This file of BAPTISMS RECORDED IN BALLINDRAIT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CLONLEIGH PARISH, COUNTY DONEGAL 1819-99 forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CLONLEIGH PARISH, COUNTY DONEGAL on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Ballindrait Church registers have been filmed by the staff of the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast, where they may be consulted. PRONI Ref. MIC1/185
Surname Child Father Mother Date of Birth Date of Baptism ALLEN Andrew Joseph Nancy 16/06/1831 ALLEN Andrew Joseph not recorded 10/07/1859 ALLEN Archibald Joseph Nancy 05/12/1824 ALLEN Catherine Joseph Nancy 26/04/1822 ALLEN George Joseph not recorded 17/07/1857 ALLEN Joseph Joseph Nancy 25/05/1827 ALLEN Joseph Joseph not recorded ?/?/1853 ALLEN Martha Andrew Sarah 16/04/1875 ALLEN Mary Joseph Nancy 29/01/1820 ALLEN Mary Joseph not recorded 12/05/1855 ALLEN Sarah Joseph not recorded 08/08/1861 ALLEN William John Margaret 02/10/1837 ANDERSON Charles William not stated 26/11/1824 ANDERSON Elizabeth Robert not recorded 26/06/1824 ANDERSON Margaret Robert not recorded 31/11/1821 ANDERSON Margaret Robert Not stated 31/07/1825 ANDERSON Margaret Robert not recorded 07/02/1825 ANDERSON Samuel Robert Rebecca 01/11/1827 ANDERSON Thomas Robert Rebecca 10/06/1830 BAIRD Theophilus Theophilus not recorded 10/08/1819 BARNHILL Catherine William not recorded 30/06/1823 BARNHILL Elizabeth James not recorded 23/07/1821 BARNHILL Elizabeth William not recorded 14/10/1821 BARNHILL James John not recorded 10/05/1827 BARNHILL James William not recorded 21/12/1825 BARNHILL Janet James not recorded 04/02/1826 BARNHILL Robert William Ann 05/02/1832 BARNHILL Thomas John not recorded 31/12/1821 BARNHILL Thomas John not recorded 28/10/1824 BARNHILL William John not recorded 10/08/1830 BARNHILL William William Ann 14/09/1828 BEATTIE Jane John Mary 11/08/1834 BLAIR Alexander William Barbara 09/10/1890 BLAIR Andrew Hamilton Jane 01/02/1892 BLAIR Anne Hamilton Ann 06/05/1850 BLAIR Anne Robert Rebecca 10/03/1834 BLAIR Anne William Mary 07/10/1849 BLAIR Catharine John Isabella 15/07/1840 BLAIR Catharine Robert Catharine 20/11/1832 BLAIR David William Mary 14/04/1851 BLAIR Elizabeth James Elizabeth 22/10/1887 BLAIR Elizabeth Robert Rebecca 01/03/1830 BLAIR Hamilton Hamilton Ann 06/05/1855 BLAIR Hugh Hamilton Ann 10/11/1858 BLAIR Isabella James Elizabeth 03/01/1896 BLAIR Isabella Robert Rebecca 24/12/1831 BLAIR Isabella William Rebecca 17/05/1892 BLAIR Isabella William Mary ?/11/1838 BLAIR James James Elizabeth 17/07/1893 BLAIR James Robert Rebecca 02/04/1837 BLAIR Jane William Mary ?/?/1853 BLAIR John Alexander Martha 16/08/1839 BLAIR John William Barbara ?/?/1888 BLAIR John William Jane 06/10/1855 BLAIR John William Mary 14/05/1843 BLAIR Margaret Alexander Martha 02/05/1841 BLAIR Margaret James Elizabeth 04/05/1889 BLAIR Martha William Barbara 22/06/1894 BLAIR Martha William Mary 18/04/1835 BLAIR Mary James Not stated 14/09/1820 BLAIR Mary John Isabella ?/11/1843 BLAIR Mary William Mary 30/11/1836 BLAIR Matilda Alexander Martha 18/04/1847 BLAIR Matilda Hamilton Jane 10/10/1896 BLAIR Matilda James Elizabeth 22/01/1885 BLAIR Rebecca Robert Rebecca 07/05/1836 BLAIR Sarah Alexander Martha 05/03/1840 BLAIR Sarah Alexander Martha 05/03/1840 BLAIR Sarah Hamilton Anne 05/03/1840 BLAIR William Robert Catharine 26/09/1827 BLAIR William William Mary 14/11/1840 BOOTH Thomas Thomas Jane 26/07/1886 BRYSON Anne Oliver Phemy? 21/08/1853 BRYSON Esther John Not stated 08/03/1824 BRYSON Fanny John Not stated 23/07/1825 BRYSON Isabella John Not stated 24/05/1826 BRYSON James John Not stated 17/01/1824 BRYSON John John Not stated 14/11/1821 BRYSON Matilda John Not stated 22/01/1820 BRYSON Ruth John Not stated 23/09/1819 BRYSON Samuel John Not stated 13/09/1829 BRYSON Samuel Oliver Phensy 04/02/1849 BUCHANAN Anne George Margaret 14/03/1850 BUCHANAN Margaret George Margaret 14/07/1855 BUCHANAN Mary George Catharine 29/03/1832 BUCHANAN Mary George Margaret ?/11/1847 BUCHANAN Matthew George Catharine 14/05/1830 BUCHANAN Nancy George Catharine 16/03/1834 BUCHANAN Sarah George Margaret 14/08/1852 BUCHANAN James Mathew NG 20/09/1821 BUCHANAN Eleanor Matthew Margaret 18/01/1832 BUCHANAN Jane Matthew Margaret 22/04/1836 BUCHANAN Martha Matthew Margaret 09/03/1834 BUCHANAN Matthew Matthew Not stated 10/03/1825 BUCHANAN Nancy Matthew Margaret 09/06/1829 BUCHANAN William Matthew Not stated 03/05/1823 BUCHANAN Andrew William Isabella 01/02/1832 BUCHANAN Elizabeth William Sarah 12/?/1839 BUCHANAN Margaret William Sarah 01/05/1842 BUCHANAN Mary William Sarah ?/04/1844 BUCHANAN Matthew William Sarah ?/08/1850 BUCHANAN Sarah William Sarah 27/06/1847 BUCHANAN William William Sarah 04/01/1836 BONNELL Andrew James Jane 22/05/1829 BURNS Margaret Joseph Maria 09/09/1880 CALDWELL Alexander Robert Jane 07/07/1846 CALDWELL Anne Isaac Not stated 05/01/1821 CALDWELL Catherine Isaac Not stated 1822/03/31 CALDWELL Elizabeth Robert Jane 20/03/1853 CALDWELL Isabella Isaac Not stated 03/04/1825 CALDWELL John William Sarah 11/05/1880 CALDWELL Margaret Robert Jane 10/06/1837 CALDWELL Margaret William Sarah 04/03/1874 CALDWELL Martha Robert Jane 12/06/1842 CALDWELL Martha William Sarah 03/02/1876 CALDWELL Nancy James Not stated 15/09/1820 CALDWELL Rebecca Robert Jane 02/12/1835 CALDWELL Rebecca Robert Jane 04/08/1844 CALDWELL Rebecca William Sarah 28/02/1878 CALDWELL Robert Robert Jane 04/11/1839 CALDWELL Sarah Robert Jane ?/06/1851 CALDWELL Sarah William Mary 06/07/1837 CALDWELL William Isaac Not stated 19/12/1823 CALDWELL William Robert Jane 03/09/1848 CAMPBELL Isaac William Mary 10/11/1837 CAMPBELL James William Mary 20/05/1839 CAMPBELL John William Mary 03/03/1850 CAMPBELL Matilda William Mary ?/10/1843 CAMPBELL Thomas John Mary 10/07/1829 CAMPBELL William William Mary 02/06/1848 CARSON Elizabeth John Not stated 04/10/1822 CARSON James John Not stated 15/09/1829 CARSON Jane John Not stated 10/01/1825 CARSON John John Isabella 19/?/1839 CARSON John John Not stated 20/03/1827 CARSON Margaret James Not stated 08/01/1846 CARSON Thomas John Isabella 07/02/1829 CHAMBERS Andrew William Elizabeth 01/07/1844 CHAMBERS Jane William Elizabeth 03/01/1847 CLELLAN Nancy James Nancy 20/03/1828 COLHOUN Anna William Mary 01/05/1875 COLHOUN Joseph Thomas not stated ?/03/1853 CRAIG Elizabeth Robert Jane 06/05/1830 CRAIG Joseph Robert Jane 9/02/1833 CRAIG Margaret Robert Not stated 10/07/1826 CRAIG Nancy Robert Jane 23/02/1828 CRAIG Sarah Robert Jane 18/09/1834 CROCKETT Esther John Isabella 23/07/1849 CROW Annie James Catherine 19/05/1881 CROW Catherine James Catherine 20/02/1876 CROW David James Catherine 09/06/1877 CROW Margaret James Catherine 23/05/1883 CROW Mary James Catherine 11/04/1879 CRUDDEN Alexander Robert Elizabeth 21/04/1833 CUMMINS Catherine Joseph Not stated 06/02/1821 CUMMINS Elizabeth John Not stated 11/11/1820 CUMMINS James John Not stated 20/06/1827 CUMMINS James Joseph Not stated 23/12/1822 CUMMINS John John Anne 26/08/1836 CUMMINS Margaret John Anne 09/05/1833 CUMMINS Margaret Joseph Not stated 04/11/1825 CUMMINS Matilda John Anne 23/09/1830 CUMMINS Nancy John Not stated 19/07/1823 CUMMINS Robert John Anne 29/04/1839 CUMMINS Robert Joseph Margaret 26/04/1828 CUNNINGHAM Andrew John Susanna 26/10/1829 CUNNINGHAM John James Not stated 01/11/1822 CUNNINGHAM Margaret John Susanna 16/04/1826 CUNNINGHAM William James Not stated 04/08/1820 DEERY James John Jane 31/10/1879 DEERY John John Jane 23/05/1882 DEERY Samuel John Jane 13/06/1875 DENNY Armstrong William Not stated 31/12/1826 DENNY Catherine William Not stated 12/04/1825 DENNY Elizabeth William Elizabeth 19/08/1828 DENNY James William Not stated 16/03/1822 DENNY Jane William Not stated 24/08/1823 DENNY Margaret William Not stated 19/05/1830 DEVINE Annie William Elizabeth 12/11/1896 DEVINE Sarah William Elizabeth 06/02/1898 DONNELL Andrew Andrew Martha 29/11/1842 DONNELL Fanny Andrew Fanny 09/01/1891 DONNELL George Andrew Not stated 16/06/1823 DONNELL George James Jane 20/03/1846 DONNELL James Andrew Sarah 06/08/1854 DONNELL James James Jane 10/02/1837 DONNELL Jane Andrew Martha 17/?/1839 DONNELL John Andrew Ellen ?/02/1847 DONNELL John Andrew Martha 22/12/1836 DONNELL John Andrew Martha 08/01/1846 DONNELL John Andrew Sarah 08/03/1856 DONNELL Margaret Andrew Ellen ?/?/1845 DONNELL Margaret Andrew Sarah 03/06/1861 DONNELL Margaret James Jane 08/08/1834 DONNELL Martha David Margaret 26/06/1834 DONNELL Martha James Jane 28/02/1839 DONNELL Mary Andrew Not stated 28/08/1819 DONNELL Mary David Margaret 22/09/1832 DONNELL Mary George Elizabeth 13/01/1847 DONNELL Mary James Jane 13/01/1832 DONNELL Matilda Andrew Ellen ?/01/1849 DONNELL Sarah Andrew Sarah ?/10/1859 DONNELL William Andrew Sarah ?/11/1852 DONNELL William James Jane 19/12/1844 DORROUGH Sarah John Mary 01/09/1833 DOUGHERTY Andrew John Esther 10/07/1835 DOUGHERTY Esther John Esther 14/12/1836 DOUGHERTY John John Esther 01/01/1833 DOUGHERTY Martha James Jane 20/02/1838 DOUGHERTY Mary John Esther 01/04/1830 DOUGHERTY Rebecca John Not stated 08/08/1838 DOUGHERTY Robert James Jane 23/02/1835 DOUGHERTY Robert John Esther 03/04/1842 DOUGHERTY William James Jane 20/09/1832 ELLIOTT Alexander John Isabella 08/08/1875 ELLIOTT John John Isabella 26/02/1883 ELLIOTT Martha John Isabella 30/10/1872 ELLIOTT Samuel John Isabella 28/01/1878 ELLIOTT Samuel John Isabella 07/07/1880 ELLISON Andrew William Elizabeth 10/10/1829 ELLISON Andrew William Elizabeth 08/05/1833 ELLISON James William Isabella 3/7/1837 EWING Anne John Not stated 07/09/1821 EWING Isabella Thomas Not stated 01/04/1826 EWING Sarah Thomas Not stated 18/01/1824 FINTON Catherine William Maria 01/10/1824 FINTON Elizabeth William Maria 13/07/1827 FINTON Mary William Maria 21/04/1831 FINTON Robert William Maria 28/05/1829 FORSYTHE Jane Not stated Not stated 07/07/1846 GALBRAITH Jane Andrew Margaret 12/03/1861 GALBRAITH Martha Andrew Not stated 22/04/1825 GALBRAITH Moses Andrew Not stated 08/11/1819 GALBRAITH Not stated J. Not stated ?/03/1854 GARDINER James Samuel Mary 28/02/1847 GARDINER John Samuel Mary 02/06/1844 GARDINER Mary Joseph Susanna 19/05/1839 GARDINER Rebecca Samuel Mary 08/01/1846 GARDNER Anne John Jane 27/09/1838 GARDNER Anne Joseph Susanna 03/04/1832 GARDNER Catherine Samuel Jane 01/03/1835 GARDNER Elizabeth Samuel Jane 07/03/1833 GARDNER John John Margaret 02/08/1831 GARDNER Joseph John Margaret 12/10/1821 GARDNER Margaret John Jane 30/12/1831 GARDNER Mary Samuel Jane 06/05/1830 GARDNER Robert John Margaret 13/12/1827 GARDNER Samuel John Margaret 12/03/1820 GARDNER Sarah Samuel Jane 21/02/1837 GARDNER Susanna Joseph Susanna 11/06/1835 GARDNER William John Jane 26/02/1835 GARDNER William Samuel Jane 17/10/1828 GILFILLAN Jane William Margaret 01/05/1842 GILFILLAN Joseph William Margaret 04/07/1840 GILFILLAN Margaret William Margaret 27/10/1838 GLEN Hugh Samuel Elizabeth 02/05/1847 GLEN John James Not stated 16/07/1854 GOORLY Alexander Adam Abigail 10/06/1832 GOORLY Andrew Andrew Martha 24/06/1840 GOORLY Charles Gerard Margaret 16/07/1832 GOORLY Christian Mathew Not stated 15/03/1832 GOORLY David Leonard Margaret 26/12/1829 GOORLY Eleanor Gerard Margaret 15/10/1820 GOORLY Gerard Gerard Margaret 11/02/1835 GOORLY Henry Andrew Martha 17/07/1837 GOORLY Henry Andrew Not stated 17/03/1820 GOORLY James Adam Abigail 19/11/1825 GOORLY James Mathew Esther 21/11/1832 GOORLY John Andrew Not stated 02/12/1821 GOORLY John Gerard Margaret 13/06/1827 GOORLY Joseph Andrew Not stated 20/04/1824 GOORLY Joseph Moses Martha 28/05/1836 GOORLY Letitia Andrew Martha 12/07/1831 GOORLY Margaret Gerard Margaret 17/01/1825 GOORLY Margaret Moses Martha 20/10/1824 GOORLY Margaret Moses Martha 11/01/1829 GOORLY Martha Moses Martha 10/11/1831 GOORLY Mary Gerard Margaret 16/02/1830 GOORLY Mary Mathew Esther 26/01/1831 GOORLY Matilda Adam Abigail 15/02/1827 GOORLY Matilda Andrew Martha 25/03/1834 GOORLY Matilda Gerard Margaret 17/10/1822 GOORLY Matilda Leonard Margaret 20/11/1841 GOORLY Matilda Leonard Margaret 04/01/1833 GOORLY Rachel Leonard Margaret 20/02/1831 GOORLY Rebecca Andrew Not stated 15/08/1826 GOORLY Sarah Andrew Martha 12/05/1829 GOORLY Susan Adam Abigail 28/10/1829 GOORLY Susan Moses Martha 14/06/1826 GOORLY Susanna Gerard Margaret 29/01/1838 GOORLY William Adam Abigail 28/09/1824 GOORLY William Adam Abigail 20/06/1835 GOORLY William Moses Martha 02/01/1834 GORDON Alexander Alexander Letitia 04/07/1835 GORDON Andrew William Jane 12/06/1834 GORDON Elizabeth Andrew Catherine 21/01/1837 GORDON Elizabeth Robert Not stated 09/10/1842 GORDON Elizabeth William Jane 31/03/1831 GORDON Fanny James Fanny 02/04/1846 GORDON James James Fanny 09/10/1842 GORDON Jane James Fanny 24/09/1839 GORDON Letitia Alexander Letitia ?/07/1844 GORDON Mary James Fanny 09/09/1836 GORDON Mary William Not stated 05/12/1826 GORDON Sarah William Jane 16/11/1828 GORDON William Andrew Catherine 24/08/1834 GORDON William James Fanny 17/02/1834 GORDON William William Jane 24/01/1838 GOURLEY Andrew Andrew Mary 16/07/1899 GOURLEY David Samuel Rebecca 05/08/1849 GOURLEY Elizabeth Robert Mary 08/01/1887 GOURLEY Robert Gareth Jane 30/05/1853 GOURLEY Robert Samuel Rebecca 12/04/1851 GOURLEY Samuel Andrew Mary 17/07/1893 GOURLEY Samuel Robert Mary 08/01/1889 GOURLEY Sarah Gareth Jane ?/11/1851 GOURLEY Solomon Andrew Mary 12/04/1892 GRAHAM Elizabeth David Anne 02/08/1829 GRAHAM Jane William Mary 20/01/1887 GRAHAM William William Mary 10/05/1884 GREY Elizabeth John Martha 31/10/1828 GREY Jane John Martha 21/09/1822 GREY Joseph John Martha 26/05/1824 GREY Margaret John Martha 08/12/1830 GREY Rebecca John Martha 11/06/1826 GUY Alice J. Elizabeth 28/10/1886 GUY Annie J. Elizabeth 01/10/1876 GUY Evangeline J. Elizabeth 20/10/1880 GUY George J. Elizabeth 16/01/1883 GUY James J. Elizabeth 21/07/1878 GUY Minnie J. Elizabeth 05/08/1884 GUY Samuel J. Elizabeth 24/06/1891 GUY William J. Elizabeth 04/02/1889 HALL John Samuel Anne 05/04/1858 HALL Rebecca Samuel Anne 02/04/1859 HALL Robert Samuel Anne 28/05/1861 HALL Sarah Samuel Anne 05/04/1856 HAMILTON Andrew Michael Nancy 10/07/1833 HAMILTON Catherine Michael Nancy 16/11/1835 HAMILTON Elizabeth Michael Nancy 06/12/1840 HAMILTON Fanny Michael Nancy 11/07/1845 HAMILTON William James Not stated 18/08/1819 HAMILTON William Michael Nancy 06/03/1830 HANAGAN Elizabeth John Elizabeth 24/10/1828 HANAGAN James John Elizabeth 20/10/1834 HANAGAN John John Catherine ?/06/1840 HANAGAN John John Elizabeth 20/06/1838 HANAGAN Mary John Elizabeth 13/08/1832 HANNIGAN John John Elizabeth 06/05/1837 HEGARTY James Samuel Rebecca 02/01/1898 HENDERSON Elizabeth John Not stated 18/06/1842 HENDERSON Francis Alexander Martha 21/08/1842 HENDERSON John Alexander Martha 21/07/1854 HENDERSON Joseph Alexander Martha 21/07/1854 HENDERSON Margaret Alexander Martha 07/06/1839 HENDERSON Martha Alexander Martha 01/07/1858 HENDERSON Mary Alexander Martha 07/07/1856 HENDERSON Not stated Alexander Martha 01/02/1846 HEPBURN Dolly James Not stated 28/08/1819 HOLMES Annie Charles Jane 08/12/1857 HOLMES Charles Charles Jane 01/08/1846 HOLMES Eleanor Charles Jane 14/02/1844 HOLMES Elizabeth Charles Jane 10/03/1855 HOLMES Hugh Charles Jane 04/03/1851 HOLMES James David Jane 12/03/1873 HOLMES John Charles Jane 03/04/1842 HOLMES Margaret Charles Jane 08/12/1836 HOLMES Mary Charles Jane 13/12/1838 HOLMES Matilda William Elizabeth 22/06/1896 HOLMES Rebecca Charles Jane 04/02/1849 HOLMES Samuel William Elizabeth 22/12/1898 HOLMES William William Elizabeth 19/01/1898 HOOD Rebecca William Mary 11/08/1856 HOOD Thomas William Mary 03/06/1873 HOOD William William Mary 09/10/1856 HOUSTON James John Anne 13/02/1839 HOUSTON Jane John Anne 05/11/1836 HOUSTON William John Anne 07/01/1849 HUNTER Daniel Alexander Elizabeth ?/11/1832 HUSTON Anne James Sarah 07/07/1850 HUSTON Anne John Anne 13/07/1845 HUSTON David James Sarah 07/05/1848 HUSTON Fanny James Sarah 12/10/1859 HUSTON James James Sarah 10/05/1853 HUSTON Jane James Sarah ?/11/1845 HUSTON John John Anne ?/08/1850 HUSTON Martha John Anne 14/06/1841 HUSTON Sarah James Sarah 09/07/1857 HUSTON Sarah John Anne 16/04/1854 JACK Elizabeth Henry Elizabeth 06/12/1834 JACK James Henry Not stated 31/05/1821 JACK Mary Henry Not stated 06/07/1825 JACK Mary James Not stated 28/06/1820 JACK Samuel Henry Elizabeth 04/08/1828 JACK William Henry Elizabeth 18/05/1823 JOHNESTOCK? Bessie Arthur Margaret 28/06/1820 JOHNSTON Alexander James Mary 15/04/1830 JOHNSTON David James Mary 22/12/1823 JOHNSTON James James Not stated 10/07/1820 KERNEY Eleanor James Not stated 03/05/1836 KERNEY Ellen John Rebecca 07/05/1843 KERNEY James James Jane 09/11/1844 KERNEY James James Not stated 16/05/1861 KERNEY John James Not stated 09/11/1844 KERNEY John James Jane 09/11/1844 KERNEY John James Not stated 13/05/1828 KERNEY John James Rebecca 01/03/1827 KERNEY John Robert Rebecca 18/01/1840 KERNEY Joseph James Jane 04/07/1836 KERNEY Joseph James Not stated 13/05/1828 KERNEY Mary James Jane 04/07/1847 KERNEY Mary John Rebecca 11/04/1825 KERNEY Nancy John Rebecca 07/06/1833 KERNEY Rebecca John Rebecca 15/06/1832 KERNEY Rebecca John Rebecca 24/11/1840 KERNEY Robert James Not stated 20/11/1826 KERNEY Robert John Rebecca 30/04/1829 KERNEY Samuel John Rebecca 19/03/1838 KERNEY William James Not stated 23/11/1825 KERNEY William John Rebecca 14/08/1835 KERNEY William Robert Rebecca 04/06/1837 KILPATRICK Andrew James Not stated 12/03/1824 KILPATRICK Elizabeth James Not stated 11/03/1827 KILPATRICK Joseph James Not stated 12/07/1821 KINCAID Mary James Elizabeth 30/06/1833 KING Frances Moses Mary 12/05/1859 KING Gabriel Moses Mary 12/05/1859 KING Isabella Moses Mary 28/04/1832 KING James Moses Not stated 22/10/1821 KING John Moses Mary 07/07/1836 KING Martha Moses Elizabeth 31/05/1874 KING Martha Moses Mary 08/08/1829 KING Mary Moses Not stated 27/11/1823 KING Moses James Anne ?/06/1853 KING Moses Moses Not stated 16/10/1826 KING Robert Moses Elizabeth 13/06/1872 KINNEY Arthur Robert Rebecca 11/08/1845 KINNEY Elizabeth James Jane 06/12/1852 LAFFERTY Grizel James Nancy 08/07/1830 LAFFERTY John James Nancy 20/08/1827 LEATT Sarah William Margaret 09/06/1837 LEGGATE Charles Charles Mary 06/06/1892 LEGGATE Frederick Charles Mary 22/12/1893 LEVER Alexander William Margaret ?/04/1844 LEVER George William Margaret ?/07/1841 LEVER Jane William Margaret 20/03/1839 LEVER Margaret William Margaret ?/07/1849 LEVER Robert William Margaret 13/07/1852 LEVER William William Margaret 07/07/1846 LIDDLE Hannah John Died at Birth? 02/04/1828 LIDDLE John John Not stated 29/04/1822 LIDDLE William James Nancy 15/01/1829 LITTLE Sarah John Not stated 22/01/1845 LOCKART Samuel William Margaret 26/06/1898 LOW James James Not stated 22/12/1826 LOWRY Andrew James Not stated 01/09/1822 LOWRY George Marshall Jane 18/06/1839 LOWRY Margaret Robert Jane 04/10/1877 LOWRY Mary Marshall Jane ?/09/1840 LOWRY Richard Marshall Jane 08/12/1837 LOWRY Robert Robert Jane 01/06/1873 LOWRY William Robert Jane 12/06/1875 MACKEY Andrew William Not stated 30/09/1833 MACKEY Anne William Not stated 06/12/1820 MACKEY George William Not stated 07/01/1828 MACKEY James William Not stated 25/08/1830 MACKEY William William Not stated 02/04/1826 MARSHALL Anne John Mary 10/01/1834 MARSHALL Eleanor John Mary 16/04/1828 MARSHALL Elizabeth John Mary 20/08/1838 MARSHALL Margaret John Mary 11/04/1840 MARSHALL Mary John Mary 11/08/1836 MAXWELL Jane Joseph Mary 17/10/1888 MAXWELL Joseph Joseph Mary 09/07/1885 MCBETH Andrew John Mary 20/11/1853 MCBETH Catherine Alexander Elizabeth 07/07/1854 MCBETH David John Elizabeth 10/07/1891 MCBETH Eleanor Robert Susanna 16/03/1836 MCBETH Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth 24/05/1849 MCBETH Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth 24/05/1849 MCBETH Elizabeth John Not stated 18/?/1839 MCBETH Elizabeth John Elizabeth 26/08/1895 MCBETH Elizabeth John not recorded 18/?/1839 MCBETH Elizabeth Robert Susanna 01/07/1839 MCBETH Elizabeth Robert Susanna 01/07/1839 MCBETH Ellen Alexander Elizabeth 04/12/1851 MCBETH Fanny Andrew Rebecca ?/11/1848 MCBETH Frances John Mary 15/09/1835 MCBETH Frances Joseph Margaret 11/05/1897 MCBETH Frances Robert Rebecca 19/03/1894 MCBETH George John Elizabeth 08/04/1861 MCBETH George Robert Susanna 02/10/1826 MCBETH Isabella John Mary ?/03/1851 MCBETH Isabella John Mary 01/03/1861 MCBETH James John Elizabeth 02/05/1882 MCBETH James Robert Rebecca 12/02/1888 MCBETH Jane Andrew Rebecca 08/05/1838 MCBETH Jane John Elizabeth 04/04/1859 MCBETH Jane John not recorded ?/05/1844 MCBETH John Alexander Elizabeth 19/12/1844 MCBETH John John Elizabeth 26/12/1889 MCBETH John John Mary 02/07/1843 MCBETH John Joseph Margaret 24/11/1889 MCBETH Joseph John Mary 21/12/1845 MCBETH Joseph Robert Rebecca 26/05/1883 MCBETH Margaret John Mary 06/08/1848 MCBETH Margaret Joseph Margaret 09/08/1893 MCBETH Martha John Elizabeth 09/05/1884 MCBETH Mary Alexander Elizabeth 25/01/1847 MCBETH Mary John Mary 26/11/1840 MCBETH Mary Joseph Margaret 01/02/1888 MCBETH Mary Robert Rebecca 18/05/1890 MCBETH Mary William Jane 03/12/1838 MCBETH Matilda Joseph Margaret 25/04/1895 MCBETH Rebecca Robert Rebecca 15/07/1879 MCBETH Robert Andrew Rebecca 27/11/1843 MCBETH Robert John Mary 19/03/1838 MCBETH Robert Robert not stated 10/09/1822 MCBETH Robert Robert Rebecca 12/04/1886 MCBETH Robert Robert Susanna 28/12/1829 MCBETH Sarah John Elizabeth 28/03/1880 MCBETH Susanna Robert Susanna 15/08/1832 MCBETH William Alexander Elizabeth 20/04/1859 MCBETH William John Elizabeth 23/04/1887 MCBETH William Joseph Margaret 13/10/1891 MCBETH William Robert Rebecca 23/09/1881 MCBETH William William not stated 02/05/1847 MCCLEARY Margaret Thomas Not stated 23/07/1854 MCCLEARY Sarah Thomas Not stated 08/08/1852 MCCLINTOCK Andrew James Not stated 04/05/1822 MCCLINTOCK Catherine Alexander Mary 01/02/1836 MCCLINTOCK Daniel Daniel Not stated 14/0611828 MCCLINTOCK Elizabeth Daniel Not stated 11/04/1821 MCCLINTOCK Elizabeth Daniel Not stated 09/01/1827 MCCLINTOCK Hugh George Jane 01/06/1827 MCCLINTOCK Jane Daniel Not stated 30/01/1823 MCCLINTOCK John Daniel Not stated 08/07/1825 MCCLINTOCK Margaret George Jane 09/06/1829 MCCLINTOCK Nancy David Not stated 02/01/1820 MCCONNEL Margaret James Isabella 16/05/1899 MCCONNEL Martha Andrew Eleanor 06/04/1828 MCCORKELL Barbara Thomas Margaret 17/07/1839 MCCREA Andrew William S. 23/09/1843 MCCREA Anne William S. 02/01/1845 MCCREA Archibald William S. 21/02/1847 MCCREA David Thomas Jane 07/09/1834 MCCREA Henry William S. 23/09/1856 MCCREA James Samuel Not stated 12/03/1822 MCCREA Margaret William S. 06/08/1848 MCCREA Martha Samuel Not stated 25/11/1824 MCCREA Mary William S. ?/08/1850 MCCREA Nathaniel Samuel Not stated 17/04/1826 MCCREA Robert William S. 16/04/1854 MCCREA Sarah William S. 08/11/1858 MCCRODDAN Charles James Margaret 29/12/1836 MCCRODDAN Elizabeth Robert Elizabeth 10/12/1838 MCCRODDAN James James Margaret 12/07/1828 MCCRODDAN James Robert Elizabeth ?/02/1845 MCCRODDAN Jane James Not stated 27/01/1820 MCCRODDAN Jane James Not stated 10/07/1823 MCCRODDAN John James Not stated 14/03/1821 MCCRODDAN Joseph James Margaret 12/01/1834 MCCRODDAN Joseph Robert Elizabeth 10/02/1835 MCCRODDAN Margaret James Margaret 17/02/1839 MCCRODDAN Mathew James Not stated 08/11/1825 MCCRODDAN Mathew Robert Elizabeth 16/06/1830 MCCRODDAN Robert James Margaret 08/01/1831 MCDERMOTT Fanny John Mary 01/05/1836 MCDERMOTT Isabella John Mary 26/12/1826 MCDERMOTT Thomas John Mary 24/07/1839 MCELWEE Anne William Not stated 25/12/1826 MCFARLAND Alexander Alexander Margaret 09/01/1898 MCFARLAND Andrew Alexander Margaret 27/04/1890 MCFARLAND Andrew William Elizabeth 03/12/1893 MCFARLAND Catherine Alexander Margaret 09/01/1882 MCFARLAND Eleanor Alexander Margaret 16/10/1892 MCFARLAND Elizabeth George Elizabeth 02/12/1849 MCFARLAND Elizabeth James Not stated 13/04/1820 MCFARLAND Fanny William Margaret 26/05/1840 MCFARLAND Isabella Andrew Elizabeth 10/01/1861 MCFARLAND James Alexander Margaret 04/08/1887 MCFARLAND James William Margaret 11/06/1843 MCFARLAND Jane Finley Elizabeth 06/10/1844 MCFARLAND Jane William Rebecca 31/10/1837 MCFARLAND John Alexander Margaret 17/04/1885 MCFARLAND John William Margaret ?/11/1848 MCFARLAND Margaret Andrew Elizabeth 18/08/1873 MCFARLAND Margaret William Margaret 14/09/1845 MCFARLAND Martha Robert Not stated 01/03/1840 MCFARLAND Mary George Elizabeth 23/07/1854 MCFARLAND Mary William Margaret ?/10/1851 MCFARLAND Rebecca Andrew Elizabeth 08/10/1856 MCFARLAND Rebecca Not stated Rebecca 21/10/1878 MCFARLAND Sarah Andrew Elizabeth 08/04/1859 MCFARLANE Alexander John Mary 06/08/1837 MCFARLANE Anne John Mary 19/01/1833 MCFARLANE Robert Alexander Margaret 08/11/1879 MCFARLANE Robert John Mary 21/06/1834 MCFARLANE Samuel John Mary 04/10/1840 MCFARLANE William John Mary 21/12/1830 MCFAWN Archibald James Elizabeth 15/11/1828 MCFAWN Archibald James Elizabeth 08/04/1830 MCFAWN Elizabeth James Elizabeth 08/04/1827 MCHUGH Andrew William Anne ?/03/1851 MCHUGH Anne William Anne MCHUGH Annie John Sarah 07/09/1893 MCHUGH Hugh? William Anne 02/04/1846 MCHUGH John John Isabella 04/04/1838 MCHUGH John William Not stated 24/05/1849 MCHUGH Mary William Not stated 07/07/1844 MCHUGH Moses Charles Not stated 08/01/1820 MCHUGH Not stated William Not stated 04/09/1842 MCHUGH Sally Charles Not stated 20/10/1824 MCHUGH Samuel Charles Not stated 29/06/1827 MCHUGH William John Sarah 28/02/1888 MCHUGH William William Jane 26/02/1840 MCHUGH William William Not stated 24/03/1827 MCINTIRE Mary Samuel Not stated 23/12/1819 MCKANE Alexander John Jane 27/06/1854 MCKENNEY Mary Stewart Not stated 27/06/1847 MCKENNY Robert Stewart Not stated 15/11/1844 MCKENNY William Stewart Not stated 06/09/1852 MCKIE Johnston William Not stated 17/08/1822 MCKIE Mary William Not stated 03/01/1824 MCKIE Robert William Not stated 17/12/1825 MCKIM John Robert Elizabeth 27/05/1833 MCKIM Mary Robert Elizabeth 12/10/1829 MCKINNY Stewart Stewart Not stated 03/03/1850 MCMAKAN John Alexander Not stated 20/03/1853 MCRUDDEN Marshall John Not stated 24/12/1825 MCRUDDEN Mary Robert Elizabeth 05/03/1842 MEHAFFY Elizabeth John Not stated 06/09/1821 MEHAFFY Elizabeth John Not stated 15/05/1826 MEHAFFY John John Not stated 17/11/1823 MEHAFFY Robert John Mary 03/05/1823 MEHAFFY Samuel John Mary 29/12/1834 MEHAFFY William John Mary 30/10/1839 MELON Anne Andrew Jane 11/11/1828 MELON Anne John Elizabeth 29/09/1832 MELON Archibald John Not stated 15/05/1826 MELON Catharine Andrew Jane 25/11/1826 MELON Elizabeth John Elizabeth 06/04/1830 MELON Isabella John Not stated 09/09/1819 MELON John John Not stated 02/02/1822 MELON John John Not stated 25/06/1824 MELON Mary John Elizabeth 12/04/1828 MICKIE Elizabeth John Not stated 09/09/1821 MIDDLETON Margaret Samuel Not stated 31/03/1823 MIDDLETON Robert Robert Isabella 30/12/1841 MIDDLETON Samuel Robert Isabella 29/10/1840 MIDDLETON Susan Samuel Not stated 20/07/1825 MITCHELL Alexander Thomas Margaret 08/04/1830 MITCHELL Peggy Thomas Not stated 21/10/1825 MITCHELL Thomas Thomas Margaret 26/07/1828 MITCHELL William Thomas Margaret 27/06/1827 MOOR Catharine James Not stated 26/02/1826 MOOR Galbraith James Not stated 31/12/1821 MOOR John James Not stated 30/03/1824 MOOR Margery James Not stated 17/04/1820 MOORE Alexander Samuel Letitia 05/12/1890 MOORE Elizabeth Samuel Letitia 12/10/1896 MOORE Foster Samuel Letitia 08/01/1889 MOORE Galbraith Samuel Letitia 24/04/1895 MOORE Letitia Samuel Letitia 22/01/1882 MOORE Robert Samuel Letitia 16/03/1893 MOORE Samuel Samuel Letitia 06/07/1879 MOORE Thomas Samuel Letitia 08/06/1886 MOORE William Samuel Letitia 13/05/1884 MORROW Andrew William Mary 24/04/1833 MORROW James William Mary 06/09/1836 MORROW Martha William Not stated 12/08/1825 MORROW Mary William Not stated 19/01/1823 MORROW Robert William Not stated 26/04/1820 MORROW William William Mary 03/06/1830 ORR Catherine William Margaret 16/08/1834 PARKE Catharine Isaac Mary 16/11/183 PARKER Jane Samuel Rebecca 09/07/1896 PARKER Margaret William Jane 29/10/1857 PARKER Maria William Jane 29/12/1853 PARKER Mathew William Jane 18/04/1850 PARKER Matilda William Jane 14/05/1848 PARKER Samuel William Jane 10/05/1855 PARKER William Samuel Rebecca 04/03/1899 PATTERSON Alexander Robert Mary 17/06/1829 PATTERSON Alexander William Margaret 03/07/1898 PATTERSON Anne James Not stated 17/04/1824 PATTERSON Caldwell James Not stated 07/03/1822 PATTERSON James James Not stated 05/11/1821 PATTERSON James Not stated Ninia 12/11/1825 PATTERSON James Samuel Not stated 09/08/1822 PATTERSON Jane Cairns Catherine 14/05/1824 PATTERSON Jane Cairns Catherine 19/07/1829 PATTERSON Jane John Sarah 25/12/1828 PATTERSON Margaret James Not stated 16/02/1820 PATTERSON Margaret John Isabella 24/09/1826 PATTERSON Martha John Isabella 12/01/1837 PATTERSON Mary Cairns Catherine 09/11/1825 PATTERSON Mary James Not stated 30/10/1826 PATTERSON Robert George Not stated 25/06/1826 PATTERSON Robert James Not stated 24/03/1825 PATTERSON Robert John Not stated 03/06/1824 PATTERSON Samuel Samuel Not stated 22/08/1819 PATTERSON Sarah James Martha 16/08/1829 PATTERSON William John Isabella 28/08/1828 PATTERSON William Robert Mary 26/12/1827 PATTON Frances Robert Margaret 01/03/1880 PATTON James Robert Margaret 20/04/1873 PATTON Mary Robert Margaret 31/12/1877 PATTON William Robert Margaret 29/05/1875 PAUL Robert William Not stated 07/01/1820 PAUL William William Not stated 27/06/1822 POLLOCK Frances Isaac Not stated 11/07/1823 POLLOCK Isabella Isaac Mary 05/10/1834 POLLOCK James Isaac Not stated 17/11/1825 POLLOCK Joseph Isaac Mary 20/11/1823 POLLOCK Martha Isaac Mary 25/05/1836 POLLOCK Nancy Isaac Mary 02/11/1828 POLLOCK Nancy William Margaret 12/05/1834 POLLOCK Samuel William Margaret 13/07/1837 POLLOCK Sarah Isaac Mary 28/08/1831 PORTER Catherine John Mary ?/?/1842 PORTER George Ninian Anne 27/02/1828 PORTER John John Mary 26/06/1840 PORTER Mary Joseph Margaret 18/10/1832 PORTER Richard Joseph Margaret 13/12/1834 PORTER Robert John Mary 07/05/1843 PORTER Robert John Margaret 09/06/1845 PORTER Sarah John Mary 10/09/1838 PORTER Stilly Joseph Margaret 11/08/1836 PORTERFIELD Alexander Robert Margaret 26/06/1888 PORTERFIELD James John Mary 06/03/1886 PORTERFIELD John Robert Mary 25/01/1884 PORTERFIELD Robert Robert Mary 07/03/1881 QUAINTAIN Elizabeth William Not stated 20/09/1819 QUAINTAIN Henry William Not stated 02/06/1822 QUAINTAIN Mary Moses Not stated 08/01/1823 QUAINTAIN Mary William Not stated 09/04/1825 QUAINTAN John William Elizabeth 10/02/1832 QUAINTAN Robert William Elizabeth 16/06/1835 QUAINTAN William William Not stated 15/08/1828 QUENTIN Not stated Not stated Not stated ?/?1854 QUENTON Elizabeth James Mary 04/07/1847 QUENTON Samuel James Mary 13/04/1845 QUENTON Sarah James Mary ?/07/1841 QUENTON William James Mary c1843 QUINTON Robert William Annie 15/09/1897 QUINTON William William Annie 17/10/1898 ROBINSON John William Anne 10/10/1832 ROBINSON Not stated William Mary c1845 RODGERS Andrew Andrew Mary ?/09/1839 RODGERS David Alexander Mary 05/03/1887 RODGERS Elizabeth J. Margaret 01/05/1873 RODGERS Thomas Andrew Mary 07/05/1836 RODGERS William Andrew Mary 28/01/1842 RODGERS William Andrew Mary 28/01/1842 ROGERS David Alexander Mary 05/03/1887 ROLLESTONE Mary Joseph Not stated ?/?/1842 ROLLISTON Alexander Joseph Not stated 07/04/1840 ROULSTON Andrew Joseph Anne 11/01/1889 ROULSTON Elizabeth Joseph Anne 25/01/1884 ROULSTON Elizabeth Joseph Mary 27/04/1835 ROULSTON James Joseph Anne 10/06/1897 ROULSTON Jeremiah Joseph Mary 01/01/1833 ROULSTON Joseph Joseph Anne 20/01/1887 ROULSTON Robert Joseph Anne 03/01/1878 ROULSTON Sarah Joseph Mary 18/08/1837 ROULSTON William Joseph Anne 21/01/1882 ROULSTONE John Joseph Anne 01/11/1879 ROULSTONE Thomas Joseph Anne 07/03/1893 ROWAN Andrew William Martha 08/01/1835 ROWAN Charles John Margaret 02/11/1895 ROWAN Elizabeth William Martha c1840 ROWAN Fanny William Martha 17/08/1837 ROWAN John John Margaret 06/09/1893 ROWAN Margaret John Margaret 01/05/1892 ROWAN Martha Robert Not stated 12/09/1819 ROWAN Nancy William Martha 16/06/1833 RULE Darkey George Mary 14/03/1880 RULE Elizabeth George Mary 15/12/1874 RULE Isabella George Mary 06/04/1878 RULE Joseph George Mary 01/02/1873 RUSSELL Margaret James Not stated 13/09/1822 SHARKEY Anne John Margaret 03/06/1832 SHARKEY Catherine Thomas Mary 02/05/1830 SHARKEY Edward Thomas Mary 12/01/1835 SHARKEY Elenor James Catherine 03/04/1833 SHARKEY Elizabeth Thomas Not stated 07/09/1823 SHARKEY Elizabeth William Not stated 05/04/1826 SHARKEY Isabella John Margaret 01/10/1828 SHARKEY James James Catherine 10/09/1834 SHARKEY Jane John Margaret 12/04/1830 SHARKEY John James Catherine 17/09/1831 SHARKEY John John Not stated 25/03/1826 SHARKEY John Thomas Mary 27/02/1828 SHARKEY John Thomas Mary 03/06/1821 SHARKEY John William Eleanor 28/11/1828 SHARKEY Margaret James Eleanor 10/03/1859 SHARKEY Margaret John Not stated 26/06/1820 SHARKEY Margaret William Eleanor 31/01/1831 SHARKEY Mary John Not stated 14/05/1824 SHARKEY Mary Thomas Mary 10/09/1837 SHARKEY Mary William Eleanor 02/02/1837 SHARKEY Nancy William Eleanor 12/12/1841 SHARKEY Rebecca John Not stated 22/07/1822 SHARKEY Rebecca Thomas Mary 18/10/1832 SHARKEY Thomas Thomas Not stated 18/11/1825 SIMISON Anne Samuel Mary 04/07/1847 SIMISON Elizabeth Samuel Mary 25/05/1849 SIMISON Robert Robert Isabella 31/10/1872 SIMISON Robert Samuel Mary 20/07/1833 SIMISON Sarah Robert Isabella 21/03/1874 SMITH Alexander Hugh Not stated 05/02/1828 SMITH Andrew Hugh Not stated 23/09/1837 SMITH Andrew Joseph Letitia ?/?/1855 SMITH Andrew Samuel Mary 19/07/1830 SMITH Anne Joseph Letitia ?/?/1853 SMITH Catharine Joseph Catherine 11/02/1838 SMITH Christian Hugh Not stated 21/06/1821 SMITH Eleanor William Not stated 25/06/1826 SMITH Elizabeth Oliver Elizabeth 30/06/1853 SMITH Hugh Hugh Not stated 21/07/1829 SMITH Isabella Andrew Isabella 10/10/1832 SMITH Isabella R. A. 18/08/1849 SMITH James Arthur Not stated 05/03/1824 SMITH James James Not stated 01/08/1828 SMITH James Joseph Not stated 18/09/1819 SMITH Jane Joseph Letitia 11/02/1858 SMITH John Andrew Isabella 01/06/1830 SMITH John Oliver Elizabeth ?/10/1849 SMITH John Oliver Elizabeth ?/08/1850 SMITH John R. A. 09/06/1852 SMITH John Robert Margaret 13/01/1836 SMITH Joseph Arthur Not stated 01/01/1821 SMITH Margaret Andrew Isabella 05/05/1825 SMITH Margaret Hugh Not stated 10/02/1832 SMITH Margaret William Margaret 02/04/1828 SMITH Martha Joseph Letitia 04/04/1860 SMITH Mary James Not stated 04/02/1849 SMITH Mary Joseph Letitia 21/01/1851 SMITH Mary Oliver Elizabeth ?/06/1851 SMITH Mary Samuel Mary 02/08/1862 SMITH Mary William Mary 27/08/1828 SMITH Nancy Joseph Catherine 31/08/1835 SMITH Rebecca Arthur Not stated 10/04/1827 SMITH Rebecca Samuel Mary 15/01/1829 SMITH Rebecca Samuel Mary 05/01/1838 SMITH Robert Hugh Not stated 15/12/1833 SMITH Robert Samuel Mary 06/04/1840 SMITH Samuel Samuel Mary 01/01/1833 SMITH Stuart William Not stated 25/10/1820 SMITH Thomas T. Not stated 02/05/1842 SMITH William Andrew Isabella 25/12/1827 SMITH William Joseph Letitia 24/05/1861 SMITH William Samuel Mary 08/12/1826 SMYTH Andrew Hugh Not stated 28/01/1839 SMYTH Frances Robert Sarah 12/08/1890 SMYTH Margaret Robert Sarah 21/08/1887 SMYTH Mary Robert Sarah 20/02/1879 SMYTH Mathew Robert Sarah 17/11/1880 SMYTH Samuel Robert Sarah 27/12/1883 SPROUL Elizabeth William Not stated 24/02/1825 SPROUL Mary William Not stated 13/07/1822 SPROUL Sarah William Not stated 03/03/1820 STEPHENSON Henry John Mary 18/10/1843 STEPHENSON James James Annie 15/05/1894 STEPHENSON John James Annie 11/07/1873 STEPHENSON John John Mary ?/03/1845 STEPHENSON Joseph John Mary ?/05/1846 STEPHENSON Margaret John Mary 14/09/1842 STEPHENSON Martha James Annie 13/12/1875 STEVENSON Alexander James Mary 29/08/1831 STEVENSON Alexander Robert Jane 04/04/1837 STEVENSON Andrew Robert Jane ?/?/1840 STEVENSON Annie James Annie 25/01/1881 STEVENSON Bessie James Annie 25/07/1889 STEVENSON Elizabeth Alexander Sarah 01/05/1899 STEVENSON Elizabeth James Mary 01/04/1829 STEVENSON Elizabeth Robert Jane 13/01/1834 STEVENSON Ephraim Robert Jane 03/07/1832 STEVENSON James Alexander Sarah 04/06/1888 STEVENSON James James Not stated 27/05/1821 STEVENSON James John Mary 27/06/1841 STEVENSON Jane Alexander Sarah 01/01/1887 STEVENSON John James Not stated 02/09/1823 STEVENSON Joseph James Not stated 06/05/1825 STEVENSON Maggie James Jane 15/05/1891 STEVENSON Mary James Annie 05/01/1878 STEVENSON Mary James Not stated 12/02/1827 STEVENSON Mary Thomas Not stated 13/11/1820 STEVENSON Mary Thomas Not stated 06/04/1824 STEVENSON Norah Alexander Sarah 27/12/1895 STEVENSON Robert James Not stated 21/05/1822 STEVENSON Robert Robert Jane 28/08/1835 STEVENSON Sarah Alexander Sarah 12/04/1894 STEVENSON Sibella Alexander Sarah 28/06/1891 STEVENSON Sibella Robert Jane 12/02/1844 STEVENSON Stephenson Robert Jane 31/10/1841 STEVENSON William James Annie 02/11/1879 STEVENSON William Robert Jane 29/09/1830 STILLY Catharine James Not stated 18/09/1823 STILLY George James Nancy 18/11/1828 STILLY James James Not stated 13/02/1827 STILLY John James Not stated 07/06/1825 STILLY Ninian James Nancy 14/12/1832 STILLY William William Not stated 16/05/1820 STUART Elizabeth John Elizabeth 01/10/1835 STUART John John Elizabeth 22/?/1839 STUART Margaret John Elizabeth 30/12/1837 STUART Robert John Elizabeth 15/12/1833 TAYLOR Anne Marshall Margaret 28/10/1833 TAYLOR Hugh Marshall Margaret ?/?/1838 TAYLOR Isabella Marshall Margaret 26/02/1835 TAYLOR Joseph Not stated Not stated 07/07/1844 TAYLOR Marshall James Marshall 10/01/1836 THOMPSON Elizabeth John Isabella 15/12/1881 THOMPSON John Andrew Isabella 20/05/1879 THRONE Catharine Robert Not stated 15/05/1829 THRONE David John Not stated 10/08/1820 THRONE Edward Edward Elizabeth 12/11/1851 THRONE Elizabeth Robert Elizabeth 17/11/1879 THRONE James John Rebecca 27/08/1827 THRONE Jane Robert Not stated 29/04/1827 THRONE John Edward Elizabeth 05/09/1847 THRONE John Robert Not stated ?/?/1838 THRONE Margaret Robert Elizabeth 03/10/1890 THRONE Margaret Robert Not stated 29/08/1833 THRONE Mary Edward Elizabeth ?/11/1857 THRONE Mary John Mary 02/06/1841 THRONE Mathew James Nancy 16/11/1829 THRONE Rebecca John Not stated 21/09/1823 THRONE Robert Edward Elizabeth 02/07/1854 THRONE Robert Robert Elizabeth 20/06/1892 THRONE Robert Robert Not stated 03/10/1835 THRONE Thomas Edward Elizabeth 02/07/1854 THRONE Thomas Robert Elizabeth 10/05/1888 THRONE William Robert Elizabeth 01/03/1898 THRONE William Robert Not stated 06/09/1825 TINNEY Andrew John Elizabeth 08/04/1856 TINNEY Anne Robert Elizabeth 09/03/1885 TINNEY Arthur John Elizabeth 03/04/1848 TINNEY Eleanor John Elizabeth 12/06/1858 TINNEY Fanny William Jane ?/12/1845 TINNEY Hugh John Elizabeth ?/05/1846 TINNEY James Andrew Not stated 01/09/1844 TINNEY James Hugh Mary 13/06/1847 TINNEY James John Elizabeth ?/?/1845 TINNEY James Robert Elizabeth 18/12/1881 TINNEY John John Elizabeth 08/03/1861 TINNEY John John Elizabeth 08/03/1861 TINNEY John William Elizabeth 25/12/1828 TINNEY Joseph James Catherine 18/04/1847 TINNEY Margaret Hugh Mary 08/01/1852 TINNEY Margaret Robert Jane 09/01/1892 TINNEY Mary John Elizabeth 04/03/1851 TINNEY Robert Hugh Mary 07/10/1849 TINNEY Robert William Jane 07/04/1839 TINNEY William John Elizabeth ?/04/1849 TINNY Alexander James Not stated 12/10/1826 TINNY Andrew Andrew Sarah 02/09/1832 TINNY Andrew Hugh Margaret 25/12/1830 TINNY Andrew William Catherine 20/11/1834 TINNY Anne William Catherine 15/12/1836 TINNY Catharine William Not stated 27/02/1823 TINNY Elizabeth Andrew Sarah 28/03/1829 TINNY Elizabeth William Not stated 18/05/1820 TINNY Fanny Hugh Margaret 31/12/1827 TINNY Fanny William Jane ?/08/1847 TINNY Fanny William Not stated 15/03/1826 TINNY George William Catharine 24/?/1839 TINNY Hugh Andrew Not stated 24/09/1820 TINNY Hugh Hugh Margaret 24/03/1833 TINNY Hugh Robert Elizabeth 04/06/1877 TINNY James Hugh Margaret 30/09/1836 TINNY James William Jane 30/03/1835 TINNY Jane William Jane ?/10/1849 TINNY John Andrew Not stated 22/11/1823 TINNY Margaret William Jane 12/02/1837 TINNY Mary Hugh Margaret 14/09/1829 TINNY Mary Hugh Mary 01/09/1844 TINNY Mary Robert Elizabeth 26/06/1879 TINNY Mathew Andrew Sarah 28/08/1835 TINNY Nancy Hugh Not stated 02/11/1825 TINNY Robert James Not stated 12/11/1820 TINNY Robert William Catherine ?/04/1844 TINNY Robert William Jane 27/06/1841 TINNY Sally Andrew Not stated 04/07/1826 TINNY Sarah Hugh Not stated 22/12/1823 TINNY Sarah James Catherine 12/12/1841 TINNY Sarah William Jane 08/12/1851 TINNY William Hugh Mary ?/?/1854 TINNY William Hugh Not stated 12/09/1821 VIRTUE Elyn Thomas Elyn 13/01/1829 VIRTUE Isabella Thomas Elyn 02/06/1831 WATSON Matilda James Not stated 08/09/1821 WEIR Alexander Alexander Anna 27/10/1881 WEIR Alexander John Elizabeth 20/05/1899 WEIR Alexander William Mary 16/10/1833 WEIR Anne Alexander Anne 14/05/1860 WEIR Anne James M. ?/03/1845 WEIR Anne James Not stated 11/08/1845 WEIR Catherine John Elizabeth 14/03/1884 WEIR Charles John Elizabeth 03/06/1891 WEIR David Samuel Not stated 22/3/1829 WEIR Elizabeth James Not stated 05/08/1849 WEIR Elizabeth John Catherine 18/04/1838 WEIR Elizabeth John Elizabeth 26/05/1896 WEIR Elizabeth William Jane 05/01/1854 WEIR Ellen Alexander Anna 25/02/1884 WEIR Hamilton James M. 08/09/1853 WEIR Henderson John Elizabeth 06/02/1887 WEIR Henry Alexander Anne 09/11/1858 WEIR Isabella Alexander Anne 26/11/1849 WEIR James Alexander Anna 28/01/1885 WEIR James James M. ?/?/1843 WEIR James James Margaret 05/11/1872 WEIR James James Mary 19/06/1838 WEIR James Robert Martha 25/03/1847 WEIR James Robert Martha ?/?/1853 WEIR James Robert Mary 08/02/1892 WEIR James Robert Martha 26/05/1849 WEIR James William Jane 12/12/1850 WEIR Jessie John Elizabeth 28/12/1860 WEIR John Alexander Anna 23/11/1882 WEIR John Alexander Anne 12/11/1852 WEIR John James M. 03/10/1847 WEIR John James Margaret 27/10/1874 WEIR John James Mary 04/11/1833 WEIR John John Catharine 14/05/1840 WEIR John John Elizabeth 08/06/1885 WEIR John Robert Martha ?/12/1851 WEIR John Robert Mary 05/07/1893 WEIR John William Mary 14/09/1835 WEIR Letitia James Not stated ?/08/1852 WEIR Margaret James Mary ?/?/1854 WEIR Margaret James Mary 25/08/1842 WEIR Margaret James Not stated 05/09/1847 WEIR Margaret Joseph Margaret 10/01/1881 WEIR Martha John Catharine 01/12/1836 WEIR Martha Samuel Not stated 19/03/1820 WEIR Mary James Margaret 03/04/1887 WEIR Mary James Mary 09/07/1832 WEIR Mary William Mary 23/11/1831 WEIR Mary William Matilda 06/07/1898 WEIR Patrick John Elizabeth 28/12/1859 WEIR Rebecca James Mary 04/12/1846 WEIR Robert James M. ?/04/1849 WEIR Robert James Margaret 20/05/1880 WEIR Robert James Margaret 29/09/1884 WEIR Robert James Margaret 29/09/1884 WEIR Robert John Elizabeth 13/03/1889 WEIR Robert Samuel Not stated 26/12/1823 WEIR Robert William Jane 02/06/1845 WEIR Samuel Samuel Not stated 12/02/1826 WEIR Sarah Robert Mary 05/01/1897 WEIR Sarah Robert Mary 10/06/1898 WEIR Thomas John Elizabeth 15/11/1893 WEIR William James Margaret 28/12/1877 WEIR William William Jane 02/08/1847 WEIR William William Jane ?/02/1849 WELCH Anne Thomas Not stated 18/03/1820 WELCH Elizabeth William Rebecca 28/05/1893 WELCH Florence William Rebecca 25/08/1896 WELCH John James Margaret 24/?/1842 WELCH John Thomas Barbara 03/10/1831 WELCH John William Not stated 10/02/1827 WELCH Maggie William Rebecca 04/09/1894 WELCH Margaret R. Jane 13/05/1858 WELCH Margaret William Margaret 10/04/1833 WELCH Mary Thomas Barbara 02/08/1834 WELCH Mary William Rebecca 28/01/1888 WELCH Rebecca Thomas Barbara 12/06/1828 WELCH Rebecca William Rebecca 10/11/1889 WELCH Robert William Margaret 10/03/1829 WELCH Sarah R. Jane ?/07/1858 WELCH Sarah William Not stated 26/01/1824 WELCH Susanna William Margaret 15/07/1831 WELCH Thomas Thomas Barbara 09/12/1825 WELCH William R. Jane ?/?/1857 WELCH William William Rebacca 26/05/1899 WHITE James Robert Not stated 29/08/1819 WHITE Nancy Robert Not stated 01/06/1824 WILKIE Aaron James Matilda ?/?/1857 WILKIE Alexander David Jane ?/?/1856 WILKIE Anne David Jane 13/03/1842 WILKIE Anne Robert Mary 09/02/1859 WILKIE Archibald James Not stated 13/10/1819 WILKIE David James Isabella 13/01/1847 WILKIE David James Matilda ?/?/1855 WILKIE David James Not stated 08/02/1827 WILKIE Elizabeth David Jane 09/09/1858 WILKIE Elizabeth William Not stated 10/04/1822 WILKIE Fanny Temple Elizabeth 22/11/1872 WILKIE Isaac Robert Not stated 12/11/1823 WILKIE James David Jane 04/07/1847 WILKIE James James Matilda 09/0/1859 WILKIE James James Matilda 30/12/1860 WILKIE James James Not stated 20/11/1821 WILKIE James John Not stated 09/05/1852 WILKIE James Robert Not stated 05/05/1821 WILKIE James Thomas Not stated 15/03/1827 WILKIE Jane David Jane 14/03/1844 WILKIE Jane Robert Not stated 16/07/1829 WILKIE Jane Robert Sarah 06/03/1844 WILKIE Jemima Temple Elizabeth 15/03/1879 WILKIE John David Jane 12/06/1852 WILKIE John James Isabella 08/09/1842 WILKIE John Thomas Not stated 08/05/1824 WILKIE Johnston Robert Sarah 21/06/1840 WILKIE Joseph Samuel Letitia 19/11/1841 WILKIE Livinia Temple Elizabeth 01/10/1874 WILKIE Margaret James Isabella 14/11/1844 WILKIE Margaret James Not stated 31/05/1823 WILKIE Mary David Jane 15/07/1854 WILKIE Mary James Isabella 14/03/1838 WILKIE Mary Robert Not stated 22/06/1826 WILKIE Mary Robert Sarah 12/06/1836 WILKIE Mary Samuel Letitia 07/12/1838 WILKIE Not stated John Not stated 23/11/1847 WILKIE Not stated Not stated Not stated 02/08/1840 WILKIE Rebecca Temple Elizabeth 31/07/1876 WILKIE Robert David Jane 20/03/1846 WILKIE Robert James Letitia 23/01/1835 WILKIE Robert James Matilda 01/06/1854 WILKIE Robert Robert Mary 20/12/1860 WILKIE Robert Robert Sarah 20/03/1846 WILKIE Sarah Samuel Letitia 14/01/1837 WILKIE Susannah Temple Elizabeth 15/10/1889 WILKIE Temple Thomas Not stated 18/06/1822 WILKIE William Temple Elizabeth 01/04/1881 WILKIE William William Not stated 10/02/1827 WILKINS David D. S. 12/08/1850 WILSON Eleanor George Catherine 09/12/1828 WILSON Elizabeth George Not stated 15/07/1826 WILSON Elizabeth Robert Elizabeth 14/05/1831 WILSON Elizabeth William Elizabeth 07/01/1844 WILSON Elizabeth William Rebecca ?/?/1838 WILSON Isabella David Not stated 18/08/1819 WILSON James David Not stated 25/04/1825 WILSON Margaret Robert Elizabeth 06/01/1829 WILSON Martha Robert Not stated 05/10/1823 WILSON Mary William Rebecca 01/11/1840 WILSON Matilda William Elizabeth 11/03/1838 WILSON Nancy Robert Not stated 31/10/1819 WILSON Rebecca William Rebecca 05/03/1842 WILSON Robert Robert Not stated 14/09/1821 WILSON Thomas Robert Not stated 21/09/1825 WILSON William David Not stated 20/12/1821 WILSON William William Elizabeth 08/05/1845 WRAY Elizabeth William Mary 06/08/1881 WRAY Fanny Thomas Jane ?/?/1855 WRAY Fanny William Mary 25/11/1877 WRAY Isabella George Sarah 22/12/1829 WRAY Isabella Thomas Mary 22/10/1899 WRAY James Thomas Not stated 06/08/1848 WRAY Jane George Not stated 03/07/1824 WRAY Joseph George Not stated 11/05/1845 WRAY Nancy George Sarah 10/07/1832 WRAY Rebecca Thomas Jane 14/03/1837 WRAY Robert George Not stated 16/04/1826 WRAY Samuel George Sarah 13/09/1834 WRAY Sarah William Mary 01/09/1879 WRAY William George Not stated 05/06/1842 WRAY William George Sarah 31/10/1828 WRAY William Thomas Mary 18/11/1897 WRAY William William Mary 07/12/1883 YOUNG David Alex Sarah 14/03/1837 YOUNG Elizabeth Alexander Sarah 24/12/1838 YOUNG William Not stated Jane 17/02/1823
Clonleigh Parish Records, County Donegal, Ireland
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