Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List



FIN 5A/25
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Ballinderry parish straddles the Londonderry-Tyrone county line. A number of families held leases in both counties.


Surname GivenName Townland County
ADAMS Hugh Ballydonnell Londonderry
ADAMS John Ballydonnell Londonderry
ADAMS Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
ADAMS Robert Ballymultreagh Londonderry
ANDERSON George Ardagh Londonderry
ANDERSON James Derrychrin Tyrone
AVERIL John Mullan Tyrone
BAXTER Joseph Ballydonnell Londonderry
BELL William John Lanaglug Tyrone
BENNET Thomas Ballydonnell Londonderry
BERESFORD Mary Ballylifford Londonderry
BERESFORD Susan Ballylifford Londonderry
BERRYMAN George Ballylifford Londonderry
BERRYMAN James Ballydonnell Londonderry
BERRYMAN James Ballylifford Londonderry
BERRYMAN William Ballydonnell Londonderry
BOYD (Widow) Thomas Ballymultreagh Londonderry
BOYLAN Arthur Mullan Tyrone
BOYLAN Felix Derrychrin Tyrone
BOYLAN Henry Mullan Tyrone
BOYLAN John Mullan Tyrone
BOYLAN Patrick Mullan Tyrone
BRADLEY John Ballydonnell Londonderry
BRADLEY Widow Derrychrin Tyrone
BRANNAN Laurence Mullan Tyrone
BRANNON Michael Derrychrin Tyrone
BREEN Daniel Ballagherty Londonderry
BROWN Joseph Ballymultreagh Londonderry
BROWN Robert & undertenants Lanaglug Tyrone
BUCK Benjamin Lanaglug Tyrone
BUCK George Derrychrin Tyrone
BUCK James, Jun. Derrychrin Tyrone
BUCK James, Sen. Derrychrin Tyrone
BUCK Widow Derrychrin Tyrone
BUCK William Derrychrin Tyrone
CARLETON Christopher Derrychrin Tyrone
CARLETON Daniel Ballydonnell Londonderry
CARLETON Samuel Derrychrin Tyrone
CARLETON William, Esq. Derrychrin Tyrone
CARLETON William, Jun. Derrychrin Tyrone
CASHEDY Patrick Ballagherty Londonderry
CLARK Alexander Ballymultreagh Londonderry
CLARK William Ballydonnell Londonderry
CLEMENTS Dalway Ballagherty Londonderry
CLEMENTS John Ballagherty Londonderry
COLLINS Ann Derrychrin Tyrone
COLLINS James & co. Ballymultreagh Londonderry
CONWAY Peter Ballydonnell Londonderry
CORRY Widow & sons Derrychrin Tyrone
COSGROVE Daniel Ballylifford Londonderry
COSGROVE Patrick Lanaglug Tyrone
COSHELY Mark Lanaglug Tyrone
COSKERAN Charles Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Francis Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN James Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN John Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Joseph Derrychrin Tyrone
COSKERAN Mark Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Mathew Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Peter Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Peter Lanaglug Tyrone
COSKERAN Terence Ballydonnell Londonderry
COSKERAN Terence Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Thomas Ballylifford Londonderry
COSKERAN Widow Ballylifford Londonderry
DANIEL Mrs, heirs of Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Bernard Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Brian Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Daniel Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix & partners Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix Ballydonnell Londonderry
DEVLIN Francis Derrychrin Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
DEVLIN John Ballagherty Londonderry
DEVLIN Neil Ballyronan Londonderry
DEVLIN Patrick Ballylifford Londonderry
DEVLIN Rev. Mr. Ballydonnell Londonderry
DICKSON Francis Lanaglug Tyrone
DONAGHY Felix Ballagherty Londonderry
DONAGHY Felix Ballydonnell Londonderry
DONAGHY James Mullan Tyrone
DONAGHY John Ballylifford Londonderry
DONAGHY John Mullan Tyrone
DONAGHY Nicholas Ballydonnell Londonderry
DONAGHY Thomas Ballylifford Londonderry
DONAGHY Widow Thomas Mullan Tyrone
DONELLY David Derrychrin Tyrone
DONELLY Widow Derrychrin Tyrone
DONNELLY Charles Ballymultreagh Londonderry
DONNELLY John Ballagherty Londonderry
DONNELLY Michael Ballymultreagh Londonderry
DONNELLY Neal Ballymultreagh Londonderry
DORRAGH Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
DORRAGH Henry Mullan Tyrone
DORRAGH John Ballylifford Londonderry
DORRAGH Patrick Mullan Tyrone
DOYLE Bernard Derrychrin Tyrone
DOYLE James Derrychrin Tyrone
DUFFIN Francis Derrychrin Tyrone
DUFFIN Michael Ardagh Londonderry
DUN (Widow) Thomas & son Ballydonnell Londonderry
ELLIOT Robert Derrychrin Tyrone
GAUSSEN David, Jun. Ballagherty Londonderry
GAUSSON David & co. Ballyronan Londonderry
GAUSSON James Ballyronan Londonderry
GEORGE John Lanaglug Tyrone
GILLESPIE Bernard Ballydonnell Londonderry
GILMER John Ballagherty Londonderry
GREER John Lanaglug Tyrone
GRIER James Ardagh Londonderry
HAGAN Hugh Ballyronan Londonderry
HAGAN Hugh Mullan Tyrone
HAGAN William Mullan Tyrone
HAMILTON Samuel Ballyronan Londonderry
HARBINSON Hugh Derrychrin Tyrone
HARBINSON John Mullan Tyrone
HARBINSON Samuel Mullan Tyrone
HARKNESS Alexander, heirs of Derrychrin Tyrone
HARRARAN Daniel Ballydonnell Londonderry
HENERY John Ballylifford Londonderry
HENRY Patrick Ballylifford Londonderry
HULL Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
HULL Robert Ballymultreagh Londonderry
HULL William & partners Ballymultreagh Londonderry
HUMPHRY James Lanaglug Tyrone
HUMPHRY William Lanaglug Tyrone
JOHNSTON John (two farms) Ballydonnell Londonderry
JOHNSTON Thomas Ballydonnell Londonderry
KEAN James Ballydonnell Londonderry
KEIGHTLY Samuel Ballydonnell Londonderry
KELLY Neal & co. Ballymultreagh Londonderry
KELLY Owen & co. Ballymultreagh Londonderry
KENT John Mullan Tyrone
LARKIN Felix Lanaglug Tyrone
LECKEY Mrs, heirs of Derrychrin Tyrone
LECKY Averal, Esq. Derrychrin Tyrone
LEECH John Derrychrin Tyrone
LOGAN Patrick Mullan Tyrone
LYND John Mullan Tyrone
LYNN Patrick Lanaglug Tyrone
MADDEN Anthony Mullan Tyrone
MADDEN Edward Mullan Tyrone
MADDEN Henry Ballydonnell Londonderry
MADDEN James Ballydonnell Londonderry
MADDEN Peter Mullan Tyrone
MADDEN Widow Lanaglug Tyrone
MAGEE Hugh Ballymultreagh Londonderry
MALLAGHAN James Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLAGHAN Margaret Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Daniel Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Felix Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Francis Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Henry & partners Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON James Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON John Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Michael Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Patrick Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Peter & sons Derrychrin Tyrone
MALLON Thomas Derrychrin Tyrone
MALONE Anthony Mullan Tyrone
MALONE James Ardagh Londonderry
MALONE John Ballydonnell Londonderry
MALONE Mary Lanaglug Tyrone
MARTIN Edward Derrychrin Tyrone
MATEER (Widow) Esther Ballagherty Londonderry
MATEER James Ballagherty Londonderry
MATEER John Ballagherty Londonderry
McALEECE John Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McCAN Bernard Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCARTNEY Charles Ballyronan Londonderry
McCARTNEY Daniel & sons Ballyronan Londonderry
McCARTNEY James Ballyronan Londonderry
McCARTNEY John Ballyronan Londonderry
McCARTNEY Mary Ballyronan Londonderry
McCARTNEY Richard Ballyronan Londonderry
McCAUSLAND Andrew Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCLURE John Ballylifford Londonderry
McCOLLUM Isaac Ballylifford Londonderry
McCONWAY H. Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCURDEY John Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCURDEY Joseph Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCURDEY Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
McCURDEY William Ballydonnell Londonderry
McELHONE Henry Mullan Tyrone
McELROY Mary Derrychrin Tyrone
McELROY Samuel, Jun. Derrychrin Tyrone
McELROY Samuel, Sen. Derrychrin Tyrone
McENTIRE James Lanaglug Tyrone
McENTIRE John Ardagh Londonderry
McENTIRE John Lanaglug Tyrone
McGAGHEY Francis Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGARRY Laurence Derrychrin Tyrone
McGEE John Ballagherty Londonderry
McGOVERAN Daniel Ballylifford Londonderry
McGOVIRY Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
McGOVRIRY Bernard Ballylifford Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Anthony Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Benjamin Derrychrin Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Brian Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Francis Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Henry Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Hugh Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Hugh Ballylifford Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Hugh Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN James Ballagherty Londonderry
McGUCKIAN James Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGUCKIAN James Derrychrin Tyrone
McGUCKIAN John & partners Derrychrin Tyrone
McGUCKIAN John Ardagh Londonderry
McGUCKIAN John Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McGUCKIAN John Derrychrin Tyrone
McGUCKIAN John Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Joseph Ardagh Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Mark Ballylifford Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Michael Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Patrick Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Patrick Derrychrin Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Patrick Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Peter Mullan Tyrone
McGUCKIAN Sarah Ballydonnell Londonderry
McGUCKIAN Timothy Ballagherty Londonderry
McGUCKIAN William Ballydonnell Londonderry
McKEE Andrew Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McKEE Charles Mullan Tyrone
McKEE Doctor Ballydonnell Londonderry
McKEE Edward Ballagherty Londonderry
McKEE Edward Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McKEE Hugh Mullan Tyrone
McKEE Michael Ballydonnell Londonderry
McKEE Terence Mullan Tyrone
McKEE Thomas Ballagherty Londonderry
McKEEVER Patrick Derrychrin Tyrone
McKEOWN James Ballydonnell Londonderry
McKEOWN Patrick Ballydonnell Londonderry
McMAHON James Ballyronan Londonderry
McMANUS George Ballagherty Londonderry
McMASTER Richard Ballydonnell Londonderry
McMASTER Richard Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McMASTER Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
McMASTER Robert Ballymultreagh Londonderry
McNAMARA Edward Lanaglug Tyrone
McNICKLE Mary Ballydonnell Londonderry
McSLOY Felix Mullan Tyrone
McSLOY John Derrychrin Tyrone
McVEIGH Daniel Ballagherty Londonderry
McVEY John Ardagh Londonderry
McVEY Thomas Ardagh Londonderry
McWILLIAMS John Ballylifford Londonderry
McWILLIAMS Phillip Ballagherty Londonderry
MEGAW George Lanaglug Tyrone
MOONEY John Mullan Tyrone
MORGAN Henry Ballydonnell Londonderry
MORGAN Widow Ballagherty Londonderry
MORGAN Widow Ballylifford Londonderry
MULLAN Catherine Ballymultreagh Londonderry
MULLAN John Derrychrin Tyrone
MUNAGH Hugh Mullan Tyrone
MURRAY Daniel & partners Ballymultreagh Londonderry
O’NEILL Bernard Ballylifford Londonderry
O’NEILL Con. Derrychrin Tyrone
O’NEILL Edward Ballagherty Londonderry
O’NEILL Edward Lanaglug Tyrone
O’NEILL Felix Ballylifford Londonderry
O’NEILL Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
O’NEILL James Ballagherty Londonderry
O’NEILL (Widow) Grace Ballagherty Londonderry
PATTERSON David Ballymultreagh Londonderry
PORT Ambrose Ballagherty Londonderry
PORT Andrew Ballymultreagh Londonderry
PORT John Ballymultreagh Londonderry
PORT Robert Ballymultreagh Londonderry
PORT Samuel Ballydonnell Londonderry
PORT Samuel Mullan Tyrone
PORT Widow Ballymultreagh Londonderry
QUIN Francis Derrychrin Tyrone
QUIN Henry Ballyronan Londonderry
QUIN John Derrychrin Tyrone
QUIN Michael Derrychrin Tyrone
QUIN Neal Derrychrin Tyrone
QUIN Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
QUIN Thomas Derrychrin Tyrone
QUIN Widow Ballydonnell Londonderry
SCULLION Henry Derrychrin Tyrone
SCULLION Hugh Derrychrin Tyrone
SCULLION John Derrychrin Tyrone
SCULLION Michael Ballagherty Londonderry
SCULLION Michael Derrychrin Tyrone
SCULLION Thomas Derrychrin Tyrone
SCULLION William Derrychrin Tyrone
SHEALS Daniel Derrychrin Tyrone
SHEPPARD John Ballymultreagh Londonderry
SHEPPARD Samuel Ballydonnell Londonderry
SHEPPARD Samuel Ballymultreagh Londonderry
SHEPPARD Samuel Mullan Tyrone
SHEPPARD Thomas Ballydonnell Londonderry
SHEPPARD Timothy Ballymultreagh Londonderry
SHEPPARD William Ballydonnell Londonderry
SHORT Michael Derrychrin Tyrone
SHORT Peter Derrychrin Tyrone
SHUTER David Ballydonnell Londonderry
SHUTER John Lanaglug Tyrone
SHUTER Widow Eliza Ballydonnell Londonderry
SHUTER William Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAGGERT John Mullan Tyrone
TAGGERT Patrick Mullan Tyrone
TAYLOR Ambrose Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR Ambrose, Sen. Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR Ambrose, Sen. Ballymultreagh Londonderry
TAYLOR Hugh Derrychrin Tyrone
TAYLOR James Derrychrin Tyrone
TAYLOR John Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR John, Sen. Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR Samuel Ardagh Londonderry
TAYLOR Samuel Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR Thomas Ballymultreagh Londonderry
TAYLOR Widow Ballydonnell Londonderry
TAYLOR William Ballydonnell Londonderry
TEANY Widow Ballydonnell Londonderry
THOMPSON Eleanor Ballylifford Londonderry
TISDALL Rev. Mr. Derrychrin Tyrone
TUMBLESON Thomas Ballagherty Londonderry
TURNER Bell Ballymultreagh Londonderry
TURNER John Mullan Tyrone
TURNER Robert Ballydonnell Londonderry
WALLACE James Lanaglug Tyrone
WALLS Hugh Ballagherty Londonderry
WHAN Isaac Ballylifford Londonderry
WHITE Mr. (for proprietors) Lanaglug Tyrone
WILKINSON Alexander Lanaglug Tyrone
WILKINSON James Lanaglug Tyrone
WILKINSON William Lanaglug Tyrone
WILLSON John, Esq. Derrychrin Tyrone
WINDSOR Henry Ballylifford Londonderry
WINDSOR John Ballylifford Londonderry
WINDSOR William Ballylifford Londonderry
WORKMAN Benjamin Ballydonnell Londonderry
WRIGHT John Ballylifford Londonderry
WRIGHT Samuel Ballylifford Londonderry