Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Errigal Trough Parish(part within Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland) Tithe Applotment Book 1826

NAI Reference TAB 23/ 1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithing, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally, the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.


N.B. - Errigal Trough parish straddles the Tyrone-Monaghan county boundary with twelve townlands located in Co. Tyrone



Townland Townland Townland Townland Townland
Altadaven Cullamore Dernasell Derryclay Derrycloony
Drumadarragh Durless Black Durless White Edenmore Favor Royal Demesne
Fymore Mourtray Fymore Todd Gallagh Killaveny  



Townland Townland Townland Townland Townland
Altadavin Carrickavoy Cullamore Dernadaragh Dernasell
Derryclay Derrycloony Durlis Black Durlis White Edinmore
Fighmore Gallagh Killavney Killybrick Killycarnan




ANKETELL Roger, Esq. Cullamore
ANKETELL Wm., Esq. Cullamore
BANE William Dernadaragh
BELL Jo. Dernadaragh
BUNBERRY Captn. Derryclay
BURKE James Durlis Black
BURKE Patt. Killavney
BUSBY Henry Dernadaragh
CAMPBELL John Killybrick
CASSIDY Francis Killavney
CASSIDY Owen Fighmore
CASSIDY Patt. Killavney
CLIFFORD John Derryclay
CLIFFORD Robt. Derryclay
COLWELL James Fighmore
CONLAN James Fighmore
CONLAN John Dernadaragh
CONLY Francis Durlis White
CONLY James Durlis White
CONLY Pat. (Tom) Dernasell
CONOLLY John Altadavin
CONOLLY Patt. Dernasell
CULLIGAN Patt. Killycarnan
CURRAN John Derryclay
CURREN Thomas Derryclay
CURREN Thomas Gallagh
DOLIN John Dernadaragh
DONELLY Edward Killybrick
DONELLY Peter Altadavin
DONLY James Altadavin
DONLY Michl. Altadavin
FARLEY Patt. Dernadaragh
FERRY Barny (Hugh) Derrycloony
FRYARS William Fighmore
GLENEY James Fighmore
GRAHAM Arthur Dernadaragh
GRAHAM Robert Fighmore
HACKET James Fighmore
HACKET John Carrickavoy
HACKET Milse Carrickavoy
HAMIL Patt Dernadaragh
HOLLAND Edwd. Altadavin
HOLLAND Hugh Killavney
HOLLAND James Altadavin
HOLLAND Michl. Cullamore
HOLLAND Patt. Altadavin
HUGHES Cormick Killavney
HUGHES Owen Altadavin
HUGHES Owen Derrycloony
HUGHES Owen Durlis Black
HUGHES Patt. Killavney
HUGHES Widow Altadavin
JOHNSTONE William Killavney
KEENAN Patt. Derryclay
KEENAN Peter Derryclay
LITTLE William Dernadaragh
McAVICAR Dennis Altadavin
McAVICAR John Altadavin
McAVICAR John Durlis White
McAVICAR Owen Altadavin
McAVICAR Peter Durlis White
McAVICAR Thomas (deleted) Durlis Black
McAVICAR Widow Altadavin
McAVICAR Widow Durlis White
McCANN Francis Killavney
McCANN James Altadavin
McCANN Michael Dernadaragh
McCANN Michl. Derryclay
McCANN Owen Gallagh
McCANN Patt. Fighmore
McCANN Patt. Killavney
McCANN Peter Gallagh
McCARNEY Owen Killybrick
McCARRON Francis Altadavin
McCARRON James Dernadaragh
McCLELLAN John Fighmore
McCOWEL Barny Dernadaragh
McCOWELL Widow Killybrick
McCUSKER Barny Dernadaragh
McCUSKER Bernard Gallagh
McCUSKER Dominick Killybrick
McELMEEL Hugh Derrycloony
McELMEEL James Derryclay
McELMEEL James Derrycloony
McELMEEL Michl. Derrycloony
McELROY Owen Edinmore
McENANLY Daniel Killycarnan
McENANLY James Durlis White
McENANLY Milse Durlis White
McENANLY Owen Durlis White
McFARLAN John Dernadaragh
McGALE Edward Gallagh
McGARLAN Paddy Derrycloony
McGARLAN Thomas Derrycloony
McGARLAND Francis Dernasell
McGAUGY Chas. Derrycloony
McGAUGY Daniel Cullamore
McGAUGY James Altadavin
McGAUGY James Durlis Black
McGAUGY Jas. Derrycloony
McGAUGY John Derrycloony
McGAUGY Milse Durlis White
McGAUGY Owen Derrycloony
McGAUGY Patt. Altadavin
McGAUGY Patt. Durlis Black
McGAUGY Peter Derrycloony
McGAUGY Peter Durlis Black
McGAUGY Wm. Cullamore
McGINN John Altadavin
McGREGOR Robert Fighmore
McKENNA Barny Killavney
McKENNA Francis (Faddy) Dernasell
McKENNA Francis, Senr. Dernasell
McKENNA James Dernasell
McKENNA James Fighmore
McKENNA James Gallagh
McKENNA James (Gate) Altadavin
McKENNA James Andy Durlis White
McKENNA James C. Dernasell
McKENNA John Dernadaragh
McKENNA John Dernasell
McKENNA John Derrycloony
McKENNA John Durlis Black
McKENNA John Gallagh
McKENNA John (Faddy) Dernasell
McKENNA John (Michl.) Dernasell
McKENNA Michael Derrycloony
McKENNA Michl. Durlis Black
McKENNA Owen Cullamore
McKENNA Owen Fighmore
McKENNA Patt. Altadavin
McKENNA Patt. Cullamore
McKENNA Patt. Durlis White
McKENNA Patt. Fighmore
McKENNA Patt. (Major) Altadavin
McKENNA Patt. (Roe) Killavney
McKENNA Patt., Senr. Durlis White
McKENNA Peter Dernasell
McKENNA Peter Fighmore
McKENNA Widow Durlis White
McKEON James Derryclay
McWADE Michl. Cullamore
McWADE Patrick Derryclay
MOUTREY Widow John Durlis White
MULLAN John Dernadaragh
MULLRINE Owen Killavney
MULRAIN Patt. Derrycloony
POWELL Captn. Killycarnan
QUIN John Derrycloony
RAFERTY Patt. Altadavin
RAFERTY Terence Altadavin
RAFERTY Terence Killybrick
SALLY Art. Altadavin
SALLY John Altadavin
SCANLAN Edward Gallagh
SHARRY Edward Derrycloony
SHARRY Francis Derrycloony
SHARRY Patrick (Larry) Derrycloony
SHARRY Patt. Derrycloony
SHERIDAN Bryan Derryclay
SIMPSON George Fighmore
SIMPSON Samuel Fighmore
SIMTON Patt Derryclay
STEENSON Thos. Gallagh
TODD Edward Killavney
TODD James Fighmore
TODD William Killavney
WILSON John Derryclay
WINSLOW Robert (of Longhill) Derryclay
WINSLOW Robt. Dernadaragh