Date | Notice |
June 12 1901 |
HAMILTON. Died on the 10th June, JAMES BABBINGTON the beloved husband of N. T. HAMILTON, Fitzroy Hotel, Fitzroy, and only son of the late JAMES HAMILTON, surgeon, R.N., Co. Tyrone, Ireland, aged 60 years. No flowers, by request. (Argus) [Parents: James Hamilton & Patricia Babbington (VRBMD)] |
November 23 1901 |
HAMILTON. Died on the 18th November, at the residence of his brother MR. W. HAMILTON, Forest-street, Wendouree, Ballarat, SAMUEL HAMILTON, of Stawell, native of Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, lreland, aged 69 years. (Interred at Stawell) (Argus) [Parents: David Hamilton & Catherine Young (VRBMD)] |
February 14 1903 | STEPHENS (BUCHANAN). Died on the 22nd November, 1902, at Omagh, MRS. ELIZA STEPHENS, in her 97th year, eldest and last surviving daughter of the late GEORGE BUCHANAN, ESQ., of Strathroy, Omagh, county Tyrone, Ireland, and much loved aunt of MRS. A. M. CALDECOTT, Buckley Street, Footscray (Argus) |
March 14 1903 | JACKSON-WOOD. Married on 16th February, at St. Thomas's Cathedral, Bombay, India, by Rev. Canon Hill, CAPTAIN T. JACKSON, I.M.S. son of the late HUGH JACKSON, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, to May, eldest daughter of the late Lieutenant Colonel D.M.M Wood, Indian Staff Corps, and Mrs Wood, Horsburgh Grove, Malvern [Melbourne] (Argus) |
December 22 1903 |
CALDWELL. Died on the 20th December 1903 at the Alfred Hospital [Melbourne] (after being nurse and sister there for 25 years), REBECCA CALDWELL, daughter of the late JAMES CALDWELL, Tyrone, Ireland, and loved sister of MRS. JAMES IRWIN, Bonnie Doon, North Brighton [Melbourne] aged 59 years (Argus) [Parents: James Caldwell & Mary Jane Scott (VRBMD)] |
February 25 1905 | ARMSTRONG. Died on the 23rd February MARY ARMSTRONG (Orient Hotel) native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 45 years (Argus) |
February 25 1905 |
CORRIGAN. Died on the 23rd February 1905 at the residence of Mrs Kempson, Koondrook, Victoria, of pneumonia, DORA the dearly beloved youngest daughter of JOHN and RUTH CORRIGAN of 6 The Avenue, Balaclava, Victoria, late of Osborne House, Warrenpoint, lreland, and Farlough Lodge, Dungannon, Ireland (Home papers please copy) (Argus) [Parents: John Corrigan & Ruth Whaley (VRBMD)] |
May 16 1906 | BROOMHEAD-SEATON. Married on the 10th May at the Presbyterian Church, Swan Hill, Septimus, seventh son of the late G. Broomhead, M.R., M.R.C.S., Bradford, Yorkshire, to ANNIE JANE, second daughter of the late FORBES GALBRAITH SEATON, M.P., formerly of London and Tyrone (Argus) |
August 7 1906 |
CARSON. Died on the 6th August, at "Hazeldean," Keysborough, JOHN, beloved husband of MARY ANN CARSON, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 62 years (Argus) [Parents: John Carson & Isabella Patterson (VRBMD)] |
February 17 1908 |
FORBES. Died on the 8th February, 1908, at Romsey, CHARLES, beloved husband of ELIZA JANE FORBES, aged 76 years, formerly of County Tyrone, Ireland; a colonist of 50 years. (Interred February 10, 1908, at Lancefield Cemetery) (Argus) [Parents James Forbes & Elizabeth Little (VRBMD)] |
April 10 1908 |
MAXWELL (McCONKEY). Died on the 9th April, 1908, at "Avondale," Montrose Street, Surrey Hills, Victoria, MARGARET SOPHIA, the dearly beloved wife of WILLIAM HENRY MAXWELL, daughter of the late DR. McCONKEY, County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 80 (Argus) [Parents: William McConkey & Rebecca Maxwell (VRBMD)] |
July 14 1908 | TRAVIS-CADER. [Golden Wedding].-On July 14, 1858, at St. Paul's Church, Swanston Street, Melbourne, by the late Rev. S. L. Chase, John, youngest son of the late John and Mary Travis, of Oldham, Lancashire, England, to ALICE, only daughter of the late ROBERT and SUSAN RICHARDSON CADER, of Drummond, county Tyrone, Ireland. Present address, 239 Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne (Argus) |
January 2 1909 |
MAXWELL. Died on the 1st January, 1909, at Avondale, Surrey Hills, Victoria, WILLIAM HENRY, second son of the late CAPTAIN W.H. MAXWELL, 72nd Highlanders, County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 83 years. Home papers please copy (Argus) [Parents: William Henry Maxwell & Margaret Rogers (VRBMD)] |
June 3 1911 |
BARTON. Died on the 2nd June, at Balmattum, near Euroa, JAMES BARTON, aged 71 years, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. At rest (Argus) [Parents: Joseph Barton & Elinor Gilmour {VRBMD)] |
June 9 1911 | Two old district residents joined the "un numbered dead' since our last issue, MR. J. BARTON, of Balmattum, and Mrs. Mary Leahy, of-Miepoll. Mr. Barton, who had reached his 71st year, contracted a bad cold, which developed into broncho pneumonia. He had been 50 years in Victoria, and was a brother to MR. JOHN BARTON and MRS. D. NEELANDS, Euroa, and cousin to MR. JOHN BARTON, Shean's Creek He was a native of Drumquin, Tyrone, Ireland, and for many years bad been one of Balmattum's most esteemed residents. There was a very large concourse at the funeral on Saturday, when the arrangements were supervised by Mr. J. O'Neill, and the Church of England burial service was read by Rev. Scott, of Violet Town (Euroa Advertiser) |
November 11 1911 |
CONROY. Died on the 9th .November, at Great Northern, Rutherglen, PATRICK CONROY, in his 73rd year, native of Six Mile Cross, County Tyrone, Ireland (Colonist of 54 years ) RIP (Argus) [Parents: Owen Conroy & unknown (VRBMD)] |
January 21 1914 |
FARRIN. Died on the 18th January at Mrs. Bagnell’s private hospital, Benalla, MARY JANE FARRIN, late of Warrenbayne, aged 73 years, a colonist of 50 years a native of County Tyrone, Ireland (Argus) [Death registered as Farran. Parents unknown (VRBMD)] |
July 17 1914 |
MAGER. Died on the 15th July, 1914, at Highett, ANNE MAGER, relict of the late Alexander Mager, beloved mother of H. J. Mager, born County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 76 years. Safe home.(Argus) [Anne married 1874 Melbourne. Father: R. Monteith (VRBMD)] |
April 19 1915 | SPROULE-McKAY. Married on the 24th March, at St Anne's, Strathfield, NSW, by the Rev. H. J. Rose, Walter St. George, elder son of the late James Sproule, of Flinders, to GEORGIE ELIZABETH younger daughter of FOSTER McKAY, County Tyrone, Ireland (Argus) |
May 12 1915 | DEVINE. Died at his residence, Castlederg, Tyrone, Ireland, GEORGE DEVINE, J.P., father of LIEUT. SURGEON GEORGE DEVINE, of REV. W. DEVINE, St. Paul's, Coburg, and of JAMES DEVINE, aged 72 years. May he rest in peace (Argus) |
August 10 1915 |
WALLACE-MONTEITH [Golden Wedding] Married on the 19th August, 1865, at Fitzroy, Melbourne, by the Rev. Caldwell, James Andrew Wallace, Renfrew, Scotland, to MATILDA J. MONTEITH, only daughter of the late WILLIAM MONTEITH, ESQ., Tyrone, Ireland. Present address, "Dunoon", Dudley parade, East Camberwell (Argus) [Matilda Jane died 1925 aged 83 years. Parents: William Monteith & Martha Kirkpatrick VRBMD)] |
August 21 1915 |
HAWKSLEY-WILSON. [Golden Wedding.] Married on the 15th August, 1865, at Tarnagulla, Vic., by the Rev. S. Bracewell, Robert, youngest son of George Hawksley, of County Tyrone, Ireland, to MARY, youngest daughter of WILLIAM and JANE WILSON, County Tyrone, Ireland. Present address, "Hillside", Eddington, Victoria. (Argus) Robert died at Eddington 1916 aged 85 years. Parents: George Hawksley & Esther Wallace. Mary died Eddington 1919 aged 76 years. Parents: William Wilson & Jane unknown](VRBMD)] |
April 1 1916 |
STEWART-PEDEN. - [Diamond Wedding.] Married on the 31st March. 1856, at St. Mary's, Newry, [Co. Down], by the Rev. J. O'Brien, John, third son of the late John and Isabel Stewart, "Castlereagh," Belfast, to MARY, second daughter of the late JOHN and ANNE PEDEN, of Tyrone, County Tyrone, Ireland. (Present address, 23 Park street, Abbotsford.) (Argus) Mary died at Collingwood 1922 aged 82 years. Parents: John Peden & Ann Merry (VRBMD)] |
August 10 1916 |
ROBINSON. Died on the 8th inst., at his residence, Hyland-street, Warrnambool, JOHN, dearly beloved husband of Rachel Robinson, aged 86 years. A native of Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland. No flowers by request. (The funeral will move from his late residence, Hyland-street, Warrnambool, this day (Thursday) at three p.m. for the Warrnambool Cemetery). (Warrnambool Advertiser) [Parents John Robinson & Eliza Hogg (VRBMD)] |
December 23 1916 | STIRLING-ALEXANDER. Married on the 25th October, at the Albert and Middle Park Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Allen Stavely, M.A., Private John Andrew, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stirling, Moonee Ponds, to ERNELLA MARGARET (MILLIE), eldest daughter of MR. and MRS. S. J. ALEXANDER, Albert Park (late of County Tyrone, Ireland), and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Y: Ridley, of "Heysham", Bairnsdale (late of the Rectory, Sligo, Ireland). (Argus) |
April 20 1917 |
SHIELDS. Died on 14th April, at his daughter's residence, Princetown, JOHN, the beloved husband of the late ANNIE SHIELDS, in his 85th year. A native of Cookstown, Ireland and a colonist of 66 years. "Sadly missed." (Argus) [Parents: David Shields & Sarah Keith (VRBMD)] |
August 11 1917 | TOPP. Killed in action in France, on July 1, 1916 (previously reported missing), SECOND-LIEUT. R. W. TOPP, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, eldest son of R. W. TOPP, manager Bank of Ireland, Omagh, Co. Tyrone; loving nephew and godson of CAPTAIN-CHAPLAIN H. W. R. TOPP, Vicarage, Elmore (Argus) |
October 7 1918 | BOLTON-SPROULE. [Silver Wedding.] Married on the 7th October, 1893, at the Primitive [Methodist] Church, Heyfield, by the Rev. T. W. Cameron, Robert Rothwell, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolton, Port Chalmers, N.Z., and grandson of the late R. Bolton, of Melling, Liverpool, England, to EDITH, only child of the late MR. and MRS. EDWARD SPROULE, of Heyfield, and granddaughter of the late ROBERT SPROULE, of Kentish House, and Clover Hill, County Tyrone, Ireland (Argus) |
April 24 1920 |
CUNNINGHAM. Died on the 19th April, at Cheltenham, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, native of Liscleen, Donemana, co. Tyrone, Ireland, aged 85 years. At rest. (Argus) [Parents: Alexander Cunningham & unknown Glenn (VRBMD)] |
January 4 1921 | MORROW-LUSH. (Golden Wedding) On the 4th January, 1871, at Christ Church St Kilda by the Rev. Stanley Lowe, JAMES, eldest son of WILLIAM MORROW, of Tyrone, Ireland, to Alice Russell, eldest daughter of William Russell Lush of London. Present address, Tyrone, St Andrew Street, Brighton (Argus) |
February 23 1921 |
BAIRD-WILSON. [Golden Wedding.]. On the 23rd February, 1871, at West Melbourne Presbyterian Church, Rev A. Robertson, John Alexander Baird of Maddiston, Stirlingshire Scotland to MATILDA WILSON, of Aughasassy, Tyrone, Ireland Present address 14 Grant street, North Fitzroy (Argus) [Matilda’s parents unknown (VRBMD)[ |
Oct 17 1921 |
BARTON. Died on the 15th October, at his residence, Breck street, Euroa, JOHN beloved husband of MARY ANN BARTON, native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 84 years. A colonist of 65 years. (Interment at Euroa) (Argus) Parents: Joseph Barton & Eleanor Gilmore (VRBMD)] |
March 15 1922 |
McCAMISH-RADNELL. [Golden Wedding.] Married on the 9th March, 1872, at Tarnagulla, by the Rev. J. Chambers, MAXWELL McCAMISH, of County Tyrone, Ireland, to Annie, second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Radnell, of Tarnagulla. (Present address, Arnold West, Victoria.) (Argus) [Maxwell McCamish died at Bendigo1932 aged 86 years. Parents: Alexander McCamish & Isabella Davidson (VRBMD)] |
February 3 1923 |
CRAIG. Died on the 29th January, at her residence, Lower Ferntree Gully, ELIZABETH, second eldest daughter of the late DAVID CRAIG, Drumnabey, County Tyrone, Ireland; and loved sister of Sarah (Mrs. Dockery), Bob, Sam, Rebecca (Mrs. McFarlane), Minnie, and Maggie. (Interred privately in Ferntree Gully Cemetery.) Sadly missed. (Argus) [Aged 65 years. Parents: David Craig & Mary Leech (VRBMD)] |
February 26 1925 |
LOVE. Died on the 24th February, at Shepparton, ROBERT LOVE, beloved husband of Lily Love, and father of George D., Bessie (Mrs. Lowry), and R. J., born Ballyfoliard, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, late inspector of police, aged 75 years LOVE-Died on the 24th February, at Castlederg, Shepparton ROBERT, ex Inspector of police, dearly beloved husband of Lily, father of George D., Bessie (Mrs. Moses Lowry) and James, devoted grandpa of Jack, Joyce (Hamilton), Mary and Sam. Our darling grandpa (Argus) [Parents James Love & Mary Duncan (VRBMD)] |
July 30 1925 |
FAULKNER. Died on the 25th July, at Harper Street, Cheltenham, S.[SINCLAIR] FAULKNER, native of County Tyrone, Ireland, brother of J. FAULKNER, Victorian Railways, aged 66 years. (Home papers please copy.) (Argus) [Parents: James Faulkner & Rachel Hawthorn {VRBMD)] |
August 11 1925 |
WALLACE-MONTEITH. [Diamond Wedding.] Married on the 10th August, 1865, at Melbourne by the Rev. James Caldwell, James Andrew Wallace, Renfrew, Scotland, to MATILDA JANE, only daughter of the late WILLIAM MONTEITH, Tyrone, Ireland. (Present address, “Dunoon”, Dudley parade, East Camberwell, Melbourne) (Argus) [Matilda Jane died 1925 aged 83 years. Parents: William Monteith & Martha Kirkpatrick VRBMD)] |
August 10 1929 |
McCONNELL. Died on the 6th August, 1920, at Brunswick (Vic.), ROBERT THOMAS, eldest son of the late THOMAS and JANE McCONNELL, beloved brother of Hugh, Eleanor, and Elizabeth McConnell, cousin of the late Robert Adam Henry (A.I.F.), Leonard and Vida Henry; grandson of the late HUGH McCONNELL, of Curglasson, and the late ROBERT HENRY, of Killoon, county Tyrone, North Ireland. (Home papers please copy.) "We sorrow not as those who have no hope." (1 Thess. iv. 13.) Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin, The blood of Jesus whispers, peace within. (Argus) [Died aged 71 years. Parents; Thomas McConnell & Jane Dane Henry {VRBMD)] |
October 4 1930 |
McBRIDE. Died on the 26th September, at Ash Brook, Hoddle Range, South Gippsland, CHARLES, relict of the late Annie Jane McBride, father of James (Numurkah), Alex (deceased), Letty (Mrs. J. Loader), Joseph, and Robert (Hoddle Range), loving grandfather of Alex, James, Norman, William, Valentine McBride (Numurkah), Maud, Mary, Donald, Albert, Florence, and Ella Loader, Hoddle Range; great-grandfather of Margaret McBride, aged 80 years, late of Maffra. A colonist of 62 years. Native of County Tyrone, Ireland. At rest. (Argus) [Parents unknown VRBMD)] |
August 25 1936 | HAMILTON. Died on the 24th August, at his residence, Penguin, Tasmania, DR. ALFRED JAMES (BRUCE) HAMILTON, beloved husband of Alice Hamilton, and eldest son of the late JOHN ECCLES HAMILTON, surgeon, R. N. and of Omagh, County Tyrone. (Cremation will take place at the Crematorium, Cornelian Bay, Hobart, on Thursday.) (Argus) |
April 8 1939 | FAIRMAN-MAYNE. The engagement is announced of Rebecca Matilda (Tillie) youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W R Fairman Drumnacross Co Donegal Ireland to JAMES eldest son of the late MR. HENRY and MRS. MAYNE, Kilnahushogue, Clogher County Tyrone (Argus) |
August 23 1943 |
MULLIN. Died on August 1, at Alfred Hospital [Melbourne], WILLIAM AUGUSTUS MULLIN, of Lara Street, Prahran (late of Omagh, County Tyrone, North Ireland), beloved husband of Sybil, and loved father of Charles (A.I.F.) and Trevor (R.A.A.F.). (Argus) [Parents: Father unknown & mother unknown Hemphill (VRBMD)] |