Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Petition of the Protestant Inhabitants of Ballygawley, Parish of Errigal Keerogue, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1827

PRONI Ref. T2772/1/7/20
Transcribed and Submitted by Karen A. Miller
With editing assistance from
Jim Rutherford & Annie Crenshaw


To his Grace Lord John George Beresford Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland

The humble petition of the protestant Inhabitants of Ballygawley in the parish of Ballinasaggart alias Errigle Kearn, and County of Tyrone Humbly Sheweth, 

That from the dilapidated state of the present parish church, the errection of a new one has become indispensible the choice of a site for which is becoming a matter of contest, self interest, and private accommodation, for which reason your Memorialists presume to approach your Grace with the facts, which are briefly as follows.

1 The parish consists of a narrow tract of about 6 miles long by 2 1/2 broad, near the centre of which Ballygawley is situated a little in a lateral position of about 3 quarters of a mile, and although this town, from its population and extent, being a fair, Market, and post Town, on the mail coach road from Dublin to Derry, would be the most natural, and proper site for it, yet, through the interest of Mr. J. C. Moutray who has the next presentation to the living after the present incumbent, an old man of upwards of 70 years of age, who does not, ever at any time of the year reside in the parish, nor is the former even a Parishioner, both those gentlemen are endeavoring

2 to have it built near the House of Mr. [above the line] Moutray, who has a son in training for the church.

3 That for this purpose a vestry was held in the old parish church on Tuesday the 15th Inst. where the retainers, and dependants, of Mr. J. C. [John Corry] Moutray were assembled

4, and where the rector Mr. Graham so far forgot himself, the place where he was, and the dignity of his sacred office, as to call some of the most respectable inhabitants of the parish liars, the latter perceiving that some resolutions were about being

5. carried in this manner, requested a little delay for the arrival of their friends who were obliged to attend a funeral, which would not be Granted

Granted, in consequence of which one of the church wardens Mr. Alexander Moutray would neither be present at or a party to such self interested proceedings.

6 That the place where the church is sought to be errected is on a bare place called Feddan, on the extreme verge of the parish not near any public road without any accomodation for either persons, carriages, or vehicles, of any kind without a house near it which was the great objection to the site of the old church, and was the cause of great seceding, and sectarianism, in the parish, as persons could not attend from any distance where no accomodation of this kind could be procured.

Your Memorialists understand that a Memorial was forwarded proporting to contain the sentiments and agreeable to the wishes of the inhabitants of Ballygawley, which was not the fact.

The prayer of your Memorialists therefore is, that your Grace would be pleased to order an enquiry into the subject, and cause the church to be built at Ballygawley, where the distant Parishoners can find accomodation for their families, and where a large congregation would be collected, and your Memorialists will ever pray &c, &c.

PS Please direct any answer that may be necessary to this Memorial to

Wm. Mann Esq.
30th May 1827


PS. Lime and stone can be procured on that spot at Ballygawley, which is not the case at the proposed place of building the church so that it could be built there at one half the expense added to which we have the authority of Sir Hugh Stewart for stating, that the late primate Stewart, said that a chapel of ease should be built at Ballygawley even before the present church was condemned, as well for the accomodation of that part of their parish, as for that of those of the Inhabitants of Aughaloe parish, part of whom must go 40 Miles to their parish church.

First Name Surname
Th.[?} Armstrong
Wm. Cole
Wm. Mann
Lewis Davis
Robert Beatty
William Stewart
Andrew Little
Patrick Hughes
William Beatty
Edward [? Eamond] Hull
Alex. Morton
George FitzGibbon
Hn.[?] Harvey
John Kinsley
William Johnston
John Ashfield
Robert Ewin[? Ervin]
James Ewin[? Ervin]
G. H. Sallery
George Mayne
James Johnston
Rich. Johnson
Simon Hazelton
Alex. Warnock
John Crooks
John Mothby [?unclear]
Richard Hughes
Alexr. J. Hughes
Wm. Gibson
Robt. Morrow
Arch. Hadden
John Mitchell
Wm. McDowell
Wm. Bell
Adam Ashfield
George Mitchell
Samuel Montgomery
Joseph Wilson
David McCartny
Richard Neely
Thomas Harvey
Ephraim Irvine
James Montgomery
Wm. Neely
Stuart Simpson
Henry Smyth
George Cull
Wm. Montgomery
William Dunbar
Samuel Crookes
William McDowell
John Anderson
Thos. Gardiner
Arthur Wilkin
Thos. Dunbar
Thomas Johnston
Richard Bell
Robt. Simpson
John Simpson
Robert McConnell
Wm. Hays
Hugh Corry
James Robinson
John McConnell
James McCollum
James Neely
Richard Coulter
Chas. McLean
Robert Hamilton
Andrew Cranford
David Crooks
William Williamson
William Robinson

The foregoing are the names of the protestant inhabitants and landholders of the town of Ballygawley

First Name Surname
William Campbell
William Stewart Jr.
Samuel Hopper
Robert Lockhart
Robert Johnston
Robert Godfrey
Andrew Lockhart
William Beatty
John Miller
John Miller Senior
James Moses
Thomas Campbell

[Written sideways] 73 Total no. of Protestant inhabitants and householders in the town of Ballygawley 71 No. of Protestant Inhabitants and householders in the immediate vicinity 144 total of Ballygawley

First Name Surname   
John Moses
Archibald Turner
Robert Miller
Wm. Miller
Archibald McCollum
John Lockard
Francis Lockard
Thomas Hacket
Robert McCollum
Robert Anderson
George Patterson
John Clarke
William Walker
James Garner
George Bell
Samuel Miller[? Miles]
William Lockard
Thomas Gilkison
Stuart Moore
William Gregory
Joseph Beatty
James McNerny
Thomas Murray
William Stewart Jr.
Arthur Stewart
John Robinson
Ephraim Irwin
Robert Campbel
Charles Nimmo
James Robinson
James Simpson
James Paisly
William Mclaran
Andw. Adams
Jacob M'Fadden
Owen Gregory
John Patterson
James Clark
William McGangey[?]
Joseph Hacket
Saml. Anderson
Andw. Hacket
Matthew Lockhart
Hamilton Patterson
Joseph Hackett Jun.
John Gregory
William Moore
John Hackett
John Lockhart Jun.
Andw. Lockhart Jun.[?]
Patrick Smyton
Robt. Kyles
William Robinson Jun.
Hugh Robinson
William Johnston
William Morton Sen.

[written sideways] 71 The No. of Protestants & Householders in the immediate vicinity of Ballygawley

First Name Surname
John Doherty
James Doherty
John Doherty
James Doherty