LITTLE, Family, The - Few families have been more successful than the Littles of Puslinch. The founder of this family in Canada was the late
Robert Little, Sr., who was b. in Co. Tyrone, Ire., in 1798, and came to Canada with his brother
James, and set. in Kingston, in 1830, and in 1839 came to Puslinch, where together they purchased 200 acres, lot 9, con. 3, and settled upon it. James, d. unm. Robert m. Hannah Oke., in Ire. Issue: William, and Hannah, b. in Ire.; Robert, Jr., b. Kingston, 1835; Rev. James, b. Kingston, 1833, and Joseph, b. in Kingston, 1839. The late Robert Little, Sr., d. in 1882, age 84 years, while his wife, d., in 1878, age 78 years. Of their family, William, d. unm; Rev. James, was educated at the Puslinch Lake log schoolhouse, Dr. Tassie's famous Grammar School at Galt, and Knox College. He became a Presbyterian minister of note, and d. at London, Ont., in 1905. His oldest son, Dr. John, is in Alexander, Man., Rev. James, Jr., is a Presbyterian minister at Brampton; Rev. George, Pres. minister; William, is a bank Manager in Manitoba;
Robert, Jr., was four years old when his parents came to Puslinch. He was raised and educated there. In 1861, he purchased 100 acres, lot 10, con. 2. It was partly cleared, by the finished clearing, and "stumped" it. He started in life with nothing, and by industry and good management, rose to a position of prosperity and influence, leaving at the time of his death a large property. He was Councillor of Puslinch for a number of years, and a Magistrate for years. He was one of the promoters of the first Farmers' Institute in Ontario, known as the Puslinch Farmers' Club, and at its first meeting he made an address on "Clover and its Values." While he received the rudiments of an education at the log school house with his brothers, he continued his education by extensive reading, and was well posted on the general topics of the day. He was an Elder in the Hespler Pres. Church, and in politics was a strong Liberal. He m. Eleanor Jacobs. Issue: Hannah, William J., Robert A. J., and Eleanor.
William, J., was b. and raised on the homestead, (284 acres), which he own. He m. Alice Bond. Issue: Eleanor, and Ruth, Robert A. J. , m. Minnie Richardson, and set. in Oshawa. Issue: Langton, and Jean.
Joseph, was an infant, when his parents came to Puslinch in 1839, and was brought up and always lived on the old homestead, set. by his father, in 1839, and which later came into his possession. He was a man of strong personality, and always looked on the bright side of things; intelligent and genial, he had a fund of stories that made him the centre of attraction wherever he went, and he possessed the faculty of drawing toward him all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Little was a well posted man on all of the leading questions of the day, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him, and his acquaintance, like his hospitality, was large, and on a wide scale. He served several terms in the Puslinch Council, was a member of the Puslinch Board of Health, and for years a Director of the Puslinch Agricultural Society. Politically, he was a staunch Reformer, and in religion, a Pres. He m. Elizabeth Jacobs. Issue: Martha, Eliza, and John R. His wife d. in 1898, age 59, while he passed away in 1905, age 66. His son John R. owns and farms the old homestead and the daughter resides with him.