Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Tullyniskan Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Religious Census 1766

Parliamentary Religious Return Bundle 79 No. 1023
N.B: The Papists [Roman Catholics] and Protestants are distinguished
Extracted from FHL Film# 100173
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

ANDERSON Andrew Moneyveagh Protestant
ANDERSON James Moneyveagh Protestant
ANDERSON John Drumey Protestant
BLAIR William Quintonmanas Protestant
BORRIS William Drumard Protestant
BOYLE Edmond Creenagh Papist
BOYLE John Creenagh Papist
BOYLE Thomas Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
BRANON Edward Derry Papist
BURGONE [BURGOYNE] William Derry Protestant
BURNS Thomas Gortgonis Protestant
CAMPBEL James Gortin Protestant
CAMPBEL Robert Gortin Protestant
CAMPBELL Edmond Edendork Papist
CARR Edmond Currin Papist
CARRUTHERS John Moneyveagh Protestant
CARSON Andrew Derry Protestant
CARSON Joseph Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
CARSON Michael Gortin Papist
CARSON Moses Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
CARSON Robert Derry Protestant
CARSON William Derry Protestant
CARUTHERS James Moneyveagh Protestant
CASEY Laurence Edendork Papist
CLARAN [CLERON] Bryan Moneyveagh Papist
CLARK James Sessiogh New Mills Protestant
CLEMENTS Edward Cullin Protestant
CLEMENTS Henry Gortin Protestant
CLEMENTS Mr. William Derry Protestant
CLEMENTS William Derry Protestant
COLLINS Daniel Gortin Protestant
COLLINS Laurence Creenagh Protestant
CORCRAN Torlough Mullaghmagard Papist
CORR Bryan Gortin Papist
CORR Edmond Gortin Papist
CORREAN Laughlin Gortin Papist
COULTON Terance Ballymeana Papist
CUNNINGHAM Robert Creenagh Protestant
DALLY James Edendork Papist
DALLY Pattrick Edendork Papist
DAWLY Tim. Blacktown Papist
DENLY Edmond Currin Papist
DENLY Hugh Creenagh Papist
DEVELIN Ferde Edendork Papist
DEVELIN Henry Edendork Papist
DEVELIN Phelimy Stughanbeg Papist
DICKSON John Mullaghmagard Protestant
DICKSON Robert Mullaghmagard Protestant
DONLEY Terance Gortgonis Papist
DONLY Terance Gortgonis Papist
DORAN John Cullin Protestant
DORNEY Cormick Drumreaghitra Papist
DOUGLAS John Glencon Protestant
DOUGLIS James Glencon Protestant
DRIMIN Patrick Stuganmore Papist
DUFF Patrick Drumard Papist
DUNWOODY Alexander Gortgonis Protestant
EGGLESON John Ballymeana Protestant
EGGLESON William Ballymeana Protestant
FEAGHAN Daniel Currin Papist
FINLAY Archibald Moneyveagh Protestant
FITZPATRICK Patrick Farlough Protestant
FLENIGAN Roger Stughanbeg Papist
FOLDS John Drumard Protestant
FRYE Samuel Glencon Protestant
GILMORE James Creenagh Protestant
GILMORE Samuel Ballymeana Protestant
GILMORE Thomas Derry Protestant
GORLY John Drumreaghitra Papist
GRAVAN Mary Stughanbeg Papist
HAGAN Ferde Creenagh Papist
HAGAN Toal Creenagh Papist
HALLADAY Thomas Ballymeana Protestant
HANCOCK Eneas Derry Protestant
HART Owen Currin Papist
HART Toal Currin Papist
HELY Patrick Creenagh Papist
HENRY Giles Moneyveagh Protestant
HIGGANS Francis Creenagh Papist
HIGGINS Arthur Gortgonis Papist
HOG Robert Gortgonis Protestant
HOPKINS Andrew (or Widow) Derry Protestant
HOPPKINS Edmond Currin Protestant
HORSIN James Ballymeana Papist
HORSIN Patrick Ballymeana Papist
HOUNDAL James Creenagh Protestant
HUGHES Art. Gortgonis Papist
HUGHES Charles Derry Papist
HUGHES Owen Gortgonis Papist
HUSTON William Gortin Protestant
IRWIN Samuel Quintonmanas Protestant
IRWIN William Quintonmanas Protestant
IRWINE William Ballymeana Protestant
JOHNSTON John Gortgonis Protestant
KANE James Glencon Protestant
KELLY Bryan Creenagh Papist
KELLY Francis Cullin Papist
KELLY John Creenagh Papist
KIRKPATRICK Ben Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
LACK Alexander Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
LAMIE George Edendork Protestant
LAMIE John Edendork Protestant
LAPPIN Cormick Creenagh Papist
LENARD James Derry Protestant
LIONS [LYONS] George Mullaghmagard Protestant
LIONS [LYONS] James Cullin Protestant
LONG John Moneyveagh Protestant
M’ANULTY [McANULTY] Art. Derry Papist
M’ANULTY [McANULTY] Phely Derry Papist
M’CALL [McCALL] Owen Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
M’CAMPBEL [McCAMPBELL] Hugh Creenagh Papist
M’CAN [McCANN] Art. Creenagh Papist
M’CAN [McCANN] Patrick Edendork Papist
M’CARDEL [McCARDLE] Alexander Ballymeana Protestant
M’CARDY [McCURDY?] William Sessiogh New Mills Protestant
M’CARNEYS [McCARNEYS] Dinis Currin Papist
M’CAUSLAND [McCAUSLAND] Andrew Stughanbeg Protestant
M’CAUSLAND [McCAUSLAND] James Moneyveagh Protestant
M’CLELAN [McCLELLAND] John Gortgonis Protestant
M’CLELAN [McCLELLAND] George Ballymeana Papist
M’CLELAN [McCLELLAND] James Ballymeana Papist
M’COMB [McCOMB] John Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
M’CRACKIN [McCRACKEN] James Glencon Papist
M’CRILLAH [McCULLAGH?] Andrew Ballymeana Protestant
M’CRUMB [McCRUMB] Eliz. Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
M’CULLAGH [McCULLAGH] Grace Gortgonis Protestant
M’CULLAH [McCULLAGH] William Drumard Protestant
M’DOLE [McDOWELL/ MADOLE?] James Drumey Protestant
M’DONEL [McDONNELL] Huston Gortgonis Papist
M’DONEL [McDONNELL] James Creenagh Papist
M’DONEL [McDONNELL] Terance Creenagh Papist
M’DONEL [McDONNELL] James Sessiogh New Mills Protestant
M’DOULE [McDOWELL/ MADOLE?] Moses Stughanbeg Protestant
M’DURRAGH [McDURRAGH] Henry Edendork Papist
M’ELROY [McELROY] James Stuganmore Papist
M’ELROY [McELROY] John Stuganmore Papist
M’GEE [McGEE] Henry Edendork Papist
M’GLADE [McGLADE] Francis Currin Papist
M’GLONE [McGLONE] Hugh Ballymeana Papist
M’GLOUGHLIN [McLOUGHLIN] Thomas Gortgonis Protestant
M’GORY [McGORY] Patrick Currin Papist
M’GREW [McGREW] Hugh Drumreaghoutragh Papist
M’GUGAN [McGUCKIAN] Art. Currin Papist
M’GUGAN [McGUCKIAN] Patrick Blacktown Papist
M’GUGAN [McGUCKIAN] Sarah Stughanbeg Papist
M’GUIRE [McGUIRE] Patrick Currin Papist
M’GUIRE [McGUIRE] Patrick Drumreaghitra Papist
M’GUIRE [McGUIRE] Peter Drumreaghitra Papist
M’HATTON (or M’HALTON) [McELHATTON?] Art. Blacktown Papist
M’INTYRE [McINTYRE] James Glencon Protestant
M’IYRE [McINTYRE?] Robert Stughanbeg Protestant
M’KILLAN [McKELLIN?] James Gortin Protestant
M’QUOART [McCOURT] James Ballymeana Papist
M’QUOART [McCOURT] John Ballymeana Papist
M’QUOART [McCOURT] Widow Ballymeana Papist
M’RORY [McRORY] Daniel Gortgonis Papist
M’RORY [McRORY] Patrick Ballymeana Papist
M’RORY [McRORY] Patrick Ballymeana Papist
M’SKINADER [McSKINADER] Patrick Blacktown Papist
M’STAVOGE [McSTAVIGE] Neale Derry Protestant
M’WILLIAMS [McWILLIAMS] Edmond Blacktown Papist
M’WINEY [MAWHINNY] James Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
M’WINNEY [MAWHINNY] John Derry Protestant
MAKEINGS John Ballymeana Protestant
MAN Robert Ballymeana Protestant
MARSHALL Thomas Blacktown Protestant
MARTEN James Currin Papist
MELLAN Patrick Stughanbeg Papist
MELLAN Phelim Stughanbeg Papist
MILIKIN [MILLIGAN] William Drumard Protestant
MILLAN [MULLAN?] James Glencon Protestant
MILLER Robert Currin Protestant
MONEY James Mullaghmagard Papist
MOORE John Drumreaghitra Protestant
MORRIS Mr. Solomon Gortin Protestant
MORRISON John Cullin Papist
MORRISON Samuel Ballymeana Protestant
MORROW John Derry Protestant
MULLAGAN William Drumey Protestant
MULLAN Patrick Blacktown Papist
MURPHY Phelimy Drumreaghitra Papist
NEWGENT [NUGENT] Patrick Drumreaghitra Papist
O’HAGAN Bryan Creenagh Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Conn Gortgonis Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Conn. Drumreaghitra Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Henry Drumreaghitra Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Henry Drumreaghitra Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Michael Glencon Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Art. Creenagh Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Cormick Creenagh Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Owen Gortgonis Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Patrick Creenagh Papist
O’NEAL [O’NEILL] Phelimy Farlough Papist
O’QUIN Caul. Stuganmore Papist
OTTERSON Mary Ballymeana Protestant
PRESTON James Sessiogh New Mills Protestant
QUIN Art. Creenagh Papist
QUIN Francis Creenagh Papist
QUIN John Blacktown Papist
QUIN Patrick Derry Papist
RAVERTY Bryan Edendork Papist
RAVERTY John Ballymeana Papist
REA John Creenagh Protestant
REA William Ballymeana Protestant
REED John Creenagh Protestant
RICHARDSON Alexander, Esq. Gortgonis Protestant
RICHARDSON John, Esq. Farlough Protestant
RICHARDSON Mr. Thomas Stuganmore Protestant
RORK [ROURKE] Charles Creenagh Papist
RORK [ROURKE] Francis Creenagh Papist
RORK [ROURKE] William Creenagh Papist
SANAGHAN Cormick Edendork Papist
SKELTON James Derry Protestant
SKELTON John Gortgonis Protestant
SMITH Thomas Ballymeana Protestant
STEWART John Gortgonis Protestant
STEWART Richard Gortgonis Protestant
STINSON Widow Moneyveagh Protestant
STURGEON Mr. Creenagh Protestant
SWAN William Farlough Protestant
TAMINY Patrick Creenagh Papist
TAYLOR John Drumreaghoutragh Protestant
TEMPLETON William Gortgonis Protestant
THOMAS John Gortgonis Protestant
VALLELY Henry Currin Papist
VALLELY James Currin Papist
VALLELY Patrick Currin Protestant
VALLELY Roger Currin Papist
VERNOR Mathew Quintonmanas Protestant