928 | Anna Maria | Thomas Mulligan | Catherine Ward |
312 | April 13, 1928 | March 3, 1928 | Eileen May | John Herbert Coulter | Elizabeth Rebecca Coulter |
313 | November 22, 1928 | December 13, 1928 | Isabel | James Porter | Annie Atwell |