Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1904)
Saturday 25 October 1862
DIED. On the 15th instant, at the residence of his son Andrew, Brown's
Creek, King's Plains, Mr. Joseph CLEMENTS, aged 79 years, father of
Mrs. M'KENNA of King's Plains and brother of the Rev. Andrew CLEMENTS,
County Tyrone, Ireland. Much respected.
Saturday 7 September 1889
On the 14th of July, 1889, at Fintona, County Tyrone, Ireland, Mary,
the beloved wife of John SHANNON, and last surviving sister of
Sergeant CROMIE, Rockley.
Wednesday 20 May 1903
MR. David W. CRAIG. Another of those links which bind the Bathurst of
old to that of the present day has been severed, and one less tie now
exists. Last evening Mr. David W. CRAIG passed over to the great
majority, having lived in Bathurst for sixty years. Mr. CRAIG was a
native of Moy, County Tyrone, Ireland, and was born on March 18th,
1820. In 1843 he arrived in the colony and soon afterwards came to
Bathurst, where he formed friendships, which, in some cases, were not
severed to the time of his death. He was a saddler by trade and for
some years carried on business in Howick street. He subsequently built
the store and premises on the corner of William and Piper-streets, and
there conducted business until his retirement, since when his son,
Alderman Herbert P. CRAIG, has carried on the grocery business. Mr.
CRAIG was married in 1848 in the Presbyterian church by the Rev. K. D.
SMYTHE, and there was a family of eleven children. Twelve years ago
Mrs. CRAIG died, and since then Mr. CRAIG has lived with his son
Herbert. He had enjoyed good health until very recently, and was
regularly to be seen taking his daily walk. For about a month he had
been confined to the house, but more recently he has grown more feeble
and weak. For a week prior to his death he was in a comatose
condition, and last night passed quietly away in the presence of
members of his family. Mr. CRAIG has never taken any active part in
public affairs of the town, but watched keenly the events -- political,
religious, and social -- as they passed. He was an authority on the
early history of the district, and information supplied by him was
reliable. As a business man he was fully trusted, and throughout the
district he was held in high esteem and respect by all classes. In the
early days of Bathurst there was a group of men who were
instrumental in laying a foundation, upon which the superstructure of
a city has been built. Amongst these were Messrs. John Charles WHITE,
Francis HALLIDAY, William GRAY, and such men as the late Hon. E. WEBB,
Mr. T. M. SLOMAN, Mr. Josiah PARKER Mr. Henry ROTTON, Mr. W. ATKINS,
and Mr. D. W. CRAIG. One by one these men are passing away, and few of
them only remain. Mr. J. C. WHITE alone resides in Bathurst, while
Messrs. HALLIDAY and GRAY reside in Sydney. There was between these
old men a wonderful attachment, and in a letter recently received by
Mr. CRAIG from Mr. HALLIDAY, that gentleman, in a few words, showed
how sincere are old friendships. In this letter Mr. HALLIDAY says : "
We have been close friends for over sixty years, and this has con-
tinued without a jarring note." We might mention that before Mr. CRAIG
married he and Mr. HALLIDAY lodged in the same house together, and the
friendship formed them has remained unbroken.
Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860)
Saturday 2 April 1859
Henry OSBORNE ESQ, J.P.- It is with deep and sincere sorrow that we
announce the death of Henry OSBORNE, Esq. of Marshall Mount, which
melancholy event took place on Saturday evening last, about 7 p.m. at
his late residence. The deceased gentleman had suffered for several
months from a most severe and harassing attack and which he endured
with serene resignation and Christian fortitude.For some time before
his disease, we believe, he was fully sensible of his approaching
dissolution, and spoke of it with that becoming cheerfulness which
characterises the last moments of a man at peace with his Maker and
his fellow men. Mr OSBORNE was born in the county Tyrone Ireland, on
the 8th of February; 1803, his father being Archibald OSBORNE, Esq. of
Dinraseer in that county ; he was the youngest ol ten children. Thus,
at the time of his death, he had but shortly entered his 56th year.
Bowral and Robertson Free Press (NSW : 1901)
14 Aug 1901
Christopher FUNSTON
It is with the deepest feelings of regret that we record in this issue
the death of one of Bowral's well-known and highly respected townsmen
in the person of ' Mr. Christopher FUNSTON who departed this life at
1.15 a.m. on Sunday morning last at his late residence, " Belmore
Park," Bowral. The deceased gentleman, who was 67 years of age, was
born in the County of Tyrone, North of Ireland, where the first 25
years of his life were spent. He then set sail for Australia, landing
in Sydney in 1860. For seven years he was in the Government employ
there, at the end of which time he was transferred to Maitland where,
for 15 years, he occupied the position of overseer of prison labor.
Mr. FUNSTON then retired to his estate in Bowral, which he had
purchased and built upon beforehand. From that time to the end
deceased lived a rather quiet life, not taking a very active part in
public affairs, although at the inception of the municipality he
occupied one of the first aldermanic seats under the mayoral ruling of
the late Mr. J. G. MORRIS.
Mr. FUNSTON was well known throughout the district, and his quiet, un
obtrusive, gentlemanly demeanour, and straightforward honesty of
character, won for him a large circle of intimate acquaintances, who
feel keenly the severance from their friend. He was a liberal
supporter of the Wesleyan Church in Bowral, although for the past few
years physical weakness had debarred him from being a regular
attendant. He had scarcely lived out the allotted span, three score
years and ten, but after four and a half years of intense suffering
the Divine Creator thought best to call him to his eternal Heavenly
home, away from earth's trials and anguish which must have been a
happy and welcome release." The deceased leaves a sorrowing wife, and
two daughters (Mrs. C. DORROUGH of Lismore, and Miss Minnie FUNSTON
of Bowral) to mourn their loss.
The funeral took place on Monday after noon, the cortege moving from
Belmore Park at three o'clock for the Wesleyan Cemetery at Burradoo.
The Rev. M. Maddern officiated at the grave, while the funeral
arrangements were carried out by Mr. J. BEAVAN.
Beautiful wreaths and cards of sympathy were received from the
following : Mr. and Mrs. DORROUGH (Lismore), Mr, and Mrs. REDDALL, Mr.
and Mrs, W. ALCORN, Mr, and Mrs. T. BONYNGE, Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDS
Mr. and Mrs. GRIMSON, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. WALKER Mrs. and Miss DUPREZ,
Mr. and Mrs. T. COPE, Mr. and Mrs. W. BEER and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.
STEPHENS, Mr. E. BEER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin GEORGE, Mr. and
Mrs, 0. WATERS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred PAIN, Mr. and Mrs. EBB, DAVIS, Rev.
A. W. PARTON Mr. and Mrs, SOUTTER, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. SHERRIF, Miss
VALENTINE, Mr. W. VALENTINE, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. MARSTON, Mr. and
Mrs, A. CORRY, Mr. and Mrs. W. WALLACE, Mr, and Mrs. ROBINSON, Mr. and
Mrs. J, B. HILL, Messrs COPE Bros., Miss CLARKE, Mrs. WALLACE and
family, Mrs. MILLER (Chatswood), Mrs. HiILL (Arncliffe)
Illustrated Australian News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1876 - 1889)
Saturday 8 July 1882
MAXWELL. On tho 24th June, at William street, Coburg, Ellen, the
dearly beloved wife of Thomas MAXWELL and second daughter of the late
William McCONKEY M.D., of Omugh, County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 63
Monday 14 May 1877
ARNOLD. On the 9th April, at her residence, Bluff road, South
Brighton, in the seventy-second year of her age, of paralysis,
Isabella, the beloved wife of William ARNOLD, formerly of the county
Tyrone, Ireland. Her end was peace.
Monday 13 May 1878
McANNY On the 20th April, at the Labor in Vain Hotel Brunswick
street, Fitzroy Thomas McANNY or plithisis and heart disease, late of
county Tyrone Ireland, in the thirtieth year of his age. Home and
Omagh papers please copy
The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901)
Wednesday 12 April 1876
SMITH At Perth, April 4, 1876, Mr. Robert SMITH, formerly of Strabane,
Country Tyrone, Ireland ; aged 70.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916)
Tuesday 13 January 1914
Adelaide, Jan. 9.
One of the three surviving members of the Stuart expedition of 1861-2,
Mr. John McGARRY died at the Parkside Asylum at 1:3:0 a.m. on Friday.
The deceased, who was in his 73rd year was a native of Cooktown,
County Tyrone, Ireland. He came to Adelaide with his parents in 1850,
and shortly after their arrival in this State his father started a
black smith's and wheelwright's business. Young McGARRY then 10 years
old, was immediately put to work shoeing horses, and when 18 years old
he went to Victoria and defeated the champion horseshoers of New.
South Wales and Victoria, Messrs.MITCHELL and RYAN. He. saw Bourke and
Wills start, on their ill-fated trip, and shortly afterwards received
a letter from his father asking him to return to Adelaide and join the
McDOUGALL - STUART party. He accepted the offer, and on October 26,
1861, left with the party of that explorer, which.consisted of nine
other men and 71 horses. On July 16 of the following year the
explorers reached the northern coast of Australia. Next day they
started back and reached Adelaide again on Janury 21, 1863. Mr.
McGARRY then resumed his trade on the west coast, and up to within a
few months ago was employed by Mr. T. P. Cash of Calya Station. For
four months he was an inmate of the Bungalow Private Hospital, at
Streaky Bay, and subsequently removed to Adelaide:
The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950)
Monday 11 September 1939
Death Notice
McCORMACK. The Friends of the late Miss ALICE MARY McCORMACK, of
'Tyrone,' 17 Vaucluse-street, Ctaremont, are respectfully informed
that her remains will be interred in the Roman Catholic portion of the
Karrakatta Cemetery. The Funeral will leave St. Thomas' Church.
Melville-street, Claremont, TOMORROW (Tuesday) MORNING at 9.30
o'clock, arriving at the Cemetery at 9.45 a.m. Requiem Mass will be
celebrated at St. Thomas' Church at 9 o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday)
morning. ARTHUR E. DAVIES and COMPANY, Funeral Directors, Fremantle,
Claremont and corner Beaufort and Bulwer streets, Perth. Tels. 1,2225.
F2177, B9400.
Saturday 8 December 1923
THE LATE MR. Stewart CAMPBELL There passed away on the 2nd inst. a
very old colonist in the person of the late Mr. Stewart CAMPBELL.
Eighty years ago, Mr. Campbell was born in County Tyrone Ireland.In
1866 he came to this State in tho ship Palestine with his wife, who
pre- deceased him 24 years ago. In the Geraldton district the deceased
was familiarly known and respected as being one of the early pioneers
there. A grown-up family of six daughters and 17 grandchildren, and
two great-grandchildren survive him, The funeral which took place on
Monday afternoon, the 3rd inst., was attended. by many friends. The
cortege, moved from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. T. A. JONES
Victoria road, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the Fremantle
Cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest in the Church of England
portion. Canon E.S. Clairs officiated at the graveside, and the Rev.
G. R. Holland was also present.The chief mourners were : Messrs. T. A.
JONES and C H.STUBBS (sons-in-law), C. HUBBLE and C. GREEN (nephews).
The pall bearers were: Messrs. L. G. SMITH, A. EWENS, W. E. STOTTER,
and J. W. DAVEY. Many wreaths were placed on the grave and numerous
communications expressing sympathy have been received by the bereaved
relatives.( The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs.,
Arthur E. Davies and Co., of Fremantle and Claremont
Monday 13 August 1923
The Late Mrs. W. J. BORWICK.
Much sympathy is extended to Mr. W. J. BORWICK of the Swan Hotel,
North Fremantle, in the loss he has sustained through the death of his
wife, Annie Mary Elizabeth who passed away on the 9th inst., at the
early age of 39 years. Mrs. BORWICK was well known and highly
respected, and her genial and kindly disposition endeared her to many.
The deceased, who was born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, had been a
resident of this State for the past 12 years. One juvenile daughter
survives her. The funeral, which took place on Friday afternoon, the
10th inst., was very largely attended. The long cortege moved from the
Swan Hotel, North Fremantle, and proceeded to the Karrakatta Cemetery,
where the remains were interred in the Anglican portion. The Rev. H.
J. Humphry officiated at the graveside. The chief mourners were: Mr.
W. J. BORWICK (husband), Mr. J. CORRY (brother), Messrs. A. C. BORWICK
and P. H. WILLOUGHBY (brothers-in-law), Mrs. S. CORRY, Mrs. P. H.
WILLOUGHBY, Mrs. A. C. BORWICK and Miss BORWICK (sisters-in-law), Miss
M. CORRY (niece), and Mr. J. CORRY, junr. (nephew). The pall-bearers
were Mr. W. MARSHALL, M.L.A., and Messrs. A. E. LAUGHTON, G. PAYNE,
those present were representatives from the following: Western Gate
Lodge No. 84, W.A.C., the Licensed Victuallers Association, the North
Fremantle Football Club, the North Fremantle R.S.L., R. A.O.B.,
various firms, other bodies and Murchison friends. Wreaths were placed
on the gate by the W.M., officers and member's of Western Gate Lodge
No. 84, W.A.C., Barnes, Philp and Co., North Fremantle Football Club,
North Fremantle ' R.S.L., Oceanic Hotel, Cottesloe Beach ; Licensed
Victuallers Association, the Swan Brewery Co., Ltd, the Union Brewery,
Ltd., relatives, and numerous friends.
Communications expressing sympathy continue to be received by the
bereaved relatives. 'The funeral arrangements were in the hands of
Messrs. Arthur E. Davies and Co., of Fremantle and Claremont.
The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (WA : 1864 - 1874)
Wednesday 29 July 1896
HALL At his residence, Roe street, West Perth, on the 27th inst.
William third son of the late John G. HALL of Granville Dungannon
Tyrone, Ireland, and brother. to the late Dr. Thomas HALL U.S.'
Medical Department. Aged - 76 years. Profoundly regretted.
The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893)
Tuesday 12 September 1865
On the 8th instant, Arthur Gore Irwin, aged 50 years, son of the
late Captain Irwin, R.N., Dungannon, Tyrone, Ireland. 5843.
Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953)
Monday 1 August 1898
DIED. WILSON.--At his residence, Cape Bridgewater, on July 23 1898,
JOHN WILSON, late of Tyrone, Ireland.
Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918)
Thursday 15 April 1858
On the 5th inst., at Sandhurst, Margaret Serenia Whyte, wife of Thomas
Hughes, and daughter of Humphrey Whyte, Esq., leather merchant,
Newtown, Stewart, County Tyrone, Ireland
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856 - 1950)
Friday 22 August 1873
DEATH. -- At her residence, Mount Salem, Kiama, on the 10th instant,
Margaret Ann, the beloved wife of William GREY and eldest daughter of
the late John RITCHIE, county Tyrone, Ireland, aged 35 years.
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856 - 1950)
Saturday 14 June 1884
CALVERT. -- At his residence, Albion Park, on 6th June instant,
Matthew CALVERT native of Tyrone, Ireland, aged 50 years.
Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875)
Thursday 8 March 1855
On Tuesday, March 6, 1855, at his late residence, No. 1,
Garrick's-buildings, Castlereagh-street, Sydney, Arthur KELLY aged 42
years, native of Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland.
Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1904)
Saturday 7, September 18899
DIED. SHANNON.-- On the 14th of July, 1889, at Fintona, County Tyrone,
Ireland, MARY, the beloved wife of JOHN SHANNON, and last surviving
sister of Sergeant CROMLEY, Rockley.
Alexandra Times (Vic. : 1868 - 1877)
Saturday 15 May 1875
DEATH. BUCHANAN.--On Tuesday, 11th inst., at Tallarook, John Buchanan,
formerly of Dungannon, county Tyrone, Ireland, aged 25 years.
Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953)
Saturday 17 May 1884
DIED. DEVLIN.-At his residence, Fairview, Cape Bridgewater, Victoria,
on the 10th May, Bernard DEVLIN, native of Cookstown, County Tyrone,
Ireland. Deeply regretted. Requiescat in peace.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Tuesday 18 June 1844
On the 6th January last, in Dublin, (at the residence of his son,
Samuel HARDY, Esq., M.D.) Charles HARDY, Esq., of Coalisland, county
Tyrone, second son of the late William HARDY of Loughgall House, Esq.,
J. P., county Armagh.
Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954)
Wednesday 24 August 1904
SNEATH -- On August 16th, 1904, at his esidence, Pearce's Creek, James
SNEATH, native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 57.
Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919)
Saturday 16 June 1888
GRAYSON.--On the 6th instant, at the residence at his mother,
Summerhill, Allora, after a lingering illness, David, third son of the
late Thomas Grayson, of Stewartston, Tyrone, Ireland.
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW : 1875 - 1910)
Thursday 14 August 1884
McINTYRE. -- At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Duffin, Downside,
Mrs. McIntyre, relict of the late John McIntyre, aged 83, native of
County Tyrone,
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW : 1875 - 1910)
Tuesday 11 March 1890
GRAHAM. -- On Tuesday, 4th March, 1890, at his residence, Lake Albert,
Wagga Wagga, William, the third son of the late Arthur Graham, of
Glengen, Omagh, Dromore, county of Tyrone, Ireland, aged 52 years.
Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954)
Friday 11 January 1889
DEATH. ROBINSON.-On January 9th, 1889, at Holey Plains, John Finlay
Robinson, native of County Tyrone, Ireland. Aged 47 years.
The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 - 1947)
Thursday 8 September 1870
DEATH. AT his residence, Gerringong, on the 23rd August, 1870, of
disease of the heart accelerated by paralysis, J.ames WILSON, sen.,
eldest son of Robert Wilson, Mulnahorn, County Tyrone, Ireland,aged 56
years. His end was peace
Southern Argus (Port Elliot, SA : 1866 - 1954)
Thursday 13 May 1875
DEATH. ALLEN.-- On the 8th May, at his farm, Flatfield, near
Middleton, John Allen, aged 70 years, formerly County Tyrone, Ireland.
Belfast papers please copy.
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald & General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908)
Saturday 6 December 1884
DEATHS. On the 2nd August, 1884, at Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland,
Eliza, wife of George Rothwell, aged 64. [Communications to B, care of
Messrs. Hunt, 95 Fore-street, Exeter, England.]