Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Ardboe Parish Tithe Applotment Book, Cos. Tyrone & Londonderry 1826

FIN 5A/14
FHL Film #258444
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Aghacolumb Annaghmore Anneeterbeg Anneetermore
Ardean Ballymaguire Ballymurphy Ballynafeagh
Ballynargan Brookend Carnan Cluntoe Quin
Cluntoe Richardson Dromore Drumard Drumenny Conyngham
Drumenny Stewart Drumhubbert Eary Lower Elagh
Farsnagh Feagh Gortigal Gortnagwyg
Killycanavan Lower Killycanavan Upper Killycolpy Killygonlan
Killymenagh Killywoolaghan Kilmascally Kinrush
Kinturk Lurgyroe Mullaghglass Mullaghwotragh
Mullanahoe Sessia (2 Townlands) Stuarthall Tamlaghtmore
Tamnavalley Trickvalley  



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Annahavil Ballygonny More Drummullan Moneyhaw



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Anaghavill Anaghvore Anneter Beg Anneter More
Ardain Balligoney Ballinafay Ballinargan
Ballymaguire Ballymurphy Brookend Carnan
Clunto Quinn Clunto Richardson Drumanagh Drumard
Drumhubert Drumore Drumullan Eary
Elagh Farshnagh Feagh Gortigall
Gortnaguig Killeycolpey Killeywollaghan Killygonlan
Kilmenagh Kiltagh Kinrush Kinturk
Lurgeyroe Moneyhaw Mullaghglass Mulnahoe
Mulwittragh Sessagh Alexander Sessagh Conyngham Tamlaghmore
Tamnavally Turkvallen  


AICKIN Widow Mulwhittragh Tyrone
ALLEN David Anaghavill Londonderry
ANDERSON Joseph Ballymaguire Tyrone
ARBUTTON Samuel Ballymaguire Tyrone
ARMSTRONG Robt. Drumore Tyrone
ASTON Wm. Balligoney Londonderry
BAILEY Sarah Killeycolpey Tyrone
BANAGAN James Drumanagh Tyrone
BANAGAN Pat. Drumanagh Tyrone
BANAGAN Peter Drumanagh Tyrone
BANNIGAN Bryan Killygonlan Tyrone
BANNIGAN James Killygonlan Tyrone
BANNIGAN Jno. Ballymurphy Tyrone
BARCLAY Jas. Balligoney Londonderry
BAREFOOT Jno., Junr. Anaghavill Londonderry
BAREFOOT John, Senr. Anaghavill Londonderry
BATTERY FARM .......... Ardain Tyrone
BEATY Robert Drumullan Londonderry
BELCHEY Robert Brookend Tyrone
BELL Isac Drumard Tyrone
BELL Jas. Gortnaguig Tyrone
BELL John Drumore Tyrone
BELL John Drumore Tyrone
BELL Robt. Carnan Tyrone
BELL Ross Gortigall Tyrone
BELL Thos. Ballinafay Tyrone
BELL Thos. Gortigall Tyrone
BELL Widow Drumore Tyrone
BELL William Mulwhittragh Tyrone
BELL Wm. Drumore Tyrone
BELL Wm. Elagh Tyrone
BELL Wm. Jno. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
BELL Wm. Jno. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
BIGGARS Wm. Tamnavally Tyrone
BIGGERS Alexander Kiltagh Tyrone
BIGGERS James Kiltagh Tyrone
BIGGERS John Brookend Tyrone
BIGGERS John Kiltagh Tyrone
BIGGERS Thomas Kiltagh Tyrone
BIGGERS Wm. Brookend Tyrone
BIRNEY Daniel Kiltagh Tyrone
BLEEX Henry Killeycolpey Tyrone
BLEEX John Killeycolpey Tyrone
BLEEX Wm. Killeycolpey Tyrone
BODEN Hugh Killeycolpey Tyrone
BOOTH Ben. Ballymaguire Tyrone
BOOTH Bengn. Elagh Tyrone
BOOTH Benj. Killygonlan Tyrone
BOOTH Curtis Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BOOTH George Kilmenagh Tyrone
BOOTH Hugh Ballymaguire Tyrone
BOOTH Hugh Killygonlan Tyrone
BOOTH James Elagh Tyrone
BOOTH John Ballymaguire Tyrone
BOOTH John Elagh Tyrone
BOOTH John Kilmenagh Tyrone
BOYD Andw. Ballinafay Tyrone
BOYD Andw. Eary Tyrone
BOYLAND Widow Drumanagh Tyrone
BRADLEY Bernd. Turkvallen Tyrone
BRADLEY George Tamnavally Tyrone
BRADLEY Hugh Anaghvore Tyrone
BRADLEY Hugh Tamnavally Tyrone
BRADLEY Jas. Anaghvore Tyrone
BRADLEY Jas. Turkvallen Tyrone
BRADLEY Jno. Turkvallen Tyrone
BRADLEY Miles Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
BRADLEY Wm. Tamnavally Tyrone
BRADY Anthony Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY James Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Mark Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Matw. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Matw. or Mark Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Pat. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Saml. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRADY Thos. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRANIGAN .........[?] Drumanagh Tyrone
BRANIGAN Edwd. Carnan Tyrone
BRANNEN Rodger Anneter Beg Tyrone
BRANNON Barnd. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
BRANNON Felix Kiltagh Tyrone
BREEN Michl., Junr. Ballymurphy Tyrone
BREEN Michl., Senr. Ballymurphy Tyrone
BRENNAN Widow Jno. Anaghvore Tyrone
BRODLEY John Killeywollaghan Tyrone
BRODLEY John Kinrush Tyrone
BROWN Dr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
BROWN Jno. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
BROWN John Killeycolpey Tyrone
BROWN Robt. Moneyhaw Londonderry
BROWN Thos. Killeycolpey Tyrone
BROWN Widow Moneyhaw Londonderry
BROWN Wm. Drumullan Londonderry
BROWN Wm. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
BROWN Wm., Jun. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
CAMPBELL Barnd. Killygonlan Tyrone
CAMPBELL Betty Turkvallen Tyrone
CAMPBELL Chas., Junr. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL Chas., Senr. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL Danl. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL Francis Anneter More Tyrone
CAMPBELL Francis Farshnagh Tyrone
CAMPBELL Francis Killygonlan Tyrone
CAMPBELL Geo. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL George Clunto Richardson Tryone
CAMPBELL Henry Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL James Drumard Tyrone
CAMPBELL James Gortnaguig Tyrone
CAMPBELL Jno. Mulnahoe Tyrone
CAMPBELL Jno. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL Michl. Turkvallen Tyrone
CAMPBELL Neale (Bryan) Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CAMPBELL Pat. Elagh Tyrone
CAMPBELL Pat. Kinrush Tyrone
CAMPBELL Pat. Kinrush Tyrone
CAMPBELL Patrick Killygonlan Tyrone
CAMPBELL Philemy Killygonlan Tyrone
CAMPBELL Robt. Anneter More Tyrone
CAMPBELL Thos. Carnan Tyrone
CAMPBELL Wm. (Bryan) Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CANAVAN Barnard Carnan Tyrone
CANAVAN Barnd. Killeycolpey Tyrone
CANAVAN Edward Drumullan Londonderry
CANAVAN Hugh Carnan Tyrone
CANAVAN Hugh, Junr. Drumullan Londonderry
CANAVAN James Carnan Tyrone
CANAVAN Jno. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
CANAVAN John, Junr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
CANAVAN John, Senr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
CANAVAN Michael & partners Carnan Tyrone
CANAVAN Pat., Senr. & Sons Killeycolpey Tyrone
CANE Widow Clunto Quinn Tyrone
CARR John Killeycolpey Tyrone
CARRON Thos. Turkvallen Tyrone
CARTER Edwd. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
CASSADAY John Kinturk Tyrone
CASSADY Barnd. Kilmenagh Tyrone
CASSADY Felix Kilmenagh Tyrone
CASSADY Fill Killeywollaghan Tyrone
CASSADY Michl. Kinturk Tyrone
CASSADY Peter Drumanagh Tyrone
CASSIDAY James Brookend Tyrone
CASSIDAY James Clunto Quinn Tyrone
CASSIDAY Pat. Brookend Tyrone
CASSIDAY Widow Clunto Quinn Tyrone
CASSIDY John Clunto Richardson Tyrone
CASTLESTEWART Earl Ballinafay Tyrone
CAULFIELD Coln. Carnan Tyrone
CAULFIELD Coln. Drumore Tyrone
CAULFIELD Coln. Killeycolpey Tyrone
CAVANAGH Denis Carnan Tyrone
CAVANAGH James Carnan Tyrone
CAVANAN Hugh, Senr. Drumullan Londonderry
CHAMBERS John Ballymaguire Tyrone
CHAPEL GARDEN .......... Mulnahoe Tyrone
CLARKE ..........[?] Drumore Tyrone
CLARKE Saml. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
CLENDINNING Jas. Anaghavill Londonderry
CLENDINNING William Anaghavill Londonderry
CLENDINNING William Drumard Tyrone
CLENDINNING Wm. & partners Moneyhaw Londonderry
COLEMAN Michl. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
COLLINS Thos. Ballinargan Tyrone
COLLINS Wm. Ballinargan Tyrone
CONEY Neal Kiltagh Tyrone
CONLAN Francis Anneter More Tyrone
CONLAN James Farshnagh Tyrone
CONOLLY Barnd. Clunto Richardson Tyrone
CONOLLY Felix Clunto Richardson Tyrone
CONOLLY Jno. Clunto Richardson Tyrone
CONOLLY Peter Ballymurphy Tyrone
CONWAY George Killygonlan Tyrone
CONWAY George Mulnahoe Tyrone
CONWELL Anthony Moneyhaw Londonderry
CONYNGHAM W.L., Esq. Ballinargan Tyrone
CONYNGHAM W.L., Esq. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
CORR Charles Drumanagh Tyrone
CORR Daniel Drumhubert Tyrone
CORR Danl. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CORR Edward Drumhubert Tyrone
CORR Edward, Junr. Drumanagh Tyrone
CORR Edward, Senr. Drumanagh Tyrone
CORR Francis Lurgeyroe Tyrone
CORR James Drumhubert Tyrone
CORR Jas. Kiltagh Tyrone
CORR Jno. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CORR John Anneter Beg Tyrone
CORR John Drumullan Londonderry
CORR Michl. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CORR Pat. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
CORR Patrick Drumullan Londonderry
CORR Peter Kiltagh Tyrone
CORR Widow Kiltagh Tyrone
CORRORAN John Gortnaguig Tyrone
CORRORAN John Kinrush Tyrone
CORRORAN Pat. & Sons Kinrush Tyrone
COSGROVE Jno. Anaghvore Tyrone
COURTNEY James Drumore Tyrone
COYL Pat. Farshnagh Tyrone
CRAFORD Widow Ballymaguire Tyrone
CRAWFORD James Drumullan Londonderry
CREIGHTON Widow Mullaghglass Tyrone
CROSIER George Clunto Richardson Tyrone
CUNYNGHAM W.L., Esq. Kiltagh Tyrone
CURRAN Patk. Kiltagh Tyrone
CURRY Widow Mulwhittragh Tyrone
CUSKERRAN Luke Mullaghglass Tyrone
DALEY Barnd. Kinrush Tyrone
DALEY James Kinrush Tyrone
DALEY Jas. Killygonlan Tyrone
DALEY John Kinrush Tyrone
DALEY Tague Kinrush Tyrone
DALEY Wm. Kinrush Tyrone
DALLIS Thomas Ballymaguire Tyrone
DALY John Anaghvore Tyrone
DAVIDSON Jno. Kilmenagh Tyrone
DAVIDSON Thos. Kilmenagh Tyrone
DAVIDSON Widow Kilmenagh Tyrone
DAVISON Jas. Moneyhaw Londonderry
DEVLIN Anne Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Archey Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Arther Elagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Barnard, Junr. Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Barnd. (Andy) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Barnd. (Susey) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Barnd. Drumard Tyrone
DEVLIN Barnd. Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Barny (More) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Bernd. Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Bryan Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DEVLIN Bryan Mulwhittragh Tyrone
DEVLIN Charles Killeycolpey Tyrone
DEVLIN Charles Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Charles Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Chas. Turkvallen Tyrone
DEVLIN Cornelis Drumard Tyrone
DEVLIN Daniel Drumhubert Tyrone
DEVLIN Danl. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
DEVLIN Danl. Gortnaguig Tyrone
DEVLIN Danl. Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Dudley (roe) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Dudley Brookend Tyrone
DEVLIN Dudley Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Dudley, Junr. (Bane) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Dudley, Senr. (Rogers) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Edw. (Stewart or Cormack) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Edward Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Felix Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Francis Clunto Quinn Tyrone
DEVLIN Francis Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Francis Farshnagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Francis Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Fras. Turkvallen Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Anaghvore Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Drumard Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Killeywollaghan Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Tamlaghmore Tyrone
DEVLIN Henry Tamnavally Tyrone
DEVLIN Heny. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh Turkvallen Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh, Junr. Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh, Senr. Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Hugh, Senr. Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN James (Bane) Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN James (Cullagh) Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN James (fox?) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN James (goe) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN James (Jack) Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN James (Oge) Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN James Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN James Drumore Tyrone
DEVLIN James, Junr. (bridge) Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN James Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DEVLIN James, Senr. (sawer) Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. (Buoy) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. (Jack) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. (More) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. (Shone) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. Anaghvore Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas. Kinturk Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas., Junr Turkvallen Tyrone
DEVLIN Jas., Senr. Turkvallen Tyrone
DEVLIN Jno. (Buoy) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jno. (Cormack) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jno. (Goe) Tamlaghmore Tyrone
DEVLIN Jno. (More) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Jno. Anaghvore Tyrone
DEVLIN John (Rodgers) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN John (Rogers) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN John Anneter More Tyrone
DEVLIN John Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN John Gortnaguig Tyrone
DEVLIN John Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN John Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN John or Owen (Stuart) Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN John, Jun. Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN John, Junr. Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN John, Senr. Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Larence Anneter More Tyrone
DEVLIN Luke Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Matw. Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Michael Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Michael Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Michael Kiltagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Michl. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
DEVLIN Molley Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Neal Anneter More Tyrone
DEVLIN Neal Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Owen Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. (baldy) Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. (baldy) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. Kiltagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat., Sen. Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat. Tamnavally Tyrone
DEVLIN Pat., Senr. Drumard Tyrone
DEVLIN Patrick (buoy) Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Patrick (buoy) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Patrick Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Peter Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Peter Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Rodger Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DEVLIN Sally Mullaghglass Tyrone
DEVLIN Tague Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Terence Anneter More Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow (Ditty) Kinrush Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow (more) Killygonlan Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Clunto Richardson Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Drumanagh Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Henry Ardain Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Mulnahoe Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow, Junr. Anaghvore Tyrone
DEVLIN Widow Senr. Anaghvore Tyrone
DILLIN Bernard Farshnagh Tyrone
DIVLIN Widow Killeycolpey Tyrone
DONAGHY Arthur Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY Bernd. Ballymurphy Tyrone
DONAGHY Danl. Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY Edward Ardain Tyrone
DONAGHY Felix Ballymurphy Tyrone
DONAGHY Hugh Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY James & partns. Killygonlan Tyrone
DONAGHY James Ardain Tyrone
DONAGHY James Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY John Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DONAGHY Larance Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY Michael Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY or DONLEY Widow James Kiltagh Tyrone
DONAGHY Pat. Kiltagh Tyrone
DONAGHY Pat., Jun. Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY Pat., Senr. Drumullan Londonderry
DONAGHY Widow Phil. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
DONELLY Hugh Ballymurphy Tyrone
DONELLY Widow Mulnahoe Tyrone
DONELY Francis Kilmenagh Tyrone
DONELY James Carnan Tyrone
DONELY John Carnan Tyrone
DONLEY Francis Kilmenagh Tyrone
DONLEY Michael Farshnagh Tyrone
DONLEY Terance Farshnagh Tyrone
DONLEY Widow Kilmenagh Tyrone
DONLEY William Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS Daniel Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS Hugh Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS James Drumullan Londonderry
DOORIS Jas. Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS Neale Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
DOORIS Owen Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS Pat. Farshnagh Tyrone
DOORIS Rodger Kinrush Tyrone
DOORIS Thomas Kinrush Tyrone
DOORIS Thos. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
DOORIS Widow Drumullan Londonderry
DORMAN Charles Carnan Tyrone
DOYLE ...........[?] Drumanagh Tyrone
DRENNAN Joseph Balligoney Londonderry
DRENNAN Ralph Balligoney Londonderry
DRENNAN Saml. Balligoney Londonderry
DRUM Barnard, Senr. Drumanagh Tyrone
DRUM Edward Drumanagh Tyrone
DRUM Francis Drumanagh Tyrone
DUFF James Drumanagh Tyrone
DUFF John Drumullan Londonderry
DUFF Robert Drumanagh Tyrone
DUFF Walter Balligoney Londonderry
DUFFEY Pat. Carnan Tyrone
DUFFEY Widow, Junr. Carnan Tyrone
DUFFEY Widow, Senr. Carnan Tyrone
DUFFIN Heny. Turkvallen Tyrone
DUFFIN Jno. Turkvallen Tyrone
DUFFIN Pat. Turkvallen Tyrone
DUFFIN Widow Tamlaghmore Tyrone
DUNBAR James Drumullan Londonderry
DUNN Doctor Balligoney Londonderry
DUNSEITH Robert Carnan Tyrone
ELDER Jas. Drumore Tyrone
ELDER Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
ELDER Wm. Drumore Tyrone
ELLIOTT Robt. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
ERWIN Thaney Kilmenagh Tyrone
FARLEY William Ardain Tyrone
FARR Thos. Gortnaguig Tyrone
FARREL Francis Kiltagh Tyrone
FARREL Robt. Brookend Tyrone
FARRELL Henry Kiltagh Tyrone
FARRELL John Brookend Tyrone
FARRELL Matw. Brookend Tyrone
FARRELL Thos. Brookend Tyrone
FARSHIN John Carnan Tyrone
FARSHIN John Gortigall Tyrone
FERGUSON Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
FERGUSON Widow Drumullan Londonderry
FIELDS George Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
FORBIS John Drumanagh Tyrone
FORBIS Robert Drumanagh Tyrone
FOSTER Robert Drumard Tyrone
FRENCH Counselr. Drumanagh Tyrone
FRY Isaac Tamlaghmore Tyrone
FULLAN Jno. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
GALLAGHER Bernd. Anaghavill Londonderry
GEORGE Jno. Ballinargan Tyrone
GEORGE John Drumanagh Tyrone
GIBBONS Francis Ardain Tyrone
GIBSON Wm. Moneyhaw Londonderry
GILLESPIE Edwd. Moneyhaw Londonderry
GILLIS Geo. Drumore Tyrone
GILLIS John Drumore Tyrone
GILLMORE Danl. Kinrush Tyrone
GLACKIN Peter Drumard Tyrone
GLACKIN Widow Drumard Tyrone
GLASSY Widow Ballinargan Tyrone
GLASSY Wm. Tamnavally Tyrone
GOE Bernd. Killygonlan Tyrone
GORDON Robert Drumard Tyrone
GORDON William Drumard Tyrone
GORE Rev. F.L. Tamnavally Tyrone
GRAMES .........[?] Kilmenagh Tyrone
GRAMES John Elagh Tyrone
GRAMES Widow Elagh Tyrone
GRAVES Wm., Esq. Anaghavill Londonderry
GRAY Alexr. Ballinargan Tyrone
GRAY Alexr. Kilmenagh Tyrone
GRAY Thos. Mullaghglass Tyrone
GREENAWAY John Gortnaguig Tyrone
HAGAN Baldy Kiltagh Tyrone
HAGAN Jack Kiltagh Tyrone
HAGAN John Turkvallen Tyrone
HAGAN Salley Kiltagh Tyrone
HAGAN Saml. Turkvallen Tyrone
HAGGAN Arthur Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Barnard, Junr. Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Barnard, Senr. Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Edward Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Francis Drumullan Londonderry
HAGGAN Henry Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN James Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Jas. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
HAGGAN Patrick Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Widow Drumanagh Tyrone
HAGGAN Widow Drumullan Londonderry
HAMIL James Drumore Tyrone
HAMILL Hugh Drumard Tyrone
HAMILL Joseph Carnan Tyrone
HAMILL Robert Carnan Tyrone
HAMILL Widow Drumard Tyrone
HAMILTON Alexr. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON George Drumore Tyrone
HAMILTON Hen., Junr. (Dunbar) Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Henry (Thatcher) Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Henry Drumore Tyrone
HAMILTON Henry Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Hugh Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON James Drumore Tyrone
HAMILTON Jno. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Joseph Drumore Tyrone
HAMILTON Wm., Junr. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Wm., Senr. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HAMILTON Wm. Drumore Tyrone
HARBISON William Drumore Tyrone
HARBISON William Feagh Tyrone
HARKNESS Alexr. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
HARRARAN Widow Drumanagh Tyrone
HARRIS George Moneyhaw Londonderry
HAZLETON Simon Killeycolpey Tyrone
HENDERSON Mat. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HENDERSON William Carnan Tyrone
HENDERSON Wm. Balligoney Londonderry
HENERY John Kinrush Tyrone
HENNAN Cathrin Kinrush Tyrone
HENNAN Danl. & partners Kinrush Tyrone
HENNAN Michael Kinrush Tyrone
HENNAN Owen Kinrush Tyrone
HENRY Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
HENRY Hugh, Junr. Turkvallen Tyrone
HENRY Hugh, Senr. Turkvallen Tyrone
HENRY James Killeycolpey Tyrone
HENRY James Lurgeyroe Tyrone
HENRY Jas. Turkvallen Tyrone
HENRY John Lurgeyroe Tyrone
HENRY Pat. Anneter Beg Tyrone
HENRY Pat. Mullaghglass Tyrone
HENRY Widow Anneter Beg Tyrone
HILL James Balligoney Londonderry
HILLAN Chas. Mulnahoe Tyrone
HOGG Andrew Moneyhaw Londonderry
HOGG James Moneyhaw Londonderry
HOGG Jas. Ballinargan Tyrone
HOGG Thos. Balligoney Londonderry
HOGG Thos. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
HUGHES Jno. Moneyhaw Londonderry
HUNTER Jno. Carnan Tyrone
HUTCHISON Michael Drumullan Londonderry
HUTTON John Killeycolpey Tyrone
IRVINE Jno. Ballinargan Tyrone
JACKSON Robert Clunto Quinn Tyrone
JACKSON Robert Drumanagh Tyrone
JOHNSON Robert Elagh Tyrone
JOHNSTON David Brookend Tyrone
JOHNSTON John & partners Drumullan Londonderry
JOHNSTON Margt. Drumullan Londonderry
JOHNSTON Saragh Drumullan Londonderry
JONSTON John Drumullan Londonderry
JUDGE James Carnan Tyrone
JUDGE John Carnan Tyrone
JUDGE Thos. Carnan Tyrone
JUNK Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
JUNK Robert Ballinafay Tyrone
JUNK Robert Gortigall Tyrone
JUNK Samuel Drumullan Londonderry
JUNK Thomas Gortigall Tyrone
KEAKLEY Archey Brookend Tyrone
KEELAN John Killeywollaghan Tyrone
KEELAN Wm. Killeycolpey Tyrone
KEENAN John Elagh Tyrone
KEIGHTLY Archy Tamnavally Tyrone
KEIGHTLY Stewart Mulnahoe Tyrone
KELLY Arther Clunto Richardson Tyrone
KELLY Arthur Drumore Tyrone
KELLY Bernard Carnan Tyrone
KELLY Danl. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
KELLY Fill Killeywollaghan Tyrone
KELLY Hugh Carnan Tyrone
KELLY Hugh Eary Tyrone
KELLY Hugh Kilmenagh Tyrone
KELLY John Carnan Tyrone
KELLY John Eary Tyrone
KELLY John, Senr. Carnan Tyrone
KELLY Michael Carnan Tyrone
KELLY Pat. Drumore Tyrone
KELLY Wm. Drumore Tyrone
KENEDAY William Drumore Tyrone
KENEDY Pat. Killeycolpey Tyrone
KENNEDAY John Carnan Tyrone
KENNEDY Mrs. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
KENNY John Ardain Tyrone
KILPATRICK Wm. Ballinargan Tyrone
LAMON Hugh Elagh Tyrone
LAMON John, Junr. Elagh Tyrone
LAMON John, Senr. Elagh Tyrone
LAPSLEY Thos. Brookend Tyrone
LASPLEY Hugh Tamnavally Tyrone
LAVERTY Bernd. Elagh Tyrone
LAVERTY Bernd. Turkvallen Tyrone
LAVERTY Edward Elagh Tyrone
LAVERTY Felix Elagh Tyrone
LAVERTY Hugh Turkvallen Tyrone
LAVERTY Jno. Elagh Tyrone
LAVERTY John Kilmenagh Tyrone
LAVERTY Neale Elagh Tyrone
LEDLIE George, Esq. Balligoney Londonderry
LEES John Moneyhaw Londonderry
LENARD Henry Drumard Tyrone
LINN Jno. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
LITTLE Mr. Samuel Drumard Tyrone
MACKARELL Jno. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
MACKEY Jno., Esq. Ballymaguire Tyrone
MACKEY Jno., Esq. Brookend Tyrone
MACKEY Jno., Esq. Elagh Tyrone
MACKEY Jno., Esq. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
MACKEY John, Esq. Kilmenagh Tyrone
MACKEY Mrs. Brookend Tyrone
MACKRELL Nell & sons Killeycolpey Tyrone
MADDEN Donald Ballymurphy Tyrone
MAGEE Dudley Kinrush Tyrone
MAGEE Henry Turkvallen Tyrone
MAGENNIS Pat. Kinrush Tyrone
MAGERY John Kinrush Tyrone
MAGLONE Hugh Killygonlan Tyrone
MAGLONE John Drumanagh Tyrone
MAGRATH Bernd. Turkvallen Tyrone
MAGRATH Groman or Bryan Turkvallen Tyrone
MAGRATH John Tamnavally Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Art. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Fras. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Michael Mullaghglass Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Paul Mullaghglass Tyrone
MAGUIGAN Peter Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
MAHAFFEY John Elagh Tyrone
MAHAFFY John Gortigall Tyrone
MAHAFFY Thos. Gortigall Tyrone
MAINS Widow Ballinafay Tyrone
MALLON Charles Drumanagh Tyrone
MALLON Forgey Carnan Tyrone
MALLON Henry Drumhubert Tyrone
MALLON Henry Lurgeyroe Tyrone
MALLON Henry Turkvallen Tyrone
MALLON Henry, Junr. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON Henry, Senr. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON Hugh Clunto Quinn Tyrone
MALLON Hugh Kiltagh Tyrone
MALLON James Carnan Tyrone
MALLON Jas., Junr. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON Jas., Senr. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON Jno. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON John Carnan Tyrone
MALLON John Drumanagh Tyrone
MALLON John Killygonlan Tyrone
MALLON Michl. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
MALLON Pat. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
MALLON Pat. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
MALLON Pat. Turkvallen Tyrone
MALLON Phil. Tamnavally Tyrone
MALLON Thos. Tamnavally Tyrone
MANAGH Arthur Killeycolpey Tyrone
MANAGH Widow Killeycolpey Tyrone
MANEELY Jas. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
MANEELY Robert Drumore Tyrone
MANEELY William Drumore Tyrone
MANEESE John Ballinafay Tyrone
MARCH James Drumore Tyrone
MARCH James Killeywollaghan Tyrone
MARKS Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MARKS Robert Drumanagh Tyrone
MARKS Widow Drumanagh Tyrone
MARKS William Drumanagh Tyrone
MARSHAL Thos. Brookend Tyrone
MARSHALL James Ballymaguire Tyrone
MARSHALL John Drumard Tyrone
MARTIN Ann Carnan Tyrone
MARTIN Gilbert Carnan Tyrone
MARTIN John Killeycolpey Tyrone
MARTIN Thos. Carnan Tyrone
MARTIN Wm. Carnan Tyrone
MARTIN Wm. Eary Tyrone
MATTHEWS David Killeycolpey Tyrone
MAXWELL Mrs. Killygonlan Tyrone
MAYNES Danl. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
MAYNES Edward Lurgeyroe Tyrone
MAYNES Edward or Terence Kiltagh Tyrone
MAYNES John Kiltagh Tyrone
McADAMS James Drumullan Londonderry
McALEER Charles Drumhubert Tyrone
McALEER Michael Killeycolpey Tyrone
McALINDEN Saml. Gortnaguig Tyrone
McALISTER John Kilmenagh Tyrone
McALISTER Pat. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McALLISTER Luke Tamnavally Tyrone
McAMLEY Daniel Drumanagh Tyrone
McANALLY Bartly Anaghvore Tyrone
McANALLY Bernd. Anaghvore Tyrone
McANALLY Chas. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McANALLY Daniel Drumullan Londonderry
McANALLY Hugh Moneyhaw Londonderry
McANALLY Jas. Anaghvore Tyrone
McANALLY Jno. & partners Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McANALLY John Clunto Quinn Tyrone
McANALLY Michl. Anaghvore Tyrone
McANALLY Michl. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McANALLY Peter Anaghvore Tyrone
McANALLY Tally Drumullan Londonderry
McATEER Archey Carnan Tyrone
McBRIDE Andrew Tamlaghmore Tyrone
McBRIDE Andw. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McCAMLY Danl. Drumanagh Tyrone
McCANN Felix Carnan Tyrone
McCANN Hugh Kinrush Tyrone
McCANN Jas. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McCANN John Killeycolpey Tyrone
McCANN Pat. Carnan Tyrone
McCANN Patrick Ballymurphy Tyrone
McCANN Thomas Drumullan Londonderry
McCANN Widow Clunto Richardson Tyrone
McCARTER Artur Carnan Tyrone
McCLARE David Killeycolpey Tyrone
McCLEERY James Ballymaguire Tyrone
McCOARD James Drumore Tyrone
McCOARD James Gortnaguig Tyrone
McCOARD John Ballymaguire Tyrone
McCOARD Neil Drumore Tyrone
McCOARD Peter Drumore Tyrone
McCOARD Thos. Drumore Tyrone
McCONNELL John Drumullan Londonderry
McCONOMY Dan. Brookend Tyrone
McCORMICK Widow Moneyhaw Londonderry
McCREIGHT Chas. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
McCREIGHT Mr. Drumard Tyrone
McCULAGH Charles Kiltagh Tyrone
McCULLOCH Fras. Anaghvore Tyrone
McCULLOCH George Drumore Tyrone
McCULLOGH Fras. Moneyhaw Londonderry
McCULLOGH Wm. Ballymaguire Tyrone
McDONALD Alexr. Carnan Tyrone
McDONALD Archey Carnan Tyrone
McDONALD Jno. Carnan Tyrone
McELDERY Charles Farshnagh Tyrone
McELROY John Kiltagh Tyrone
McELROY Joseph Drumullan Londonderry
McENTIRE Creighton Eary Tyrone
McENTIRE Robt. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
McGAHAN Wm. Moneyhaw Londonderry
McGERRY Matw. Kinrush Tyrone
McGHEE Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
McGIRR Edward Drumanagh Tyrone
McGIRR Jas. Drumanagh Tyrone
McGIRR Terance Drumanagh Tyrone
McGLONE Hugh Drumhubert Tyrone
McGLONE John Drumanagh Tyrone
McGRATH Jno. Turkvallen Tyrone
McGUCKEN Pat. Kinrush Tyrone
McGUCKIEN John Kiltagh Tyrone
McGUCKIN Barnd. Kiltagh Tyrone
McGUCKIN Francis Kilmenagh Tyrone
McGUCKIN George Kiltagh Tyrone
McGUCKIN Hugh Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
McGUCKIN Paul Kinturk Tyrone
McGUIGAN Charles Drumore Tyrone
McGUIGAN Eloner Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McGUIGAN Fill Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McGUIGAN Francis Kiltagh Tyrone
McGUIGAN Jno., Junr. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McGUIGAN Jno., Senr. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McGUIGAN Michael Kiltagh Tyrone
McGURK Arthur Carnan Tyrone
McILDERRY Bernd. Anaghavill Londonderry
McILDERRY Corns. Anaghavill Londonderry
McILDERRY Felix Anaghavill Londonderry
McILDERRY Frs. Anaghavill Londonderry
McILDOON Hugh Elagh Tyrone
McILDOON Jno. Anaghvore Tyrone
McILDOON Wm. Anneter Beg Tyrone
McILHONE Charles Turkvallen Tyrone
McILREE John Ballymaguire Tyrone
McILROY Andrew Lurgeyroe Tyrone
McILROY Pat. Lurgeyroe Tyrone
McILROY Peggy Lurgeyroe Tyrone
McILROY Widow Lurgeyroe Tyrone
McILVENNA John Kinrush Tyrone
McILVENNY Patrick Ballymurphy Tyrone
McIRLAIN James Kiltagh Tyrone
McIRLAIN William Kiltagh Tyrone
McIRLANE Art. Tamnavally Tyrone
McIVER Hugh Ballymurphy Tyrone
McKANNA Chas. Kinrush Tyrone
McKANNA Peter Kinrush Tyrone
McKEE Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
McKEE James Balligoney Londonderry
McKEE Matw. Drumullan Londonderry
McKEE Pat. Kinturk Tyrone
McKEE Peter Anaghvore Tyrone
McKEE Peter Kinturk Tyrone
McKEEVER Denis Anneter Beg Tyrone
McKEEVER Hugh Mulwhittragh Tyrone
McKEEVER Pat. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
McKEEVER Phil. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
McKENNA Bernd. Tamnavally Tyrone
McKEON Bernd. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McKEON Chas. Tamnavally Tyrone
McKEON Henry Turkvallen Tyrone
McKEON Jas. Tamnavally Tyrone
McKEON Michl. Tamnavally Tyrone
McKEON Peter Ballymurphy Tyrone
McKEON Wm., Junr. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McKEON Wm., Senr. Ballymurphy Tyrone
McKERNAN Widow Drumullan Londonderry
McKIBBIN Thos. Gortigall Tyrone
McKIBBIN William Gortigall Tyrone
McKOWN Alexander Carnan Tyrone
McKOWN Hugh Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McKOWN Jno. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
McKOWN John Kinrush Tyrone
McKOWN Neal Kinrush Tyrone
McKOWN Thomas Carnan Tyrone
McLERNAN Denis Anneter More Tyrone
McLERNAN Henry Anneter More Tyrone
McLERNAN Hugh Kinturk Tyrone
McLERNAN Pat. Ardain Tyrone
McMANAMY Neale Killeycolpey Tyrone
McMANUS Andw. Carnan Tyrone
McMANUS Hugh Carnan Tyrone
McNEILL Chas. Anaghvore Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Oliver Ballinafay Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Oliver Drumore Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Oliver Feagh Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Samuel Mullaghglass Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Thos. Ballymaguire Tyrone
McREYNOLDS Thos. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McSHANE Barnard & partners Carnan Tyrone
McSHANE Barnard Killeycolpey Tyrone
McSHANE Colman Killeycolpey Tyrone
McSHANE Jas. Killeycolpey Tyrone
McSHANE John Killeycolpey Tyrone
McSLOY Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
McSLOY Jas. Anaghvore Tyrone
McSLOY Jas. Turkvallen Tyrone
McSLOY John Drumanagh Tyrone
McSLOY Pat. Anaghvore Tyrone
McSLOY Pat. Drumanagh Tyrone
McSLOY Pat. Turkvallen Tyrone
McSLOY Widow James Anaghvore Tyrone
McSLOY Widow Pat. Anneter More Tyrone
McSTRAVOGUE Henry Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
McSTRAVOGUE Terence Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
McTAGE Charles Killeycolpey Tyrone
McTAGE Widow Killeycolpey Tyrone
McVEAGH George Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Jas. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Judy Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Robt. Junr. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Robt. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Thos. Elagh Tyrone
McVEAGH Thos. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Widow Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEAGH Wm. Killygonlan Tyrone
McVEAGH Wm. Mullaghglass Tyrone
McVEY .........[?] Drumard Tyrone
McVEY John Kiltagh Tyrone
McVEY Robt. Drumhubert Tyrone
McVEY Thomas Drumhubert Tyrone
McWILLIAMS Edward Drumanagh Tyrone
MEARES George Ballinargan Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF .......... Farshnagh Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF .......... (in Kilnaskelly) Kiltagh Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF .......... Kiltagh Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF .......... Kinrush Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF ......... Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
MEATH, BISHOP OF .......... Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
MECORD Sam. Ballinargan Tyrone
MEETINGHOUSE GREEN .......... Balligoney Londonderry
MEGUCKIN F. Kiltagh Tyrone
MEGUCKIN Widow Kiltagh Tyrone
MILLAR Jas. Moneyhaw Londonderry
MILLAR Wm. Ballinargan Tyrone
MILLER Widow Elagh Tyrone
MILLER William Elagh Tyrone
MOFFIT Wm. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
MONAGHAN Pat. Killygonlan Tyrone
MONEY Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
MONEY John Drumanagh Tyrone
MONEY Pat. Drumanagh Tyrone
MONEY Peggy Drumore Tyrone
MOORE Andw. Ballymaguire Tyrone
MOORE Henry Moneyhaw Londonderry
MOORE Jas. Moneyhaw Londonderry
MORAN Phil. Moneyhaw Londonderry
MORGAN David Mulnahoe Tyrone
MORGAN Henry Mulnahoe Tyrone
MORGAN Jas. Mulnahoe Tyrone
MORRIS David Drumard Tyrone
MORRIS James Drumard Tyrone
MORRIS Robert, Junr. Drumore Tyrone
MORRIS Robert, Senr. Drumore Tyrone
MORRIS Widow Drumullan Londonderry
MULHOLAN Barnd. Kilmenagh Tyrone
MULHOLAN Jno. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
MULHOLAN Widow Killeywollaghan Tyrone
MULHOLLAND Hugh Tamnavally Tyrone
MULHOLLAND Jas. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MULHOLLAND Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MULHOLLAND Pat. Moneyhaw Londonderry
MULLAN Artr. Kinrush Tyrone
MULLAN James Clunto Richardson Tyrone
MULLAN Pat. Mullaghglass Tyrone
MULLEN Jno. Brookend Tyrone
MULLEN Wm. Brookend Tyrone
MURPHY Danl. Drumullan Londonderry
MURPHY Robert Feagh Tyrone
NEAL Pat.–Widow Drumard Tyrone
NEALE Condy Tamlaghmore Tyrone
NEARY Jno. Moneyhaw Londonderry
NEILL Sarah Donaghy or Widow Lurgeyroe Tyrone
NEILL Widow Kilmenagh Tyrone
NEILSON Joseph or Jno. Balligoney Londonderry
NESBITT James Balligoney Londonderry
NESBITT Wm. Balligoney Londonderry
NEWTON Robt. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
NEWTON Robt., Esq. Drumard Tyrone
NORRIS Thos. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
NORRIS Widow Tamlaghmore Tyrone
NORRIS Wm. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
O’HARA Daniel Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
O’NEAL Ambrose Elagh Tyrone
O’NEALE Chas. Turkvallen Tyrone
O’NEALE Edward Elagh Tyrone
O’NEALE Hugh Elagh Tyrone
O’NEIL Con. Drumore Tyrone
O’NEIL John Clunto Richardson Tyrone
O’NEILL .........[?] Kilmenagh Tyrone
O’NEILL Barnd. Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Bernd. Anaghvore Tyrone
O’NEILL Barnard, Rev., Brookend Tyrone
O’NEILL Charles Brookend Tyrone
O’NEILL Charles Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Charles Kinrush Tyrone
O’NEILL Chas. Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Condy Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Daniel Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Danl. Tamnavally Tyrone
O’NEILL Edwd. Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Felix Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Francis Drumanagh Tyrone
O’NEILL Francis, Senr. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Henry Killeycolpey Tyrone
O’NEILL Henry Kinrush Tyrone
O’NEILL Hugh Kinrush Tyrone
O’NEILL Jack (Tole) Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL James Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL James, Senr. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Jas. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Jno. (Shonan) Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Jno. Anaghvore Tyrone
O’NEILL Jno. Ballymurphy Tyrone
O’NEILL Jno., Junr. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL John (Frank) Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL John Drumanagh Tyrone
O’NEILL John Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL John Kiltagh Tyrone
O’NEILL John, Junr. (Frank) Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Lewis Kiltagh Tyrone
O’NEILL Michael Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Michael Kiltagh Tyrone
O’NEILL Michael Lurgeyroe Tyrone
O’NEILL Michl. Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Owen Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Pat. Killeycolpey Tyrone
O’NEILL Patrick Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Peter Mulnahoe Tyrone
O’NEILL Phelimy Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Widow Chas. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Widow Elen Killygonlan Tyrone
O’NEILL Widow Jno. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
O’NEILL Widow Terance Killeywollaghan Tyrone
OLD ARDBOE CROSS & BURYING GROUND .......... Farshnagh Tyrone
ORR Jas. or Widow Brookend Tyrone
ORR Wm. Brookend Tyrone
PATTERSON Robt. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
PHARE Richard Mulwhittragh Tyrone
PURVIS Ambrose Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Dalway & partners Brookend Tyrone
PURVIS Dalway Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS Dalway Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Dalway, Junr. Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS David (Dalway) Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS David (Jas.) Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Jack Brookend Tyrone
PURVIS Jack Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS James Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS Jas. Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS John Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS Richard Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Saml. Kiltagh Tyrone
PURVIS Silas Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Thos. Mulnahoe Tyrone
PURVIS Wm. Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN Ambrose Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Arthur Mulnahoe Tyrone
QUIN Barnd. Kilmenagh Tyrone
QUIN Bartley Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Bernard Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN Bernd. Anneter Beg Tyrone
QUIN Charles Anneter Beg Tyrone
QUIN Charles Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN Charls Kilmenagh Tyrone
QUIN Daniel Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Danl. Anaghvore Tyrone
QUIN Denis Ardain Tyrone
QUIN Dennis Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Edward Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN Felix Anneter Beg Tyrone
QUIN Felix Ballymurphy Tyrone
QUIN Felix Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Felix Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Felix Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN Francis Carnan Tyrone
QUIN Francis Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Francis Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Francis Kinrush Tyrone
QUIN Frank Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN George Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN Hugh Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Hugh Drumard Tyrone
QUIN Hugh Junr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Hugh Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN Hugh, Senr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN James Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN James Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN James Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN James, Junr. Carnan Tyrone
QUIN James, Sen. Carnan Tyrone
QUIN Jas. Ballymurphy Tyrone
QUIN Jas., Senr. Carnan Tyrone
QUIN Jno. Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN Jno. Kinturk Tyrone
QUIN John {(Shane) Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN John Ballymurphy Tyrone
QUIN John Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN John Drumanagh Tyrone
QUIN John Kilmenagh Tyrone
QUIN John, Senr. Kilmenagh Tyrone
QUIN Mathew Drumard Tyrone
QUIN Mathew Drumullan Londonderry
QUIN Matw. Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN Mich. Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Michael Drumanagh Tyrone
QUIN Neal Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN Neal Drumanagh Tyrone
QUIN Neill Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN Owen (Crawford) Ballymurphy Tyrone
QUIN Owen Ballymurphy Tyrone
QUIN Pat. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Pat. Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Pat., Junr. Killeycolpey Tyrone
QUIN Patrick Mulnahoe Tyrone
QUIN Peter Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Peter Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN Rodger Kiltagh Tyrone
QUIN Talley Killygonlan Tyrone
QUIN Tally Mulnahoe Tyrone
QUIN Terance (Oge) Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Terence Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Thos. Ardain Tyrone
QUIN Widow Anneter More Tyrone
QUIN Widow Bet. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
QUIN Widow Kilmenagh Tyrone
QUIN Widow Pat. Clunto Richardson Tyrone
QUIN William Clunto Quinn Tyrone
RAW Richard Carnan Tyrone
RAWLINS James Brookend Tyrone
RAWLINS Jno. Elagh Tyrone
RAWLINS Nickl. Brookend Tyrone
RAY Jas. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
RAY Saml. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
REANY Robert, Junr. Gortigall Tyrone
REANY Robert, Senr. Gortigall Tyrone
REED James Drumard Tyrone
REILLY John Killeycolpey Tyrone
RICE Edwd. Ballymurphy Tyrone
RICHARDSON James Gortnaguig Tyrone
RICHARDSON Robt. Gortnaguig Tyrone
RICHARDSON Widow Killygonlan Tyrone
RICHARDSON Wm. Brookend Tyrone
RICHARDSON Wm. Gortnaguig Tyrone
RIDDLE John Ballymaguire Tyrone
ROARK Edward, Junr. Elagh Tyrone
ROBSON Robert Eary Tyrone
ROBSON Robt. Ballinafay Tyrone
ROBSON Robt. Carnan Tyrone
RODDY John Drumhubert Tyrone
RODY Widow Tamlaghmore Tyrone
RORKE Henry Mullaghglass Tyrone
RORKE Widow Brian Elagh Tyrone
RORKE Widow Edward Elagh Tyrone
ROSS John Drumullan Londonderry
ROX Charles Drumanagh Tyrone
ROX Edward Killygonlan Tyrone
ROX Edward Kinrush Tyrone
ROX Hugh Killygonlan Tyrone
ROX Widow Donal Killygonlan Tyrone
RYANS Cornelis Anneter Beg Tyrone
RYANS Pat. Anaghvore Tyrone
SANDFORD Michael Balligoney Londonderry
SANNA Pat. Drumard Tyrone
SANNA Pat. Drumhubert Tyrone
SCOTT John Drumullan Londonderry
SCULLION Hugh Drumanagh Tyrone
SCULLION William Drumanagh Tyrone
SHAKEY Thos. Kinrush Tyrone
SHARP William Kiltagh Tyrone
SHIEL Hugh Kiltagh Tyrone
SHIELS Hugh Kiltagh Tyrone
SHIELS Manus Kiltagh Tyrone
SHORT Barnd. Kinrush Tyrone
SHORT Edwd. Mullaghglass Tyrone
SHORT Francis Killygonlan Tyrone
SKEFFINGTON Fras. Moneyhaw Londonderry
SLEMINGS Wm. Sessagh Conyngham Tyrone
SLOWNE Samuel Eary Tyrone
SMALL Frank Kinrush Tyrone
SMALL Hugh Clunto Richardson Tyrone
STEWART Hugh Carnan Tyrone
STEWART John Gortigall Tyrone
STEWART Mrs. A. Anneter Beg Tyrone
STEWART Mrs. A. Kinturk Tyrone
STEWART Mrs. Anneter More Tyrone
STEWART Mrs. Clunto Quinn Tyrone
STEWART Sir Hugh Ballymurphy Tyrone
STEWART Wm. Gortigall Tyrone
STEWART Wm. Mullaghglass Tyrone
STRAIN Widow Mulwhittragh Tyrone
STROUD Widow Killeywollaghan Tyrone
STUART Mrs. A. Anaghvore Tyrone
TAGART Arthur Drumore Tyrone
TAGART Francis Drumore Tyrone
TAGART Hugh Drumore Tyrone
TAGART John Drumore Tyrone
TAGART Pat. Drumore Tyrone
TAGGART Arthur Killygonlan Tyrone
TAGGART Francis Killeycolpey Tyrone
TAGGART Michl. Carnan Tyrone
THOMSON Jno., Esq. Ballymurphy Tyrone
THOMSON Jno., Esq. Turkvallen Tyrone
THREW Thomas Tamnavally Tyrone
TOLAND Wm. Sassagh Alexander Tyrone
TRENCH Mr. Mulwhittragh Tyrone
TRIMBLE Matw. Ballymaguire Tyrone
VALLALY James Drumullan Londonderry
VANCE Adam Ballymaguire Tyrone
VINCENT Jas. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
VINCENT Jno. & partners Tamlaghmore Tyrone
VINCENT Joseph Drumore Tyrone
WADDLE Thomas Carnan Tyrone
WALKER Jas. Tamlaghmore Tyrone
WALKER John Ballymaguire Tyrone
WALKER Thos. Mullaghglass Tyrone
WALKER Wm. Ballymaguire Tyrone
WALKER Wm. Mullaghglass Tyrone
WALLS Jno. Mullaghglass Tyrone
WALLS Owen Mullaghglass Tyrone
WARD Adam Drumullan Londonderry
WARD Adam Moneyhaw Londonderry
WARD Michael Drumullan Londonderry
WARNOCK Thomas Drumore Tyrone
WATERS Ezekl. Tamnavally Tyrone
WATERS Jas. Tamnavally Tyrone
WATERS John Kilmenagh Tyrone
WATSON Wm. Moneyhaw Londonderry
WHAN James Killeywollaghan Tyrone
WHAN John Killeywollaghan Tyrone
WHAN Wm. Elagh Tyrone
WHAN Wm. Killeywollaghan Tyrone
WHITE Hugh Brookend Tyrone
WHITE Robert Brookend Tyrone
WHITE Thos. Balligoney Londonderry
WHITESIDE John Killeycolpey Tyrone
WHITESIDE Phinehas Killeycolpey Tyrone
WILSON Andrw. Ballinargan Tyrone
WILSON John, Esq. Drumullan Londonderry
WILSON Wm. Ballinargan Tyrone
WOLLAX [WILLCOCKS?] Widow Killeywollaghan Tyrone
WRIGHT George Kiltagh Tyrone
WRIGHT John Carnan Tyrone
WRIGHT Widow Drumullan Londonderry
WRIGHT William Drumore Tyrone
WRIGHT Wm. Ballinafay Tyrone
WRIGHT Wm. Carnan Tyrone
YOUNG Wm. Ballinargan Tyrone