Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Donagheady Ratepayers, Donagheady Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland - 1856

Properties were assessed, valued and rated (taxed) to finance public works (roads, bridges, etc.) and the Strabane Workhouse
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Extracted from Donagheady Presbyterian Churches and Parish – Rutherford (Belfast, 1953)

AIKEN George Leitrim Ballyneaner
AIKEN William Leat Dunamanagh
ALEXANDER George Binelly Dunamanagh
ALEXANDER James Fawney Ballyneaner
ALEXANDER Janet Coolmaghery Dunalong
ALEXANDER Janet Grange Foyle Dunalong
ALEXANDER Joseph Maghereagh Dunalong
ALEXANDER Robert Sandville (Flax Mill) Dunalong
ALEXANDER Robert Altreste Dunalong
ALEXANDER Robert Ardmore Dunalong
ALEXANDER Robert Dullerton Dunalong
ALEXANDER Robert Gortmessan Dunalong
ALEXANDER Thomas Castlemellon Mountcastle
ALEXANDER Thomas Mountcastle Mountcastle
ALEXANDER William Fawney Ballyneaner
ALLEN Robert Cloughboy Dunalong
ALLEN William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
ANDERSON James Cloghogle Dunalong
ANDERSON James Tamnabrady Dunalong
ARBUCKLE James Ruskey Dunamanagh
ARBUCKLE John Gortileck Dunamanagh
ARBUCKLE John Ruskey Dunamanagh
ARBUCKLE Joseph Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
ARBUCKLE Joseph Ruskey Dunamanagh
ARBUCKLE William Windy Hill Dunamanagh
ARMSTRONG Alexander Monagh [Meenagh] Hill Dunalong
ARMSTRONG James Monagh [Meenagh] Hill Dunalong
ARMSTRONG Rebecca Monagh [Meenagh] Hill Dunalong
ARMSTRONG William Coolmaghery Dunalong
ASHE Thomas Killyclooney Dunamanagh
ASHE Thomas Windy Hill Dunamanagh
BAGLEY [BAILEY] William Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
BAILEY John Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
BAILEY John, Jun. Killyclooney Dunamanagh
BAILEY John, Sen. Killyclooney Dunamanagh
BAILEY (recorded as BAGLEY) William Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
BAIRD Andrew Killeny (Corn & Flax Mills) Dunamanagh
BAIRD Andrew Aughtermoy(Flax Mill) Ballyneaner
BAIRD Andrew Ruskey Dunamanagh
BAIRD Archibald Creaghcorr Dunalong
BAIRD James Aughtermoy Ballyneaner
BAIRD James Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
BAIRD Mark Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
BAIRD Robert Creaghan Ballyneaner
BAIRD William Aughtermoy Ballyneaner
BARR Isaac Coolmaghery Dunalong
BATES John Glencush Mountcastle
BATES Joseph Glencush Mountcastle
BATES William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
BLACK Fanny Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
BLACK Fanny Stony Falls Dunamanagh
BLACK John Bunowen Ballyneaner
BOGLE Joseph Castlemellon Mountcastle
BOGLE Joseph Tullyard Mountcastle
BOND James Church-hill Ballyneaner
BOND Mrs. Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
BOND Robert Ardmore Dunalong
BOND Robert Dullerton Dunalong
BOND Thomas Fawney Ballyneaner
BOYLE Matilda Leitrim Ballyneaner
BOYLE W. Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
BRADLEY John Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
BRADLEY John Bunowen Ballyneaner
BRADLEY Patrick Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
BRICE James Glencush Mountcastle
BRITTAIN Mary Tamnabrady Dunalong
BROWNE Bernard Moneycannon Ballyneaner
BROWNE James Bunowen Ballyneaner
BROWNE James Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
BROWNE James Gortmellon Mountcastle
BROWNE James Gortmellon Mountcastle
BROWNE James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
BROWNE Margaret Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
BROWNE Patrick Claggan Ballyneaner
BROWNE Widow Altreste Dunalong
BRYSON Charles Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
BUCHANAN Joseph Killyclooney Dunamanagh
BUCHANNAN Alexander Church-hill Ballyneaner
CALLAGHAN George Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
CALLAGHAN James Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
CALLAGHAN John Gobnascale Dunamanagh
CAMPBELL Andrew Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
CAMPBELL Andrew Stony Falls Dunamanagh
CAMPBELL James Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
CAMPBELL Robert Moneycannon Ballyneaner
CAMPBELL Robert Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
CAMPBELL William Tullyard Mountcastle
CARBERRY Francis Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
CARLAND John Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
CATHERS William Binelly Dunamanagh
CHAMBERS Archibald Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
CHISM [CHISHOLM] William Gortmellon Mountcastle
CLARKE Andrew Drummeny (Big) Dunalong
CLARKE Catherine Tamnaclare Dunalong
CLARKE James Gobnascale Dunamanagh
CLARKE Joseph Tamnaclare Dunalong
CLARKE William Lisdivin (Lower) Dunalong
CLEMENTS William Gortmonley Dunalong
COCHRAN William Bunowen Ballyneaner
COLHOUN Hugh Leitrim Ballyneaner
COLHOUN James Fawney Ballyneaner
COLHOUN John Fawney Ballyneaner
COLHOUN John Fawney Ballyneaner
COLHOUN William Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
COLHOUN William Gortmellon Mountcastle
COLTHURST Rev. H. Tullyard Mountcastle
CONASTON Walter Dunamanagh (Paper Mill & Flax Mill) Dunamanagh
CONNOR Philip Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
CONVILLE [CONWELL] Charles Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
CONWELL (recorded as CONVILLE) Charles Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
COOKE John Killyclooney Dunamanagh
COOPER Robert Eden Dunalong
CRAIG David Binelly Dunamanagh
CRAIG James Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
CRAIG James, Jun. Cullion Mountcastle
CRAIG James, Sen. Cullion Mountcastle
CRAIG Robert Binelly Dunamanagh
CRAIG Thomas Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
CRAIG William Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
CRAWFORD John Glenagoorland Mountcastle
CROSSAN [McCROSSAN] Robert Leat Dunamanagh
CUNNINGHAM Alexander Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
CUNNINGHAM David Tamnaclare Dunalong
CUNNINGHAM John Magheramason Dunalong
CUNNINGHAM Robert Magheramason Dunalong
CURRY James Coolmaghery Dunalong
DANE [DEAN] Andrew Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
DANIEL Isaac Cloghogle Dunalong
DANIEL Isaac Cloughboy Dunalong
DANIEL Isaac Gortavea Dunalong
DANIEL Isaac Tamnabrady Dunalong
DANTON Henry Leitrim Ballyneaner
DARROUGH James Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
DAVIS John Lisdivin (Lower) Dunalong
DAVIS Joseph Ballyheather Dunalong
DAVIS Matthew Ballyheather Dunalong
DAVIS Matthew Killycurry Dunamanagh
DAY Andrew Killyclooney Dunamanagh
DAY James Gortmellon Mountcastle
DAY William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
DEAN (recorded as DANE) Andrew Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
DEERY James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
DEERY William Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
DEERY William (Corn Mill) Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
DIVINE Catherine Ballykeery Dunamanagh
DIVINE David Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
DIVINE Hugh Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
DIVINE James Ballynacross Ballyneaner
DIVINE James Tirconolly Ballyneaner
DIVINE John Ballykeery Dunamanagh
DIVINE Michael Ballykeery Dunamanagh
DIVINE Michael Ballynacross Ballyneaner
DIVINE Neil Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
DIVINE Patrick Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
DIVINE Patrick Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
DIVINE Rodger Ballykeery Dunamanagh
DOHERTY William Ballybeeny Dunalong
DOHERTY William Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
DOHERTY William Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
DONAGHY John Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
DONAGHY John Stony Falls Dunamanagh
DONNELL James Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
DONNELL James Killeny Dunamanagh
DOUGLAS Hon. and Rev. C. Tullyard Mountcastle
DOUGLAS Hon. and Rev. Charles Taboe (Bog) Mountcastle
DOUGLAS Rev. C. Creaghan Ballyneaner
DOWNEY [McELDOWNEY] James Tamnaclare Dunalong
DOWNEY [McELDOWNEY] Joseph Coolmaghery Dunalong
DOWNEY [McELDOWNEY] Thomas Tamnaclare Dunalong
DOWNEY William Ardmore Dunalong
DUNN James Cullion Mountcastle
DUNN James Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
DUNN Samuel Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
DUNNE Andrew Glenagoorland Mountcastle
DUNNE Edward Moneycannon Ballyneaner
DUNNE James Glenagoorland Mountcastle
DUNNE James Tirconolly Ballyneaner
DUNNE Samuel Stony Falls Dunamanagh
DUNNE Thomas Glenagoorland Mountcastle
EADIE A. C. D .L. Burndennet Dunalong
EAGANS Letitia Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
EAGANS Robert Bunowen Ballyneaner
EAKIN George Gobnascale Dunamanagh
EAMES Mrs. Annie Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
EATON Alexander Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
EATON John Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
EDGAR Thomas Taboe Mountcastle
EDWARDS Thomas Cloghogle Dunalong
ELLIS David Bunowen Ballyneaner
ELLIS George Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
ELLIS George Taboe Mountcastle
ELLIS John Moneycannon Ballyneaner
ELLIS Robert Castlewarren Mountcastle
ELLIS Thomas Bunowen Ballyneaner
ELLIS William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
FAIR Andrew Killyclooney Dunamanagh
FAIR William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
FAULKNER Catherine Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
FERGUSON Andrew Creaghan Ballyneaner
FORSYTHE Sarah Jane Tamnabryan Dunalong
FOSTER William Killeny Dunamanagh
FULTON James Killyclooney Dunamanagh
FULTON John Windy Hill Dunamanagh
FULTON John Windy Hill Dunamanagh
FULTON William Windy Hill Dunamanagh
GALBRAITH James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
GALBRAITH Joseph Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
GALBRAITH William Cloghogle Dunalong
GALBRAITH William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
GAMBLE George Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
GAMBLE John Cloghogle Dunalong
GAMBLE John Tamnakeery Dunalong
GAMBLE Joseph Eden Dunalong
GAMBLE Joseph Tamnabryan Dunalong
GAMBLE Robert Tamnakeery Dunalong
GAMBLE Samuel Coolmaghery Dunalong
GAMBLE Samuel Drummeny (Big) Dunalong
GAMBLE Samuel Monagh [Meenagh] Hill Dunalong
GAMBLE William Magheramason Dunalong
GIBSON Hugh Lisdivin (Lower) Dunalong
GIBSON James Castlemellon Mountcastle
GILMOUR James Castlemellon Mountcastle
GILMOUR Thomas Cullion Mountcastle
GILMOUR Thomas Gortmellon Mountcastle
GLENN James Tullyard Mountcastle
GLENN Robert Tullyard(Corn & Flax Mill) Mountcastle
GLENN Thomas Carrickatane Mountcastle
GLENN William Gortileck Dunamanagh
GORDON John Killyclooney Dunamanagh
GORDON John Killycurry Dunamanagh
GORDON Joseph Killyclooney Dunamanagh
GORMLEY James Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
GORMLEY John Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
GOURLEY Samuel Tamnabryan Dunalong
GRAHAM James Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
HALL James Gobnascale Dunamanagh
HAMILTON George Ballyheather Dunalong
HAMILTON James Dunalong Dunalong
HAMILTON James Gloudstown Mountcastle
HAMILTON John Gloudstown Mountcastle
HAMILTON John Stony Falls Dunamanagh
HAMILTON Martha Gortmellon Mountcastle
HAMILTON Matthew Barron Dunamanagh
HAMILTON Matthew Binelly Dunamanagh
HAMILTON Robert Gloudstown Mountcastle
HARE [HONE] James Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
HARKIN David Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
HARRAN James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
HASLETT Edward Ruskey Dunamanagh
HASLETT Hugh Dullerton Dunalong
HASLETT James Dullerton Dunalong
HASTY Adam Cullion Mountcastle
HATRICK Widow Tamnaclare Dunalong
HENRY Joseph Ruskey Dunamanagh
HEYLANDS James Castlemellon Mountcastle
HEYLANDS John Creaghan Ballyneaner
HILL Alexander Gortmellon Mountcastle
HOLMES Charles Tirconolly Ballyneaner
HOLMES John Strandabrosney Mountcastle
HOLMES John, Jun. Glencush Mountcastle
HOLMES Robert McCrea Glencush Mountcastle
HONE (recorded as HARE) James Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
HOUSTON Christopher Killyclooney Dunamanagh
HOUSTON Isabella Killyclooney Dunamanagh
HOUSTON Thomas Taboe Mountcastle
HOUSTON William Mountcastle Mountcastle
HUGHEY Robert Glencush Mountcastle
HUNTER Robert Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
HUTCHINSON James Tamnabrady(Forge) Dunalong
HUTCHINSON John Lisdivin (Lower) Dunalong
HUTTON Thomas, Esq. Grange Foyle Dunalong
HYNDMAN Barry Stony Falls Dunamanagh
JACK James Ruskey Dunamanagh
JACK John Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
JAMISON William Castlewarren Mountcastle
JEFFREY John Drummeny (Little) Dunalong
JEFFRY Alexander Maghereagh Dunalong
JEFFRY John Drumgauty Dunalong
JEFFRY John Maghereagh Dunalong
JERVIS William Maghereagh Dunalong
JOHNSTON Margaret Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
JOHNSTON Samuel Gobnascale Dunamanagh
KANE Francis Leat Dunamanagh
KANE Mary Dullerton Dunalong
KANE Patrick Leat Dunamanagh
KEADY Andrew Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
KEARNS James Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
KEE David Tullyard Mountcastle
KEE Eliza Gobnascale Dunamanagh
KEE John Burndennet Dunalong
KEE Robert Gortileck Dunamanagh
KEE Samuel Gortileck (Flax Mill) Dunamanagh
KELLY John Stony Falls Dunamanagh
KENNEDY James Taboe Mountcastle
KENNEDY Thomas Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
KENNEDY Thomas Taboe Mountcastle
KENNEDY William Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
KERR Alexander Drummeny (Little) Dunalong
KERR Andrew Gortavea Dunalong
KERRIGAN James Gorticlare Ballyneaner
KERRIGAN James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
KERRIGAN John Claggan Ballyneaner
KERRIGAN John Gorticlare Ballyneaner
KERRIGAN John Killeny Dunamanagh
KERRIGAN Neal Claggan Ballyneaner
KERRIGAN William Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
KEYS Davison Leat Dunamanagh
KEYS Elizabeth Creaghan Ballyneaner
KEYS James Tamnabrady Dunalong
KEYS John Ruskey (Corn & Flax Mills) Dunamanagh
KEYS John Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
KEYS William Dunalong Dunalong
KEYS William Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
KILGORE James Ballynabwee (Flax Mill) Mountcastle
KILGORE James Ballynabwee Mountcastle
KILGORE John Ballynabwee Mountcastle
KILGORE William Ballynabwee (Flax Mill) Mountcastle
KILLIN Andrew Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
KING Ross Eden Dunalong
LATTA William Killeny Dunamanagh
LAUGHLIN James Cavancreagh Mountcastle
LAUGHLIN John Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
LAUGHLIN John Stony Falls Dunamanagh
LAUGHLIN William Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
LAUGHLIN William Gortileck Dunamanagh
LEWIS Joseph Eden Dunalong
LEWIS William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
LINDSAY James Gortavea Dunalong
LINDSAY James Killeny Dunamanagh
LINDSAY James Ruskey Dunamanagh
LOAGUE Charles Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
LOAGUE David Monagh [Meenagh Hill] Dunalong
LOAGUE James Gorticlare Ballyneaner
LOAGUE John Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
LOAGUE Mary Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
LOGAN Joseph Eden Dunalong
LOGUE John Ardmore Dunalong
LOGUE John Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
LOGUE Patrick [Liscloon](Lower) Ballyneaner
LOGUE William Gortmellon Mountcastle
LOUGHRY Edward Gortmonley Dunalong
LOVE Daniel Creaghcorr Dunalong
LOVE George Gortavea Dunalong
LOVE George Tamnaclare Dunalong
LOVE James Ardmore Dunalong
LOVE Joseph Cavancreagh Mountcastle
LOVE Ninian Gortmonley Dunalong
LOVE Robert Ardmore Dunalong
LOVE Robert Gortmonley Dunalong
LOVE Victor, Jun. Creaghcorr Dunalong
LOWRY James Cullion Mountcastle
LOWRY James Glencush Mountcastle
LOWRY John Glencush Mountcastle
LOWRY Stephen Cullion Mountcastle
LYNCH James Cloughboy Dunalong
LYNCH Neil Moneycannon Ballyneaner
LYON John Mountcastle Mountcastle
LYONS David Fawney Ballyneaner
LYONS David Taboe Mountcastle
MACKAY John Mountcastle Mountcastle
MACKAY Robert Mountcastle Mountcastle
MACKLIN James Tullyard Mountcastle
MAGEE Patrick Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
MAGHER Michael Stony Falls Dunamanagh
MARTIN John Gobnascale Dunamanagh
MARTIN John Killycurry Dunamanagh
MAXWELL John Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
McANULTY Patrick Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
McBRIDE Robert Tamnabryan Dunalong
McCLAY John Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
McCLEERY Robert Killyclooney Dunamanagh
McCLEERY Thomas Killyclooney Dunamanagh
McCLEMENTS Samuel Tamnaclare Dunalong
McCLENAGHAN Thomas Ruskey Dunamanagh
McCLINTOCK William Ballybeeny Dunalong
McCLURE John Cloghogle Dunalong
McCONNELL Eliza Cloghogle Dunalong
McCONNELL James Glenagoorland Mountcastle
McCONNELL John Glenagoorland Mountcastle
McCONOMY Bernard Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
McCONOMY Hugh Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
McCORMICK Daniel Gloudstown Mountcastle
McCOURT John Leitrim Ballyneaner
McCOY [McKAY] James Castlewarren Mountcastle
McCOY [McKAY] John Gortileck Dunamanagh
McCOY [McKAY] Roseanna Gortileck Dunamanagh
McCREA James Eden Dunalong
McCREA James Lisdivin (Upper) Dunalong
McCREA James Tamnabryan Dunalong
McCREA John Ballyheather (Flax Mill) Dunalong
McCREA John Altreste Dunalong
McCREA John Gobnascale Dunamanagh
McCREA John James Tullyard Mountcastle
McCREA John Maghereagh Dunalong
McCREA Robert Ballyheather (Flax Mill) Dunalong
McCREA Robert Grange Foyle Dunalong
McCREA William Cavancreagh Mountcastle
McCREA William Grange Foyle Dunalong
McCREA William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McCREA William Tullyard Mountcastle
McCROSSAN Daniel Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
McCROSSAN John Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
McCROSSAN (recorded as CROSSAN) Robert Leat Dunamanagh
McCRUDDEN Hugh Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McCULLOUGH William Leitrim Ballyneaner
McDONNELL Alexander Ruskey Dunamanagh
McDONNELL John Taboe Mountcastle
McDONNELL William Taboe Mountcastle
McELDOWNEY (recorded as DOWNEY) Joseph Coolmaghery Dunalong
McELDOWNEY (recorded as DOWNEY) James Tamnaclare Dunalong
McELDOWNEY (recorded as DOWNEY) Thomas Tamnaclare Dunalong
McFARLAND John Ballyheather Dunalong
McGAGHEY George Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
McGAVARIN [McGOVERN] Mary Ballyheather Dunalong
McGEE John Glencush Mountcastle
McGETTIGAN John Drumgauty Dunalong
McGETTIGAN John Tamnabryan Dunalong
McGILL James Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
McGINLEY Charles Dunalong Drumgauty
McGINLEY Charles Gortmellon Mountcastle
McGLINCHEY George Barron Dunamanagh
McGLINCHY James Barron Dunamanagh
McGOVERN (recorded as McGAVARIN) Mary Ballyheather Dunalong
McGUINNESS James Castlewarren Mountcastle
McINTIRE Andrew Maghereagh Dunalong
McINTIRE John Tullyard Mountcastle
McINTIRE Joseph Cloughboy Dunalong
McINTIRE Michael Creaghcorr Dunalong
McINTIRE Michael Tamnabrady Dunalong
McINTIRE Robert Maghereagh Dunalong
McINTIRE Samuel Cloughboy Dunalong
McINTIRE Thomas Fawney Ballyneaner
McINTOSH James Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
McINTOSH Thomas Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
McINTYRE Charles Tamnabrady Dunalong
McINTYRE James Killycurry Dunamanagh
McINTYRE John Gortmonley Dunalong
McINTYRE Leonard Ballynabwee Mountcastle
McINTYRE Samuel Killycurry Dunamanagh
McINTYRE William Ballynabwee Mountcastle
McIVOR Robert Tamnakeery Dunalong
McKAY (recorded as McCOY) James Castlewarren Mountcastle
McKAY (recorded as McCOY) John Gortileck Dunamanagh
McKAY (recorded as McCOY) Roseanna Gortileck Dunamanagh
McKANE James Castlewarren Mountcastle
McKANE John Taboe Mountcastle
McKANE Robert Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
McKEEGAN W. M. Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
McKEEVER James Sollus Dunalong
McKEEVER Robert Tamnabrady Dunalong
McKINLEY William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McKINNEY Robert Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
McKINNY Robert Killyclooney Dunamanagh
McLAUGHLIN Denis Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
McLAUGHLIN George Maghereagh Dunalong
McLAUGHLIN Henry Lisdivin (Upper) Dunalong
McLAUGHLIN Henry Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McLAUGHLIN John Binelly Dunamanagh
McLAUGHLIN W. Binelly Dunamanagh
McLAUGHLIN William Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
McLOUGHLIN John Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
McMASTER John Ardmore Dunalong
McMENAMIN Bryan Claggan Ballyneaner
McMENAMIN James Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
McMENAMIN Michael Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McMENAMIN William Claggan Ballyneaner
McMICHAEL James Gortileck Dunamanagh
McMICHAEL John Gortileck Dunamanagh
McMORRIS Archibald Ardmore Dunalong
McMORRIS Eliza Ardcame Ballyneaner
McMORRIS Ephraim Glencush Mountcastle
McMORRIS Ephraim Stony Falls Dunamanagh
McMORRIS James Gortmellon Mountcastle
McMORRIS John Ardmore Dunalong
McMORRIS Samuel Cavancreagh Mountcastle
McMORRIS Thomas Coolmaghery Dunalong
McNEELY John Magheramason Dunalong
McNEELY William Magheramason Dunalong
McNULTY Patrick Drumgauty Dunalong
McSHANE Benjamin Barron Dunamanagh
McSHANE Charles Glencush Mountcastle
MEATHER Robert Ardmore Dunalong
MEATHERS James Coolmaghery Dunalong
MEATHERS John Tamnabryan Dunalong
MEATHERS Joseph Altreste Dunalong
MEATHERS Joseph Tamnabryan Dunalong
MEATHERS Robert Magheramason Dunalong
MEHAFFY James Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
MELAGH William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
MILLAR Robert Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
MILLAR Robert Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
MILLAR William Killyclooney Dunamanagh
MITCHELL David Drumgauty Dunalong
MITCHELL William Cullion Mountcastle
MOODY Robert Killeny Dunamanagh
MOORE Joseph, Esq. Killyclooney Dunamanagh
MOORE Robert Sollus Dunalong
MOORHEAD Alexander Cloghogle Dunalong
MOORHEAD Alexander Tamnabrady Dunalong
MOORHEAD Alexander Tamnaclare Dunalong
MOORHEAD James Coolmaghery Dunalong
MOORHEAD John Coolmaghery Dunalong
MOORHEAD Joseph Coolmaghery Dunalong
MULCAHY (recorded as MULTAGHEY Mary J. Aughtermoy Ballyneaner
MULDOON John Ballynacross Ballyneaner
MULDOON Patrick Ballynacross Ballyneaner
MULLAN John Stony Falls Dunamanagh
MULLEN Hugh Glenagoorland Mountcastle
MULTAGHEY [MULCAHY] Mary J. Aughtermoy Ballyneaner
MURRAY Daniel Stony Falls Dunamanagh
NELIS Peggy Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
NELSON James Barron Dunamanagh
NELSON William A. Barron Dunamanagh
NIXON Andrew Castlewarren Mountcastle
NIXON James Castlewarren Mountcastle
NIXON James Glenagoorland Mountcastle
NIXON John Castlewarren Mountcastle
NIXON Robert Castlewarren Mountcastle
NIXON Samuel Leitrim Ballyneaner
NIXON William Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
NIXON William Stony Falls Dunamanagh
NUTT James Cullion (Forge) Mountcastle
O’HARA John Ballaghalare Dunamanagh
O’NEIL Philip Ballynacross Ballyneaner
O’NEILL Francis Gloudstown (Bleach Green) Mountcastle
O’NEILL Hugh Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
O’NEILL James Stony Falls Dunamanagh
O’NEILL William Castlemellon Mountcastle
O’NEILL William Cavancreagh Mountcastle
OGILBY William, Esq. Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
OGILBY William, Esq. Liscleen [Liscloon] (Upper) Ballyneaner
OSBORNE James Monagh [Meenagh Hill] Dunalong
PATRICK Robert Carrickatane Mountcastle
PENDERGAST Robert Binelly Dunamanagh
PHILLIPS Daniel Maghereagh Dunalong
PHILLIPS John Maghereagh Dunalong
PHILLIPS Patrick Maghereagh Dunalong
PICKET [PIGOTT] John Moneycannon Ballyneaner
PIGGOTT (recorded as PICKET) John Moneycannon Ballyneaner
PLATT Henry Drummeny (Little) Dunalong
POLLOCK George Castlewarren Mountcastle
POLLOCK James Castlewarren Mountcastle
POLLOCK James Cavancreagh Mountcastle
POLLOCK John Bunowen Ballyneaner
POLLOCK Joseph Bunowen Ballyneaner
POLLOCK William Castlewarren Mountcastle
PORTER James Tullyard Mountcastle
PORTER Rev. F. J. Gortavea Dunalong
PORTERFIELD John Windy Hill Dunamanagh
QUIGLEY Mary Glencush Mountcastle
QUIGLEY Patrick Stony Falls Dunamanagh
QUINN Francis Gorticlare Ballyneaner
QUINN Hugh Claggan Ballyneaner
QUINN Neil Moneycannon Ballyneaner
QUINN Patrick Castlewarren Mountcastle
QUINN Patrick Claggan Ballyneaner
QUINN Roger Claggan Ballyneaner
RAMSAY Alexander Gobnascale Dunamanagh
RAMSAY Jane Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
RAMSAY Jane Stony Falls Dunamanagh
RAMSEY Martha Gortmessan Dunalong
RANKIN Andrew Dunnyboe Dunamanagh
RANKIN John Carrickatane Mountcastle
RANKIN William Carrickatane Mountcastle
RANKIN William Creaghcorr Dunalong
REGAN Denis Gorticlare Ballyneaner
ROBINSON Andrew Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
ROBINSON Andrew Moneycannon Ballyneaner
ROBINSON David Moneycannon Ballyneaner
RODD [RODDY] James Fawney Ballyneaner
RODDEN Alexander Cloughboy Dunalong
RODDY Alexander Glenagoorland Mountcastle
RODDY James Bunowen (Flax Mill) Ballyneaner
RODDY (recorded as RODD) James Fawney Ballyneaner
RODGERS Hugh Gorticlare Ballyneaner
RODGERS Samuel Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
RODGERS William Carnagribbin Ballyneaner
ROSBOROUGH Hugh Ballyneaner Ballyneaner
ROULSTON James Gortavea Dunalong
RUSK [RUTH] Samuel Taboe Mountcastle
RUTH James Glenagoorland Mountcastle
RUTH (recorded as RUSK) Samuel Taboe Mountcastle
RUTH Thomas Killyclooney Dunamanagh
SAYERS John Barron Dunamanagh
SAYERS John Lisdivin (Upper) Dunalong
SAYERS Joseph Barron Dunamanagh
SAYERS Samuel Drummond [Drumman] Dunamanagh
SCOTT Alexander Cloghogle Dunalong
SCOTT Andrew Barron Dunamanagh
SCOTT Andrew Mountcastle Mountcastle
SCOTT Samuel Cloghogle Dunalong
SCOTT Samuel Tamnakeery Dunalong
SEATON Charles Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
SEMPLE John Cullion Mountcastle
SHAW William Monagh [Meenagh Hill] Dunalong
SMITH Andrew Ruskey Dunamanagh
SMITH George Killyclooney Dunamanagh
SMITH James Eden Dunalong
SMITH John Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
SMITH John Killyclooney Dunamanagh
SMITH Joseph Liscleen [Liscloon] (Lower) Ballyneaner
SMITH Robert Ballybeeny Dunalong
SMITH Robert Drumgauty Dunalong
SMITH William Altreste Dunalong
SMITH William Castlemellon Mountcastle
SMITH William Dreen [Drain] Ballyneaner
SMYTH William Drumgauty (Corn Mill) Dunalong
STARRETT James Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
STEVENSON John Altreste (Flax Mill) Dunalong
STEVENSON Joseph Ballyheather Dunalong
STEVENSON Joseph Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
STEVENSON Robert Magheramason (Corn Mill) Dunalong
STEVENSON William Bunowen Ballyneaner
STEVENSON William Castlemellon Mountcastle
STEWART Margaret Altreste (Flax Mill) Dunalong
STEWART Robert Binelly Dunamanagh
SWAN John Dunamanagh Dunamanagh
TATE Moses Creaghan Ballyneaner
THOMPSON Andrew Cloghogle Dunalong
THOMPSON Andrew Moneycannon Ballyneaner
THOMPSON James Moneycannon Ballyneaner
THOMPSON John Glenagoorland Mountcastle
THOMPSON William Moneycannon Ballyneaner
THOMPSON William Dullerton Dunalong
THRONE (recorded as TRONE) James Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
TODD James Carrickatane Mountcastle
TODD James Castlemellon Mountcastle
TOWERS Robert Aughtermoy Ballyneaner
TRONE [THRONE] James Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
WALKER David Tirconolly Ballyneaner
WALKER John Tirconolly Ballyneaner
WALKER Rev. D. J. Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
WALLACE James Cullion Mountcastle
WALLACE John Cullion Mountcastle
WATSON Andrew Tamnakeery Dunalong
WATSON Robert Coolmaghery Dunalong
WATSON William Coolmaghery Dunalong
WHITE George Burndennet (Corn & Flax Mills) Dunalong
WHITESIDE James Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
WILLIAMS Andrew Tirkernaghan Dunamanagh
WOODS Andrew Ardcame Ballyneaner
WOODS John Ballynabwee Mountcastle
WOODS John Cavancreagh Mountcastle
WOODS John Drumgauty Dunalong
WOODS John Gortmessan Dunalong
WOODS John Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
WOODS John Sollus Dunalong
WOODS John Tamnakeery Dunalong
WOODS Mitchell Ballynabwee Mountcastle
WRAY Joseph Killycurry Dunamanagh
WRAY Rev. Samuel T. Moyoh [Moyagh] Mountcastle
YOUNG Andrew Castlemellon Mountcastle