Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Various Biographies of Tyrone-Born Men

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CAMPBELL, Joseph, D.D (1808-1840). Born in Omagh, County of Tyrone, Ireland, in the year 1776,—his ancestors having been driven thither from Scotland by persecution. He came with his parents to America in 1797; and, having enjoyed excellent advantages for a common education previous to his leaving Ireland, he engaged, shortly after his arrival here, in the business of teaching, as a means of gaining a support. For the first two or three years he had charge of a school at Cranberry, N. J.; and at the same time was pursuing a course of classical study under the Rev. Mr. Woodhull, then Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that place. So rapid was his progress that, during his residence there, he not only became a good classical scholar himself, but assisted several young men in their preparation for College. In 1801, he opened an English and classical school at Princeton, where he still pursued his literary and scientific studies, and also, it is believed, commenced the study of Theology under the Rev. Dr. Samuel Stanhope Smith, then President of the College of New Jersey. He subsequently continued his theological studies under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Woodhull of Freehold, and was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, on the 5th of October, 1808. The degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him by the College of New Jersey, in 1806. In 1809, Mr. Campbell received a call to become the Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Hackettstown, Warren County, N.J. This call he accepted, and was ordained and installed shortly after. Here lie continued labouring with great acceptance and success for nearly thirty years. Though the congregation, when he took charge of it, was small and feeble, it gradually increased in numbers and influence under his ministry, until it became one of the most respectable congregations in the whole region. In 1838, he was invited to take the pastoral charge of the churches in Milford and Kingwood, N. J.; and under circumstances so urgent and peculiar as led him to think that it was his duty to accept the invitation. He accordingly did accept it; though at a great expense of personal feeling, as well as to the deep regret of the people with whom he had been so long and so happily connected. He declined calls, at different periods, to several prominent churches, among which were one or two in Philadelphia. In 1831, he was chosen a Trustee of the College of New Jersey, and in 1838, a Director of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. In 1837, the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by Lafayette College. In the controversy which agitated, and finally, in 1838, divided, the Presbyterian Church, he thought, felt, and acted, uniformly and strongly with the Old School. It was but for a short period that Dr. Campbell was spared to exercise his ministry at Milford and Kingwood. In the autumn of 18-10, he was seized with a bilious fever, which changed to typhoid, and very soon terminated in death. His closing scene was eminently peaceful, and while he expressed the most joyful confidence that a crown of glory awaited him, he rendered a decisive and earnest testimony to the truths which he had preached, as constituting the only foundation of his hope. He died on the 11th of September, 1840, in the sixty-fourth year of his age, and the thirty-second of his ministry. His remains were removed for burial to Hackettstown, and the people of both his charges met at his funeral, and mingled in a common lamentation. In 1801, he was married to Abigail Denton, then a resident of Princeton. By this marriage he had two children,—a son who became a physician, and a daughter who was married to the Rev. James Wyckoff. Mrs. Campbell died, greatly lamented, in 1827, and, a few years after, he was married to a Mrs. Chamberlain of Flemington, N. J., who still (1857) survives as his widow. There were no children by the last marriage. In 1842, there was a volume of Dr. Campbell's Sermons published, in connection with a brief Memoir of his life, by the Rev. Dr. Gray of Easton, Pa.

FROM THE REV. JAMES SCOTT, D. D. NEWARK, N. J., April 9, 1857. Dear Brother: My knowledge of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Campbell is limited to the last six years of his life. In 1834, immediately after my licensure by the Presbytery of New York, I was called to take charge of the united Churches of German Valley and Fox Hill, made vacant by the removal of the Rev. M. S. Hutton to New York, to be the colleague of the Rev. Dr. Mathews in the pastorate of the Reformed Dutch Church in Garden Street. Dr. Campbell moderated the call made on me by these Churches. He wrote to me announcing the fact. Thus began an intimacy which closed only with his life. After my settlement in March, 1835, our families became intimate. Mrs. Campbell, who still survives him, was the model of a minister's wife. He treated me as a son in the Gospel,—encouraging and advising me in everything appertaining to my great work. We exchanged pulpits often; and, as our charges contiguous, assisted each other in numerous ministerial duties. We made several excursions together,—one to the Water-gap and Wind-gap on the Delaware, which arises before me like a green spot in memory. On matters which troubled him, he condescended to consult me, uniformly acting towards me like both a father and a brother. When he accepted the call to the Churches of Milford and Kingwood,—though some twenty-five miles distant, our fraternal and social intercourse continued. I visited him several times during his last illness, and received from his dying lips his wishes in relation to his manuscripts, and some other matters. The Rev. Dr. Gray, who wrote the sketch of Dr. Campbell accompanying the posthumous volume of his Sermons, refers to my interview with Dr. C. on his death bed in these words:— " A beloved clerical brother and co-presbyter, who possessed Dr. Campbell's confidence, while visiting him on his death-bed, asked him how he then felt ?? ? man and a minister, as it regarded his safety and acceptance in that world of spirits, on the threshold of which he was standing. To this very trying and solemn question he replied, with all the emphasis which his wasted energies would admit, that, on this subject, he had not a single doubt. Encouraged by this, his friend asked him what his views were, reflecting as they did, the light of eternity, concerning the doctrines of grace which he had preached, and especially that of God's sovereignty and electing love. To which he promptly replied that lie fully and heartily believed them to be God's truth, and felt willing to appear before God in their belief."

(Extracted from the Annals of the American Pulpit; Vol 9 IV. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 530 Broadway. 1859)


CAPTAIN C. W. CLARK (b. 1827) farmer, P. O. Tiouesta, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, February 2, 1827, and is a son of James and Mary (Canan) Clark. He was reared in his native country, where he received a limited education, and came to America in 1852, locating in Schnylkill County, Penn., where he followed the occupation of a coal miner, until the breaking out of the war. He then joined the service as second sergeant of Company B, Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for the three months' service, and was discharged at the expiration of his term. He then re-enlisted as a private in Company C. Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers; was wounded at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and the Wilderness in 1864, and at Poplar Grove Church. He was promoted to second sergeant, then to orderly sergeant, second lieutenant and first lieutenant, and was mustered out as captain of his company after serving four years and four months. During the war he knocked in the heads of 325 kegs of powder at Petersburg, Va., for the purpose of tilling magazines in the mine to blow up the rebel fort at that place. In 1865 Capt. Clark located in Oil City, Penn., and in 1866 settled in Tionesta township, on the farm he now occupies, most of which he cleared and improved, and where he has since resided. He married, in 1849, Margaret, daughter of William and Mary (Neely) Livingston, of the County Tyrone, Ireland, and they have seven children living: Mary (Mrs. William Thomson), William, James, Margaret (Mrs. James Elliott), Charles, Joseph and Mable. Capt. Clark has seventeen grandchildren living. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R. Politically he is a Republican, and has held the offices of auditor and sheriff of Forest county. (Extracted from History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, and Forest, Pennsylvania by J.H Beers & Co)


BLACK, William Robert (1859-1930), mine-owner and philanthropist, was born on 3 March 1859 at Kildress, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, son of Robert Black, farmer, and his wife Margaret, née McNeece. He arrived in Queensland [Australia]on 17 May 1880 in the Silver Light, worked around Maryborough as a farm-labourer, timber-cutter and fencer, then moved to Brisbane and delivered coal with a hand-cart for a merchant named Lindsay. By 1885 he was in business for himself, delivering coal with a horse and dray. He extended his interests to coal-transport on the Brisbane and Bremer rivers, and soon controlled a fleet of six launches and twenty lighters. Continuing good fortune and increasing wealth enabled Black to buy 700 acres (283 ha) of coal-deposits at Bundamba near Ipswich. There he established the Blackheath Colliery and with electric haulage and advanced machinery was soon able to cut 600 tons (tonnes) a day - a State record. When he later bought the Caledonian Colliery at Walloon, he raised its output to 300 tons (tonnes) daily. His purchase of the Abermain Colliery at North Ipswich cost him an additional £8000 for a railway-siding and £40,000 for a new shaft and machinery. Black retired from business in 1920. For some years he had been busily dispersing his fortune. Small, dark, reserved and a devout Presbyterian anxious to maintain the link between religion and education, he gave mainly to church institutions. He saw his wealth as a trust and believed that 'much had been given that by him much might be done’, all gifts were carefully considered and were usually conditional on others agreeing to make donations. In 1917 he helped to establish Fairholme, the Presbyterian girls' school at Toowoomba, and in 1919 Scots College for boys at Warwick. From 1918 he served on the councils of both the Brisbane Boys' College and Somerville House for girls, a united educational venture by the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. He also assisted in founding Emmanuel College, University of Queensland. Black's donations to the Presbyterian Church in 1919-20 enabled it to employ both a director and a kindergarten and primary supervisor of Sunday schools. Further gifts led to establishment of the Blackheath Home for Children at Oxley in 1923, a children's home at Chelmer in 1927 and old people's homes in both suburbs in 1929. Many other smaller donations to individual congregations enabled the Presbyterian Church in Queensland to expand. Black died of coronary thrombosis on 2 October 1930 at St Martin's Hospital, Brisbane. He had never married and, after various bequests to relations in the Channel Islands, the residue of an estate valued for probate at nearly £180,000 was left in trust for the Presbyterian Church in Queensland. His black-marble tombstone, erected by the Church in Toowong cemetery, bears only the red hand of Ulster, a cross and two inscriptions: 'Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord' and 'The righteous showeth mercy and giveth'. (Submitted By Joanne Leathem)

CAIRNS, David of Knockmany, in Co. Tyrone, the first gentleman in Ulster who went to Derry on the arrival of Antrim's regiment at the Waterside, was distinguished alike by piety and talent. He was for several years representative of the Maiden oily in the Irish Parliament. He was a steady Presbyterian, and he states in his will that, had he "bartered his conscience for allurements" held out to him, he might have left behind him a much more ample provision for his posterity. In this document he bequeaths a memorial of his regard to the Rev. Samuel Ross, Presbyterian minister of Derry, and a like memorial to the Rev. Nehemiah Donaldson, the Presbyterian minister of Derg. Counsellor Cairns died in 1722, aged 77. He was married to Margaret Edwards, a member of a highly respectable family, from which the Rev. E. T. Martin, of Dundonald, is descended. David Cairns was nearly related to Sir Alexander Cairns, a companion in arms of the famous Duke of Marlborough. This Sir Alexander Cairns left an only daughter, from whom Lord Rossmore is descended. The sister of Sir Alexander was married to John Henderson, Esq., of Castletown, near Strabane, and one of the daughters of Mr. Henderson by this lady was married to Mr. Laird, the Presbyterian minister of Donoughmore [Co. Donegal], near Strabane, from whom the Rev. W. McClure, of Londonderry, is descended. Another of the daughters of Mr. Henderson, of Castletown, was married to a Mr. Singer, the ancestor of the Right Rev. Dr. Singer, Bishop of Meath. (Extracted from Mackenzie's Memorials of the Siege of Derry: Including His Narrative and Its Vindication (1861)

McCAUSLAND, Oliver, Esq., was the elder son of Alexander McAuselane (whose grandfather, McAuselane, of Glenduglas, migrated to Ireland, temp. Jac. I.). Alexander served in the army before 1649; settled in Tyrone, and became possessed of the Manor of Ardstraw, Mountfield. He married Genet, daughter of Edward Hall, of New Grange, county Meath, and dying in 1675, was succeeded by his elder son, Oliver, M.P. Oliver married Anne, daughter of James Hamilton, Esq., and had a son Oliver, who had large estates in the county Donegal, and was father of John, M.P. for Strabane, 1735-6, whose memoir will come further on. (Vide Burke's Landed Gentry.) In a Rental of the See estate in Derry, c. 1703, Oliver McCausland is thus noticed : — No. 26, Ardstra — yearly value £80, Tenant, McCausland, Oliver. " This was lately renewed. The tenant is a man of interest, probity, and prudence, but it is set at an easy rate”.


MARSHALL, George (1830-61) - The son of William and Elizabeth M. Marshall, was born in Beltegh [Balteagh] Parish, near Newton Limavady, Derry, Ireland in 1830. He attended the schools of his native land, and after his arrival in the United States, he entered Union College. Schenectady, N. Y., and graduated in 1852, and commenced the study of theology in the Seminary at Princeton, N. J., where he graduated in 1855. He was licensed by Albany Presbytery the same year. Soon after leaving the Seminary he was called to the Rock Church, Cecil Co., Md., which he accepted, and he was ordained and installed as Pastor by New Castle Presbytery, May 13, 1856. He married Miss Bella Campbell, of Tyrone Co., Ireland, who with two children survives him. Here he laboured faithfully and earnestly until his death. He died of Eresypelas, February 27, 1861.


MEASE, Matthew (d. 1787) was born in Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, and emigrated at an early age to America, settling in Philadelphia, where his uncle, John Mease, an eminent and wealthy merchant, resided. Though educated for a merchant, he entered the American Navy, and became Purser of the "Bonhomme Richard". In the desperate encounter between that vessel and the “Serapis, Mr. Mease, not relishing the thought of being an idle spectator of the engagement, obtained from Paul Jones the command of the quarter-deck guns, which were served under him until he was carried below to the cock-pit dangerously wounded on the head by a splinter. He died in Philadelphia, in 1787. (The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, Now Deceased by Henry Simpson)

MERVIN, Audley, of the county Tyrone, was educated in this college, and brought up as a lawyer; he afterwards became a colonel in the army, and was knighted for his services. Colonel or Sir Audley Mervin published five remarkable speeches upon various memorable occasions, between A.D. 1641 and 1662, and an exact relation of occurrences in the northern counties of Ireland, presented to the House of Commons of England, London, 1642. (Extracted from History of the University of Dublin, (founded by Queen Elizabeth ITS ORIGIN, PROGRESS, AND PRESENT CONDITION}


McMASTER, Hon William (b. 1811) [Midland] 1st Mem. L. S.. Mr. William McMaster, Linen Merchant, of county Tyrone, North of Ireland. Born in 1811. Came to Canada in 1833. Is head of the firm of W. McMaster & Nephews, Dry Goods Merchants. C W. Is a Director of the Soldiers' Institute, Toronto. First returned to parliament for L. C. division of Midland, 11th October, 1862.— Toronto, C W. Hon W McMaster, 2465 J W Gamble, 1300. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

McCULLAGH, James (1809-47), the son of a poor farmer, was born in Tyrone in 1809, d. 1847. His early death, due to his own hand in a fit of insanity, cut short his work, but enough remains to permit him to rank amongst the great mathematicians of all time, his most important work being his memoir on surfaces of the second order. (Extracted from The Glories of Ireland 1914)


McGARRITY, Joseph (1874-1940) was born on March 4, 1874 in Carrickmore, County Tyrone, Ireland. He came to the United States at the age of sixteen and settled with relatives in Philadelphia. He engaged in various business enterprises in Philadelphia as well as in New York and Atlantic City and spent part of 1926 in Bogota, Columbia on business. Overriding Joseph McGarrity's many interests was the cause of Ireland as a country free and independent of British control. He became a leader of the Philadelphia district of Clan-na-Gael and was a generous supporter of numerous organizations and individual working for Irish liberty. McGarrity counted among his close friends Sean MacDermott, John McBride, Michael Collins, Harry Boland, Sean T. O'Kelly, Sean Russell, as well as many others. Padraig Pearse and Roger Casement stayed at his home while visiting Philadelphia. When Eamon De Valera came to America to raise funds for an Irish Republican government bond issue, he was in constant touch with Joseph McGarrity, whom he was considered one of his most active and effective supporters. Mr. McGarrity's writings reflect this energy in the form of correspondence, diaries, a memoir, and an account of a business related venture. He was also a man of poetry. His poems reflect his love for his family, while other poems show his understanding of human nature in the context of everyday life. Many of his poems and ballads catch the flavor of the revolutionary spirit in Ireland. Joseph McGarrity died on August 5, 1940 in Philadelphia. (Extract from FALVEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY)

NEWLIN, Nicholas (d. 1731), a gentleman in easy circumstances, with his wife and family, emigrated from Mountmelick, in the County of Tyrone[?], Ireland, in 1683. He had embraced the profession of Quakerism some time before, and. it is rather strongly intimated in his certificate, that his reason for removal was "his fearfulness of suffering there for the testimony of Jesus." Be that as it may, his conduct here showed him to be a man firm in the performance of what he believed to be his duty under all circumstances. He settled in Concord and built a mill there in very early times. For a time he served the county as one of the Justices of the Court. Meetings were held at his house as early as 1687. His two sons, Nathaniel and John, both unmarried, accompanied their father to this country. NEWLIN, NATHANIEL, son of Nicholas Newlin, emigrated from Ireland with his father, and was of age at the time of his arrival here. In 1085 he married Mary Mendenhall, also an immigrant, and a sister of Benjamin and John Mendenhall. He was a man of good abilities, and exercised considerable influence, both in the meetings of the Friends and in the community at large. During seven years, at different times, he was a representative from Chester County in the Provincial Assembly, and was frequently employed in other important trusts. He continued to reside in Concord as long as he lived, and held a large amount of real estate there as well as elsewhere. A brick dwelling-house erected by him in I699, upon the site of the present dwelling of John Sharpless, was standing till within a few years past. His children were Jemima, Elizabeth, Nicholas, Nathaniel, John, Kezie and Mary. He died in 1731. (Extracted from History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania: From the Discovery of THE TERRIT0RY INCLUDED WITHIN ITS LIMITS T0 THE PRESENT TIME,...By George Smith M.D 1802)

PORTER, Alexander (1786-1844), an American jurist, born near Omagh, county Tyrone, Ireland, in 1786, died in St. Mary's parish, La., Jan. 13, 1844. In 1801 he emigrated to the United States, and settled in Nashville, Tenn., where in 1807 he was admitted to the bar. In 1810 he removed to St. Martinsville, La., and in 1811 was elected a member of the convention which framed the first constitution of Louisiana. Before reaching the age of 30 he was one of the leading lawyers of the state, and at the same time was an extensive and successful sugar planter. In 1821 he was appointed a judge of the supreme court of Louisiana, a position which he filled for 12 years. Great confusion existed in the state in consequence of the attempt to engraft certain principles of the common law upon the mixed system of Spanish, French, and civil law which then prevailed ; and to the labors of Judge Porter and his associates on the bench, Judges Matthews and Martin, is due the system of jurisprudence at present existing in Louisiana. In Dec. 1833, he resigned office, and in the same month was elected a senator in congress. In politics he was a whig, and one of his first legislative votes was recorded in favor of Mr. Clay's resolutions censuring President Jackson for removing the deposits. Subsequently he spoke in favor of the bill prohibiting the circulation in the southern states, through the mail, of publications that might excite insurrections among the slaves, and of Mr. Calhoun's motion to reject petitions for the abolition of slavery in the district of Columbia. In March, 1836, he made his most elaborate parliamentary effort in reply to a speech of Mr. Benton upon the introduction of his "expunging resolutions". He also opposed Benton's bill for compelling payments for public lands to be made in specie, and favored the division among the states of the surplus revenue remaining in the treasury at the end of each year, and the recognition of the independence of Texas. In the latter part of 1836 he resigned. In Jan. 1843, he was re- elected a senator for 6 years from the ensuing March, but was prevented by ill health from taking his seat.

RICHARDSON, ARCHIBALD, Esq. Archibald Richardson, the senior member for Augher was the son-in-law of the Rev. Archibald Erskine, of Augher Castle, whose father was the Sir James Erskine, who represented Tyrone in 1634 (vide p. 161). His wife, Mary, the eldest daughter, brought him the Erskine estate, adjoining Augher. This estate appears to have passed to his nephew St. George Richardson, Esq., who married Elizabeth Bunbury, the eldest daughter of Benjamin Bunbury ,of Kilfeacle, who died in 1765. They had a son William, created a baronet in 1787; who in 1775, married Eliza Richardson, and had a son, Sir James Mervyn Richardson, who married Margaret, daughter of James Corry Moutray, of Favor Royal, county Tyrone. Sir James, in 1822, assumed the additional name and arms of Bunbury, and was father of Rev. Sir James Richardson Bunbury, of Castle Hill, county Tyrone. (Vide Burke's Peerage).


SHIELDS, JAMES (b. 1810), was a Representative in Congress, from Ohio, from 1829 to 1831. Was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1810, and emigrated, to America about 1826. He pursued his mathematical and classical studies until the year 1832, when he went to Illinois, and commenced the practice of the law at Kaskaskia. In 1836 he was elected a member of the Illinois legislature, and Auditor of the State in 1839. In 1843 he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court; and in 1845 Commissioner of the General Land- office. At the commencement of the Mexican war, he was appointed, by President Polk, a brigadier-general in the United States army, and, for his distinguished services |during the course of the war, was promoted to the rank of brevet major-general. In 1848 he was appointed Governor of Oregon Territory, which he resigned. In 1849 he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate, for the term of six years, from the State of Illinois, He subsequently took up his residence in the Territory of Minnesota, and in 1857 was elected to represent the same in the Senate of the United States, when she became a State, in which position he continues (extracted from Dictionary of the United States Congress, Containing Biographical Sketches of Its Members The Foundation Of The Government;1859).

SHORT, Felix (1799-1893) was born 1799 in the Roman Catholic parish of Erigal Kieran, County Tyrone. The townland was Shantavny Irish, the Barony of Clogher. The area presently would compare to Ballygawley. When as a young boy he watched the Army troops training for the Battle of Waterloo. In 1832 he married Letitia MAGEE b. 1811. They left Ireland in May 1832 to sail to Canada, then took a second ship from Canada into New York harbor, with the newlywed couple was his parents, Paul Short and Catherine Short was recorded in Shantavny Irish, County Tyrone, as officially using 2 separate surnames. His original surname was McGirr which is an Irish name found almost exclusively in County Tyrone, but he had adopted using the English translation of SHORT. Paul and Catherine Short had these children: Felix, Owen, Sarah, Mary, Nancy. All these children and the parents eventually moved to America, with the exception of Mary McGirr/Short who remained in County Tyrone lifelong. Owen McGirr/Short actually was first to leave, in 1829. Once Felix and family arrived in New York City, they eventually made their way to Philadelphia, PA., where they lived 2 years on Chestnut St. After moving around while working, by 1840 census they Felix Short family was settled finally in Carrolltown, Cambria Co., PA. He bought 100 acres to farm, and lived there until his death on Easter Sunday of 1893. He and his wife are buried at St. Benedict's Catholic Cemetery. He had 11 children, 1 son died young, but 2 sons lived to have children, they were Paul Short and Enoch Short. (Submitted by Lilly Martin, great great-grand daughter of Felix Short)

WHITE Captain JOHN, J P (b. 1811) [Halton] 6th Mem L. B. Born near Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, 8th June, 1811. Educated at and near Toronto, C W. married Miss Louisa Knight, of Hamilton. C W. was a member of the District Council of the Gore District for nine years in succession and afterwards a member of the County Council for Co. Halton. (Ontario, Canada)Is Captain 3rd Battalion Hulton Militia. First returned at (g.e. 1851. Contested Halton unsuccessfully at g. e. 1854. Returned again at g. e. 1857, and again at last. g. e.— Member of the Canadian Legislative Assembly Milton, C W. Population 22,794. No of Voters 2803. J White, 1124. McCallum793. CW= Captain WHITE GE= general Election

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Wolfe captured Quebec and Canada came under British rule, some of the best known of his officers and several of his men were Irish. After the Peace was signed many of them settled in Canada, not a few of them marrying French wives, and as a consequence there are numerous Irish, Scotch, and English names among the French speaking inhabitants of Lower Canada. Two of Wolfe's officers, Colonel Guy Carleton, born at Strabane in the county Tyrone, and General Richard Montgomery, born only seven miles away at Convoy [Co. Donegal], in the same county, were destined to play an important role in the future history of Canada. Montgomery was in command of the Revolutionary Army from the Colonies, when it attempted to take Quebec, and Carleton, who had been a trusted friend of General Wolfe, was in command of the Canadian forces. The two men were the lives of their respective commands, and with the death of Montgomery, Carleton's victory was assured. Carleton was made Governor-in-Chief of Canada, and during the trying years of the early British rule of New France and the American Revolution, his tact did more than anything else to save Canada for the British. Bibaud, the French historian, says, "the man to whom the administration of the government was entrusted had known how to make the Canadians love him, and this contributed not a little to retain at least within the bounds of neutrality those among them who might have been able, or who believed themselves able, to ameliorate their lot by making common cause with the insurgent colonies." Shortly after being made governor, Carleton went to England and secured the passage of the Quebec Act through the English parliament, which gave the Canadian French assurance that they were to be ruled without oppression by the British Government. Subsequently, in 1786, Carleton, as Lord Dorchester, became the first governor-general of Canada, being given jurisdiction over Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as well as Upper and Lower Canada, and to him more than to any other is due the early loyalty to the British crown in the Dominion

WILLIAM J. TEMPLETON (born 1837), merchant, Port Allegany, is a son of James and Sarah Templeton, and was born in the County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1837. When thirteen years of age he came to America, and located at Buffalo, N. Y., afterward he was employed as manager of A. Rumsey's farm for several years. In 1873 he married Agnes S. Mills, and located at Colton, N. Y., where he owned a farm and also carried on the lumber trade. Removing to Keating Summit, he here engaged in business as lumberman, and in 1887 located at Port Allegany, where he became a dealer in general merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. Templeton have four children: George D., James F., Charles S. and Edward Ray. Mr. Templeton is a member of Erie Lodge, No. 101, F. & A. M., of Buffalo. In politics he votes with the Union Labor party.

Among other Irish commanders in Chile and Peru, who, during the War of Independence, fought their way to dignity and rank, was General MacKenna, the hero of Membrillar. He was born in 1771, at Clogher, Co. Tyrone; his mother belonged to the ancient Irish sept of O'Reilly, whose estates were confiscated after the fall of Limerick in 1691. (Extracted from The Glories of Ireland, 1914)