Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Index to the Tithe Applotment Book, Langfield Upper (Longfield East) Parish, Co. Tyrone 1837

PRONI: FIN 5A/205/1 - Extracted from LDS FHL Film #258463
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

At the time of the compilation of the 1837 tithe applotment book, this was known as Langfield Upper parish, later renamed as Longfield East

Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.


**Original spelling has been retained: apostrophes were not included in this book; i.e. O’NEIL is recorded as ONEIL**


Townland Townland Townland Townland
Carony Claraghmore Coolkeeragh Cornavarrow
Dressoge Drumbarley Drumhonish Drumnaforbe
Drumrawn Gartagher Garvaghullion Glebe
Laght Leganvy Legphressy Magharenny
Segully Unshinagh  



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Carony Claraghmore Coolkeeragh Cornavarrow
Dressoge Drumhonish Drumbarley/ Drumbaily Drumnaforbe
Drumrawn Garrahullion Laught Leganvy
Legphressy Maghereny Segully Unshinagh




ALEXANDER George Drumrawn
ALEXANDER James Drumrawn
ALEXANDER Joseph Drumhonish
ALEXANDER Robert Drumhonish
ALEXANDER Thomas Drumrawn
ALEXANDER Widow Segully
ANTHONY Robert Drumnaforbe
ARMSTRONG John Drumnaforbe
BARRETT Denis Dressoge
BARTON Joseph Cornavarrow
BOYLE Denis Garahullion
BOYLE James, Junr. Garahullion
BOYLE James, Senr. Garahullion
BRADLEY Alexander Drumnaforbe
BRADLEY John Leganvy
BRADY Alexander Drumnaforbe
BREEN Michael Dressoge
BRIEN Michael Coolkeragh
CALDWELL Charles Drumrawn
CALDWELL Thomas Drumrawn
CAMREN? Robert Carony
CARSON John Unshinagh
CASSIDY Denis Dressoge
CASSIDY Michael Dressoge
CASSIDY Owen Dressoge
CASSIDY Paul Dressoge
CAVANAGH Terence Cornavarrow
COLE Arthur Laught
COLE Bernard Dressoge
COLE John Dressoge
COLE John, Junr. Dressoge
COLE Owen Dressoge
COLE Owen Unshinagh
COLE Patrick Dressoge
COLE Patrick, Junr. Dressoge
COLE Thomas Dressoge
COLL Bryan Claraghmore
COLLON John Legphressy
CUNNINGHAM Robert Coolkeragh
CUNNINGHAM Widow Drumnaforbe
DAVIS James Laught
DOGHERTY Daniel Coolkeragh
DOGHERTY Daniel Dressoge
DOGHERTY Edward Cornavarrow
DOGHERTY James Cornavarrow
DOGHERTY James Dressoge
DOGHERTY John Cornavarrow
DOGHERTY Patrick Dressoge
DONELY Owen Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Daniel Cornavarrow
DONNELLY George Segully
DONNELLY George Segully
DONNELLY James Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Michael Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Owen Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Patrick Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Peter, Junr. Cornavarrow
DONNELLY Peter, Senior Cornavarrow
DOOHAN Hugh Legphressy
DOOHAN Widow Legphressy
DORAN William Cornavarrow
DOUGHERTY Andrew Garahullion
DOUGHERTY Daniel Garahullion
DUNCAN Andrew Coolkeragh
EARLY Bryan Garahullion
EARLY Cormick Segully
EARLY Cormick Segully
ECHLIN Revd. Chas. Carony
ELKIN James Dressoge
FAIRY Hugh Dressoge
FAIRY Owen Dressoge
FLANAGAN Hugh Maghereny
FREIL James Cornavarrow
GALLAGHER Francis Maghereny
GALLAGHER James Maghereny
GALLAGHER John Maghereny
GIBSON John Drumbaily
GIBSON Robert Coolkeragh
GIBSON Samuel Drumbaily
GILLIS William, Junr. Drumrawn
GILLIS William, Senr. Drumrawn
GIVEN George Drumnaforbe
GIVEN George Unshinagh
GIVEN James Carony
GORMLEY Bernard Garahullion
GORMLEY Catherine, widow Laught
GORMLEY Edward Claraghmore
GORMLEY James Laught
GORMLEY Michael Claraghmore
GORMLEY Michael Drumnaforbe
GORMLEY Owen Claraghmore
GORMLEY Patrick Claraghmore
GORMLEY Rodger Claraghmore
GORMLEY William Laught
GRAHAM Robert Drumbaily
IRWIN Charles Cornavarrow
IRWIN John Drumnaforbe
JOHNSTON Alexander Carony
JOHNSTON Gerald Leganvy
JOHNSTON John Segully
JOHNSTON William Drumnaforbe
JOHNSTON William Drumrawn
KAIN Thomas Drumrawn
KANE Patrick Legphressy
KELLY John Drumrawn
LAMMEY Andrew Drumnaforbe
LAMMEY John Drumnaforbe
LAMMEY John Legphressy
LAMMEY Solomon Legphressy
LEVISTON James Maghereny
MARLEY Patrick Maghereny
MARTIN Thomas Coolkeragh
MATHEWS Doctor Drumnaforbe
MAXWELL Doctor Drumrawn
McALEN Francis Garahullion
McALENY Bryan Claraghmore
McALENY Michael Dressoge
McALENY Susan, widow Dressoge
McANENA Hugh Drumnaforbe
McASHEE Charles Drumnaforbe
McASHEE Daniel Drumnaforbe
McATAGART Edward Legphressy
McBRAIRTY Bartley Cornavarrow
McBRAIRTY Daniel Cornavarrow
McBRAIRTY William Cornavarrow
McBRIDE Edward Drumhonish
McBRIDE Robert Carony
McBRIDE Robert Drumnaforbe
McBRYAN Neal Legphressy
McCALLAN Daniel Garahullion
McCALLAN Michael Garahullion
McCALLAN Widow Garahullion
McCAN Thomas Claraghmore
McCANNY Francis Legphressy
McCANNY John Unshinagh
McCANNY Michael Segully
McCANNY Patrick Drumrawn
McCANNY Patrick, Junr. Cornavarrow
McCANNY Patrick, Senr. Cornavarrow
McCANNY Peter Cornavarrow
McCANNY Widow Legphressy
McCARAGHARD James Cornavarrow
McCASKEY Anthony Coolkeragh
McCASKEY James Dressoge
McCAUSLAND Sarah Drumrawn
McCAUSLAND Widow Drumnaforbe
McCAVIL Patrick Maghereny
McCLAIN Edward Drumnaforbe
McCLEAN Alexander Claraghmore
McCONNELL Arthur Garahullion
McCONNELL Francis Garahullion
McCROSSAN Thomas Drumnaforbe
McDAID Dennis Claraghmore
McDAID James Garahullion
McENHILL James Claraghmore
McENTEE? John Drumnaforbe
McGLOUGHLIN John Drumnaforbe
McGLOUGHLIN Owen Dressoge
McGRATH John Legphressy
McILHOLIN Felix Carony
McKAIN Frank Garahullion
McKANE James Dressoge
McKANE Owen Cornavarrow
McKENNA Bryan Garahullion
McKNIGHT Widow Leganvy
McLAUGHLIN Owen Coolkeragh
McLOUGHLIN William Coolkeragh
McMAHON Arthur Garahullion
McMAHON James Garahullion
McMANUS Philip Claraghmore
McNABB Michael Segully
McNABB Owen Segully
McNABB William Segully
McNAMEE Hugh Carony
McNIGHT John Leganvy
McPHELONY Laurence Cornavarrow
McPHELONY Owen Cornavarrow
McPHILMEY Catherine Drumrawn
McPIKE Henry Unshinagh
McQUIDE Michael Carony
McSORLEY Hugh Laught
McTAGART James Maghereny
McWAID Charles Legphressy
McWAID Redmond Unshinagh
McWILLIAMS Charles Carony
McWILLIAMS Felix Carony
McWILLIAMS Felix, Senr. Carony
McWILLIAMS John Carony
MIMNAGH James Cornavarrow
MIMNAGH James Laught
MIMNAGH James, Junr. Cornavarrow
MIMNAGH Rodger Cornavarrow
MIMNAUGH Hugh Legphressy
MIMNAUGH Michael Legphressy
MIMNAUGH Neil Legphressy
MOFFETT Andrew Legphressy
MOFFETT Sarah Drumnaforbe
MOORE James Drumrawn
MOORE Jane (widow) Carony
MOORE John Dressoge
MOORE Stephen Maghereny
MOORE William Carony
MOORE William Drumnaforbe
MORRIS Bryan Dressoge
MORRIS Filemy Dressoge
MORRIS James Cornavarrow
MORRIS James Legphressy
MORRIS John Cornavarrow
MORRIS Laurence Cornavarrow
MORRIS Patrick Cornavarrow
MULLAND John Segully
MULLEN Charles Laught
MULLEN Charles Laught
MULLEN Charles, Junr. Garahullion
MULLEN Charles, Senr. Garahullion
MULLEN Cormick Claraghmore
MULLEN Cormick Garahullion
MULLEN Cormick Laught
MULLEN Edward Garahullion
MULLEN Henry Garahullion
MULLEN Henry Laught
MULLEN Henry Laught
MULLEN Widow Garahullion
MUNGAN Owen Legphressy
NETHERY James Maghereny
NETHERY James Unshinagh
NETHERY Michael Drumnaforbe
NETHERY Robert Drumrawn
NETHERY Robert Maghereny
NETHERY Thomas Maghereny
NETHERY Thomas Segully
NETHERY Thomas Unshinagh
NETHERY William Drumnaforbe
NIXON Alexander Carony
NIXON Alexander Drumnaforbe
NUGENT James Laught
OCAINE Joseph Claraghmore
OKANE Michael Garahullion
ONEIL Arthur Segully
ONEIL Bryan Claraghmore
ONEIL Charles Carony
ONEIL Charles Leganvy
ONEIL Coll Claraghmore
ONEIL Daniel Cornavarrow
ONEIL Daniel Legphressy
ONEIL Edward, Senr. Claraghmore
ONEIL Elenor, widow Leganvy
ONEIL Henry Claraghmore
ONEIL James Garahullion
ONEIL John Claraghmore
ONEIL John Drumnaforbe
ONEIL Laughlin Drumhonish
ONEIL Michael Cornavarrow
ONEIL Michael, Junr. Cornavarrow
ONEIL Rodger Claraghmore
ONEILE Hugh Unshinagh
ONEILE John Legphressy
PATERSON Aaron Dressoge
PATTEN George Drumnaforbe
PATTEN George Drumnaforbe
PATTEN George Drumrawn
PERRY Patrick Maghereny
QUIGLEY Edward Carony
QUIGLEY Edward Drumnaforbe
QUIN Henry Claraghmore
QUIN John Legphressy
RABB Widow Drumbaily
REED Rodger Drumrawn
ROBINSON James Leganvy
ROBINSON John Drumrawn
ROBINSON William Claraghmore
ROBISON John Leganvy
ROULSTON Mathew Carony
RUSSEL John Coolkeragh
SCALLAN Charles Drumnaforbe
SCALLAN Cormick Cornavarrow
SCALLAN Henry Cornavarrow
SCALLAN John Cornavarrow
SCALLAN William Cornavarrow
SHERIDAN James Segully
SLODEN Patrick Cornavarrow
SPROULE Edward Drumnaforbe
SPROULE Robert Coolkeragh
SPROULE Wallace Drumnaforbe
SPROULE William Dressoge
SPROULE Wilson Carony
SWEENY Owen Garahullion
TODD John Segully
TOMENY John Legphressy
TOMENY Widow Legphressy
TURNER James Drumnaforbe
TURNER James Drumrawn
TURNER James Maghereny
TURNER John Drumrawn
TURNER John Segully
TURNER Joseph Drumrawn
TURNER Robert Maghereny
VARTEY James Carony
WATSON William Coolkeragh
WHITE William Claraghmore
WILSON Charles Segully
WILSON Henry Laught
WILSON Robert Drumbaily
WILSON Robert Drumnaforbe
WILSON Robert, Junr. Segully
WILSON Robert, Senr. Segully
WILSON Robert, Senr. Segully
WINTERS Arthur Drumnaforbe
WOODS Samuel Carony
YOUNG James Drumbaily