MOORE—May 22, at his residence, Mountjoy-square, suddenly, James Hamilton MOORE solicitor & eldest surviving son of the late Hugh MOORE of Dromont, County Tyrone, aged 62 years.
It is with regret deeper than we can express that we have to record the sad death of Mr. Robert DONNELL who was found drowned in the Grand Canal, near Leeson street Bridge shortly after seven o'clock on last Monday evening. The deceased gentleman left his residence in Stephen's green, South about 1 o'clock that day, and is believed to have been returning, shortly after six o'clock, from visiting some friends in the neighbourhood of Leeson Park when in walking along the edge of the canal, the evening being dark, he stumbled and fell in. His watch appeared to have stopped at 6 30. Besides his gold watch money to the amount of £6 or £7 was found in his pockets, in which he had also some law papers. An inquest was held on Wednesday, when Dr. PRATT having testified that death was caused by drowning, and that there were no marks of violence on the body, the jury returned an open verdict accordingly.
Mr. DONNELL who was a native of Tyrone, was about 40 years of age and was called to the Bar in Michaelmas Term, 1864. He joined the North-East Circuit, for which he acted as a Reporter for the Irish Law Times. He enjoyed a considerable practice both on circuit, in the county courts, and in the superior courts, his advocacy being especially sought in cases involving questions on the land laws, with which he possessed an especial acquaintance. He was the author of an able work on the Land Act of 1870, and compiled a valuable volume of Reports of the decisions under that Act, which reached a second edition, and has frequently been judicially referred to in terms of high approval. Mr. DONNELL who had been a distinguished graduate of the Queen's University, filled the office of Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy in the Queen's College, Galway. He was also a Crown Prosecutor for the County of Louth, and County of the Town of Drogheda. On the appointment of the Commission under the Earl of Bessborough, he was appointed assistant secretary; and it is stated that but for ill health he would have been one of the first to be appointed an Assistant Land Commissioner. His kindly and courteous disposition had endeared him to all, while his marked ability as a lawyer would certainly have lent a yet more conspicuous lustre to a career now so lamentably frustrated.