Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.
In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.
In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).
PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.
Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Aghacolumb | Annaghmore | Anneeterbeg | Anneetermore |
Ardean | Ballymaguire | Ballymurphy | Ballynafeagh |
Ballynargan | Brookend | Carnan | Cluntoe Quin |
Cluntoe Richardson | Dromore | Drumard | Drumenny Conyngham |
Drumenny Stewart | Drumhubbert | Eary Lower | Elagh |
Farsnagh | Feagh | Gortigal | Gortnagwyg |
Killycanavan Lower | Killycanavan Upper | Killycolpy | Killygonlan |
Killymenagh | Killywoolaghan | Kilmascally | Kinrush |
Kinturk | Lurgyroe | Mullaghglass | Mullaghwotragh |
Mullanahoe | Sessia (2 Townlands) | Stuarthall | Tamlaghtmore |
Tamnavalley | Trickvalley |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Annahavil | Ballygonny More | Drummullan | Moneyhaw |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Anaghavill | Anaghvore | Anneter Beg | Anneter More |
Ardain | Balligoney | Ballinafay | Ballinargan |
Ballymaguire | Ballymurphy | Brookend | Carnan |
Clunto Quinn | Clunto Richardson | Drumanagh | Drumard |
Drumhubert | Drumore | Drumullan | Eary |
Elagh | Farshnagh | Feagh | Gortigall |
Gortnaguig | Killeycolpey | Killeywollaghan | Killygonlan |
Kilmenagh | Kiltagh | Kinrush | Kinturk |
Lurgeyroe | Moneyhaw | Mullaghglass | Mulnahoe |
Mulwittragh | Sessagh Alexander | Sessagh Conyngham | Tamlaghmore |
Tamnavally | Turkvallen |
AICKIN | Widow | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
ALLEN | David | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
ANDERSON | Joseph | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
ARBUTTON | Samuel | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
ARMSTRONG | Robt. | Drumore | Tyrone |
ASTON | Wm. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
BAILEY | Sarah | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BANAGAN | James | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
BANAGAN | Pat. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
BANAGAN | Peter | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
BANNIGAN | Bryan | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
BANNIGAN | James | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
BANNIGAN | Jno. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
BARCLAY | Jas. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
BAREFOOT | Jno., Junr. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
BAREFOOT | John, Senr. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
BATTERY FARM | .......... | Ardain | Tyrone |
BEATY | Robert | Drumullan | Londonderry |
BELCHEY | Robert | Brookend | Tyrone |
BELL | Isac | Drumard | Tyrone |
BELL | Jas. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
BELL | John | Drumore | Tyrone |
BELL | John | Drumore | Tyrone |
BELL | Robt. | Carnan | Tyrone |
BELL | Ross | Gortigall | Tyrone |
BELL | Thos. | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
BELL | Thos. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
BELL | Widow | Drumore | Tyrone |
BELL | William | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
BELL | Wm. | Drumore | Tyrone |
BELL | Wm. | Elagh | Tyrone |
BELL | Wm. Jno. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
BELL | Wm. Jno. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
BIGGARS | Wm. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | Alexander | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | James | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | John | Brookend | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | Thomas | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BIGGERS | Wm. | Brookend | Tyrone |
BIRNEY | Daniel | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BLEEX | Henry | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BLEEX | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BLEEX | Wm. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BODEN | Hugh | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Ben. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Bengn. | Elagh | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Benj. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Curtis | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BOOTH | George | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Hugh | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
BOOTH | Hugh | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
BOOTH | James | Elagh | Tyrone |
BOOTH | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
BOOTH | John | Elagh | Tyrone |
BOOTH | John | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
BOYD | Andw. | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
BOYD | Andw. | Eary | Tyrone |
BOYLAND | Widow | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Bernd. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | George | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Hugh | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Hugh | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Jas. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Jas. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Jno. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Miles | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
BRADLEY | Wm. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
BRADY | Anthony | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | James | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Mark | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Matw. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Matw. or Mark | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Pat. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Saml. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRADY | Thos. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRANIGAN | .........[?] | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
BRANIGAN | Edwd. | Carnan | Tyrone |
BRANNEN | Rodger | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
BRANNON | Barnd. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
BRANNON | Felix | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
BREEN | Michl., Junr. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
BREEN | Michl., Senr. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
BRENNAN | Widow Jno. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
BRODLEY | John | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
BRODLEY | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
BROWN | Dr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BROWN | Jno. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
BROWN | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BROWN | Robt. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
BROWN | Thos. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
BROWN | Widow | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
BROWN | Wm. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
BROWN | Wm. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
BROWN | Wm., Jun. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Barnd. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Betty | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Chas., Junr. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Chas., Senr. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Danl. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Francis | Anneter More | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Francis | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Francis | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Geo. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | George | Clunto Richardson | Tryone |
CAMPBELL | Henry | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | James | Drumard | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | James | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Jno. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Jno. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Michl. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Neale (Bryan) | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Pat. | Elagh | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Pat. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Pat. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Patrick | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Philemy | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Robt. | Anneter More | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Thos. | Carnan | Tyrone |
CAMPBELL | Wm. (Bryan) | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Barnard | Carnan | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Barnd. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Edward | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CANAVAN | Hugh | Carnan | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Hugh, Junr. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CANAVAN | James | Carnan | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Jno. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | John, Junr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | John, Senr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Michael & partners | Carnan | Tyrone |
CANAVAN | Pat., Senr. & Sons | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CANE | Widow | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
CARR | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CARRON | Thos. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
CARTER | Edwd. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
CASSADAY | John | Kinturk | Tyrone |
CASSADY | Barnd. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
CASSADY | Felix | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
CASSADY | Fill | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
CASSADY | Michl. | Kinturk | Tyrone |
CASSADY | Peter | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
CASSIDAY | James | Brookend | Tyrone |
CASSIDAY | James | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
CASSIDAY | Pat. | Brookend | Tyrone |
CASSIDAY | Widow | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
CASSIDY | John | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
CASTLESTEWART | Earl | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
CASTLESTEWART | Earl | Eary | Tyrone |
CASTLESTEWART | Earl | Feagh | Tyrone |
CAULFIELD | Coln. | Carnan | Tyrone |
CAULFIELD | Coln. | Drumore | Tyrone |
CAULFIELD | Coln. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
CAVANAGH | Denis | Carnan | Tyrone |
CAVANAGH | James | Carnan | Tyrone |
CAVANAN | Hugh, Senr. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CHAMBERS | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
CHAPEL GARDEN | .......... | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
CLARKE | ..........[?] | Drumore | Tyrone |
CLARKE | Saml. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
CLENDINNING | Jas. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
CLENDINNING | William | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
CLENDINNING | William | Drumard | Tyrone |
CLENDINNING | Wm. & partners | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
COLEMAN | Michl. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
COLLINS | Thos. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
COLLINS | Wm. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
CONEY | Neal | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CONLAN | Francis | Anneter More | Tyrone |
CONLAN | James | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
CONOLLY | Barnd. | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
CONOLLY | Felix | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
CONOLLY | Jno. | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
CONOLLY | Peter | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
CONWAY | George | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
CONWAY | George | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
CONWELL | Anthony | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
CONYNGHAM | W.L., Esq. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
CONYNGHAM | W.L., Esq. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
CORR | Charles | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
CORR | Daniel | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
CORR | Danl. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CORR | Edward | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
CORR | Edward, Junr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
CORR | Edward, Senr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
CORR | Francis | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
CORR | James | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
CORR | Jas. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CORR | Jno. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CORR | John | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
CORR | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CORR | Michl. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CORR | Pat. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
CORR | Patrick | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CORR | Peter | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CORR | Widow | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CORRORAN | John | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
CORRORAN | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
CORRORAN | Pat. & Sons | Kinrush | Tyrone |
COSGROVE | Jno. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
COURTNEY | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
COYL | Pat. | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
CRAFORD | Widow | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
CRAWFORD | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
CREIGHTON | Widow | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
CROSIER | George | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
CUNYNGHAM | W.L., Esq. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CURRAN | Patk. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
CURRY | Widow | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
CUSKERRAN | Luke | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
DALEY | Barnd. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DALEY | James | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DALEY | Jas. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DALEY | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DALEY | Tague | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DALEY | Wm. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DALLIS | Thomas | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
DALY | John | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DAVIDSON | Jno. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DAVIDSON | Thos. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DAVIDSON | Widow | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DAVISON | Jas. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
DEVLIN | Anne | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Archey | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Arther | Elagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barnard, Junr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barnd. (Andy) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barnd. (Susey) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barnd. | Drumard | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barnd. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Barny (More) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Bernd. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Bryan | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Bryan | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Charles | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Charles | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Charles | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Chas. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Cornelis | Drumard | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Daniel | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Danl. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Danl. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Danl. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Dudley (roe) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Brookend | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Dudley, Junr. (Bane) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Dudley, Senr. (Rogers) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Edw. (Stewart or Cormack) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Edward | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Felix | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Felix | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Felix | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Felix | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Francis | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Francis | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Francis | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Francis | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Fras. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Drumard | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Henry | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Heny. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh, Junr. | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh, Senr. | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Hugh, Senr. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (Bane) | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (Cullagh) | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (fox?) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (goe) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (Jack) | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James (Oge) | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James, Junr. (bridge) | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | James, Senr. (sawer) | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. (Buoy) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. (Jack) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. (More) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. (Shone) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas. | Kinturk | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas., Junr | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jas., Senr. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jno. (Buoy) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jno. (Cormack) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jno. (Goe) | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jno. (More) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Jno. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John (Rodgers) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John (Rogers) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John | Anneter More | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John or Owen (Stuart) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John, Jun. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John, Junr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | John, Senr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Larence | Anneter More | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Luke | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Matw. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Michael | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Michael | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Michael | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Michl. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Molley | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Neal | Anneter More | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Neal | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Owen | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. (baldy) | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. (baldy) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat., Sen. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Pat., Senr. | Drumard | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Patrick (buoy) | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Patrick (buoy) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Peter | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Peter | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Rodger | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Sally | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Tague | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Terence | Anneter More | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow (Ditty) | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow (more) | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow Henry | Ardain | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow, Junr. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DEVLIN | Widow Senr. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
DILLIN | Bernard | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DIVLIN | Widow | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Arthur | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | Bernd. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Danl. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | Edward | Ardain | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Felix | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Hugh | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | James & partns. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | James | Ardain | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | John | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Larance | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | Michael | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY or DONLEY | Widow James | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Pat. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
DONAGHY | Pat., Jun. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | Pat., Senr. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DONAGHY | Widow Phil. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
DONELLY | Hugh | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
DONELLY | Widow | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
DONELY | Francis | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DONELY | James | Carnan | Tyrone |
DONELY | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
DONLEY | Francis | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DONLEY | Michael | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DONLEY | Terance | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DONLEY | Widow | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
DONLEY | William | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Daniel | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Hugh | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DOORIS | Jas. | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Neale | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Owen | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Pat. | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Rodger | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Thomas | Kinrush | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Thos. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
DOORIS | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DORMAN | Charles | Carnan | Tyrone |
DOYLE | ...........[?] | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DRENNAN | Joseph | Balligoney | Londonderry |
DRENNAN | Ralph | Balligoney | Londonderry |
DRENNAN | Saml. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
DRUM | Barnard, Senr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DRUM | Edward | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DRUM | Francis | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DUFF | James | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DUFF | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DUFF | Robert | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
DUFF | Walter | Balligoney | Londonderry |
DUFFEY | Pat. | Carnan | Tyrone |
DUFFEY | Widow, Junr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
DUFFEY | Widow, Senr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
DUFFIN | Heny. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DUFFIN | Jno. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DUFFIN | Pat. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
DUFFIN | Widow | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
DUNBAR | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
DUNN | Doctor | Balligoney | Londonderry |
DUNSEITH | Robert | Carnan | Tyrone |
ELDER | Jas. | Drumore | Tyrone |
ELDER | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
ELDER | Wm. | Drumore | Tyrone |
ELLIOTT | Robt. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
ERWIN | Thaney | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
FARLEY | William | Ardain | Tyrone |
FARR | Thos. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
FARREL | Francis | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
FARREL | Robt. | Brookend | Tyrone |
FARRELL | Henry | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
FARRELL | John | Brookend | Tyrone |
FARRELL | Matw. | Brookend | Tyrone |
FARRELL | Thos. | Brookend | Tyrone |
FARSHIN | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
FARSHIN | John | Gortigall | Tyrone |
FERGUSON | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
FERGUSON | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
FIELDS | George | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
FORBIS | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
FORBIS | Robert | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
FOSTER | Robert | Drumard | Tyrone |
FRENCH | Counselr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
FRY | Isaac | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
FULLAN | Jno. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
GALLAGHER | Bernd. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
GEORGE | Jno. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
GEORGE | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
GIBBONS | Francis | Ardain | Tyrone |
GIBSON | Wm. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
GILLESPIE | Edwd. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
GILLIS | Geo. | Drumore | Tyrone |
GILLIS | John | Drumore | Tyrone |
GILLMORE | Danl. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
GLACKIN | Peter | Drumard | Tyrone |
GLACKIN | Widow | Drumard | Tyrone |
GLASSY | Widow | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
GLASSY | Wm. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
GOE | Bernd. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
GORDON | Robert | Drumard | Tyrone |
GORDON | William | Drumard | Tyrone |
GORE | Rev. F.L. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
GRAMES | .........[?] | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
GRAMES | John | Elagh | Tyrone |
GRAMES | Widow | Elagh | Tyrone |
GRAVES | Wm., Esq. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
GRAY | Alexr. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
GRAY | Alexr. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
GRAY | Thos. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
GREENAWAY | John | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
HAGAN | Baldy | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
HAGAN | Jack | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
HAGAN | John | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
HAGAN | Salley | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
HAGAN | Saml. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Arthur | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Barnard, Junr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Barnard, Senr. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Edward | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Francis | Drumullan | Londonderry |
HAGGAN | Henry | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | James | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Jas. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Patrick | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Widow | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HAGGAN | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
HAMIL | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
HAMILL | Hugh | Drumard | Tyrone |
HAMILL | Joseph | Carnan | Tyrone |
HAMILL | Robert | Carnan | Tyrone |
HAMILL | Widow | Drumard | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Alexr. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | George | Drumore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Hen., Junr. (Dunbar) | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Henry (Thatcher) | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Henry | Drumore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Henry | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Hugh | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Jno. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Joseph | Drumore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Wm., Junr. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Wm., Senr. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HAMILTON | Wm. | Drumore | Tyrone |
HARBISON | William | Drumore | Tyrone |
HARBISON | William | Feagh | Tyrone |
HARKNESS | Alexr. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
HARRARAN | Widow | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HARRIS | George | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
HAZLETON | Simon | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
HENDERSON | Mat. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HENDERSON | William | Carnan | Tyrone |
HENDERSON | Wm. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
HENERY | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
HENNAN | Cathrin | Kinrush | Tyrone |
HENNAN | Danl. & partners | Kinrush | Tyrone |
HENNAN | Michael | Kinrush | Tyrone |
HENNAN | Owen | Kinrush | Tyrone |
HENRY | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
HENRY | Hugh, Junr. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
HENRY | Hugh, Senr. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
HENRY | James | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
HENRY | James | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
HENRY | Jas. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
HENRY | John | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
HENRY | Pat. | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
HENRY | Pat. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
HENRY | Widow | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
HILL | James | Balligoney | Londonderry |
HILLAN | Chas. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
HOGG | Andrew | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
HOGG | James | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
HOGG | Jas. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
HOGG | Thos. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
HOGG | Thos. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
HUGHES | Jno. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
HUNTER | Jno. | Carnan | Tyrone |
HUTCHISON | Michael | Drumullan | Londonderry |
HUTTON | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
IRVINE | Jno. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
JACKSON | Robert | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
JACKSON | Robert | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
JOHNSON | Robert | Elagh | Tyrone |
JOHNSTON | David | Brookend | Tyrone |
JOHNSTON | John & partners | Drumullan | Londonderry |
JOHNSTON | Margt. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
JOHNSTON | Saragh | Drumullan | Londonderry |
JONSTON | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
JUDGE | James | Carnan | Tyrone |
JUDGE | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
JUDGE | Thos. | Carnan | Tyrone |
JUNK | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
JUNK | Robert | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
JUNK | Robert | Gortigall | Tyrone |
JUNK | Samuel | Drumullan | Londonderry |
JUNK | Thomas | Gortigall | Tyrone |
KEAKLEY | Archey | Brookend | Tyrone |
KEELAN | John | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
KEELAN | Wm. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
KEENAN | John | Elagh | Tyrone |
KEIGHTLY | Archy | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
KEIGHTLY | Stewart | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
KELLY | Arther | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
KELLY | Arthur | Drumore | Tyrone |
KELLY | Bernard | Carnan | Tyrone |
KELLY | Danl. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
KELLY | Fill | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
KELLY | Hugh | Carnan | Tyrone |
KELLY | Hugh | Eary | Tyrone |
KELLY | Hugh | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
KELLY | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
KELLY | John | Eary | Tyrone |
KELLY | John, Senr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
KELLY | Michael | Carnan | Tyrone |
KELLY | Pat. | Drumore | Tyrone |
KELLY | Wm. | Drumore | Tyrone |
KENEDAY | William | Drumore | Tyrone |
KENEDY | Pat. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
KENNEDAY | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
KENNEDY | Mrs. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
KENNY | John | Ardain | Tyrone |
KILPATRICK | Wm. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
LAMON | Hugh | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAMON | John, Junr. | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAMON | John, Senr. | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAPSLEY | Thos. | Brookend | Tyrone |
LASPLEY | Hugh | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Bernd. | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Bernd. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Edward | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Felix | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Hugh | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Jno. | Elagh | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | John | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
LAVERTY | Neale | Elagh | Tyrone |
LEDLIE | George, Esq. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
LEES | John | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
LENARD | Henry | Drumard | Tyrone |
LINN | Jno. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
LITTLE | Mr. Samuel | Drumard | Tyrone |
MACKARELL | Jno. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
MACKEY | Jno., Esq. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
MACKEY | Jno., Esq. | Brookend | Tyrone |
MACKEY | Jno., Esq. | Elagh | Tyrone |
MACKEY | Jno., Esq. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
MACKEY | John, Esq. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
MACKEY | Mrs. | Brookend | Tyrone |
MACKRELL | Nell & sons | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
MADDEN | Donald | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
MAGEE | Dudley | Kinrush | Tyrone |
MAGEE | Henry | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
MAGENNIS | Pat. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
MAGERY | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
MAGLONE | Hugh | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
MAGLONE | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MAGRATH | Bernd. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
MAGRATH | Groman or Bryan | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
MAGRATH | John | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Art. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Fras. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Michael | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Paul | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MAGUIGAN | Peter | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
MAHAFFEY | John | Elagh | Tyrone |
MAHAFFY | John | Gortigall | Tyrone |
MAHAFFY | Thos. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
MAINS | Widow | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
MALLON | Charles | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MALLON | Forgey | Carnan | Tyrone |
MALLON | Henry | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
MALLON | Henry | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
MALLON | Henry | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
MALLON | Henry, Junr. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | Henry, Senr. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | Hugh | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
MALLON | Hugh | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MALLON | James | Carnan | Tyrone |
MALLON | Jas., Junr. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | Jas., Senr. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | Jno. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
MALLON | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MALLON | John | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
MALLON | Michl. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
MALLON | Pat. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
MALLON | Pat. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
MALLON | Pat. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
MALLON | Phil. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MALLON | Thos. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MANAGH | Arthur | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
MANAGH | Widow | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
MANEELY | Jas. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
MANEELY | Robert | Drumore | Tyrone |
MANEELY | William | Drumore | Tyrone |
MANEESE | John | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
MARCH | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
MARCH | James | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
MARKS | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MARKS | Robert | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MARKS | Widow | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MARKS | William | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MARSHAL | Thos. | Brookend | Tyrone |
MARSHALL | James | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
MARSHALL | John | Drumard | Tyrone |
MARTIN | Ann | Carnan | Tyrone |
MARTIN | Gilbert | Carnan | Tyrone |
MARTIN | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
MARTIN | Thos. | Carnan | Tyrone |
MARTIN | Wm. | Carnan | Tyrone |
MARTIN | Wm. | Eary | Tyrone |
MATTHEWS | David | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
MAXWELL | Mrs. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
MAYNES | Danl. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
MAYNES | Edward | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
MAYNES | Edward or Terence | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MAYNES | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McADAMS | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McALEER | Charles | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
McALEER | Michael | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McALINDEN | Saml. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
McALISTER | John | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
McALISTER | Pat. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McALLISTER | Luke | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McAMLEY | Daniel | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Bartly | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Bernd. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Chas. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Daniel | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McANALLY | Hugh | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
McANALLY | Jas. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Jno. & partners | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McANALLY | John | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Michl. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Michl. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Peter | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McANALLY | Tally | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McATEER | Archey | Carnan | Tyrone |
McBRIDE | Andrew | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
McBRIDE | Andw. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McCAMLY | Danl. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McCANN | Felix | Carnan | Tyrone |
McCANN | Hugh | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McCANN | Jas. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McCANN | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McCANN | Pat. | Carnan | Tyrone |
McCANN | Patrick | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McCANN | Thomas | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McCANN | Widow | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
McCARTER | Artur | Carnan | Tyrone |
McCLARE | David | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McCLEERY | James | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
McCOARD | James | Drumore | Tyrone |
McCOARD | James | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
McCOARD | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
McCOARD | Neil | Drumore | Tyrone |
McCOARD | Peter | Drumore | Tyrone |
McCOARD | Thos. | Drumore | Tyrone |
McCONNELL | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McCONOMY | Dan. | Brookend | Tyrone |
McCORMICK | Widow | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
McCREIGHT | Chas. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
McCREIGHT | Mr. | Drumard | Tyrone |
McCULAGH | Charles | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McCULLOCH | Fras. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McCULLOCH | George | Drumore | Tyrone |
McCULLOGH | Fras. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
McCULLOGH | Wm. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
McDONALD | Alexr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
McDONALD | Archey | Carnan | Tyrone |
McDONALD | Jno. | Carnan | Tyrone |
McELDERY | Charles | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
McELROY | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McELROY | Joseph | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McENTIRE | Creighton | Eary | Tyrone |
McENTIRE | Robt. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
McGAHAN | Wm. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
McGERRY | Matw. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McGHEE | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McGIRR | Edward | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McGIRR | Jas. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McGIRR | Terance | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McGLONE | Hugh | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
McGLONE | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McGRATH | Jno. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
McGUCKEN | Pat. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McGUCKIEN | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McGUCKIN | Barnd. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McGUCKIN | Francis | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
McGUCKIN | George | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McGUCKIN | Hugh | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
McGUCKIN | Paul | Kinturk | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Charles | Drumore | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Eloner | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Fill | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Francis | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Jno., Junr. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Jno., Senr. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McGUIGAN | Michael | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McGURK | Arthur | Carnan | Tyrone |
McILDERRY | Bernd. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
McILDERRY | Corns. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
McILDERRY | Felix | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
McILDERRY | Frs. | Anaghavill | Londonderry |
McILDOON | Hugh | Elagh | Tyrone |
McILDOON | Jno. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McILDOON | Wm. | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
McILHONE | Charles | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
McILREE | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
McILROY | Andrew | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
McILROY | Pat. | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
McILROY | Peggy | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
McILROY | Widow | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
McILVENNA | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McILVENNY | Patrick | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McIRLAIN | James | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McIRLAIN | William | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McIRLANE | Art. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McIVER | Hugh | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McKANNA | Chas. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McKANNA | Peter | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McKEE | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McKEE | James | Balligoney | Londonderry |
McKEE | Matw. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McKEE | Pat. | Kinturk | Tyrone |
McKEE | Peter | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McKEE | Peter | Kinturk | Tyrone |
McKEEVER | Denis | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
McKEEVER | Hugh | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
McKEEVER | Pat. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
McKEEVER | Phil. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
McKENNA | Bernd. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McKEON | Bernd. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McKEON | Chas. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McKEON | Henry | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
McKEON | Jas. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McKEON | Michl. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
McKEON | Peter | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McKEON | Wm., Junr. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McKEON | Wm., Senr. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
McKERNAN | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
McKIBBIN | Thos. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
McKIBBIN | William | Gortigall | Tyrone |
McKOWN | Alexander | Carnan | Tyrone |
McKOWN | Hugh | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McKOWN | Jno. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
McKOWN | John | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McKOWN | Neal | Kinrush | Tyrone |
McKOWN | Thomas | Carnan | Tyrone |
McLERNAN | Denis | Anneter More | Tyrone |
McLERNAN | Henry | Anneter More | Tyrone |
McLERNAN | Hugh | Kinturk | Tyrone |
McLERNAN | Pat. | Ardain | Tyrone |
McMANAMY | Neale | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McMANUS | Andw. | Carnan | Tyrone |
McMANUS | Hugh | Carnan | Tyrone |
McNEILL | Chas. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Oliver | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Oliver | Drumore | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Oliver | Feagh | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Samuel | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Thos. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
McREYNOLDS | Thos. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McSHANE | Barnard & partners | Carnan | Tyrone |
McSHANE | Barnard | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McSHANE | Colman | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McSHANE | Jas. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McSHANE | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Jas. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Jas. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
McSLOY | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Pat. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Pat. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Pat. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Widow James | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
McSLOY | Widow Pat. | Anneter More | Tyrone |
McSTRAVOGUE | Henry | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
McSTRAVOGUE | Terence | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
McTAGE | Charles | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McTAGE | Widow | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | George | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Jas. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Judy | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Robt. Junr. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Robt. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Thos. | Elagh | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Thos. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Widow | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Wm. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
McVEAGH | Wm. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
McVEY | .........[?] | Drumard | Tyrone |
McVEY | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
McVEY | Robt. | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
McVEY | Thomas | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
McWILLIAMS | Edward | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MEARES | George | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | .......... | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | .......... | (in Kilnaskelly) Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | .......... | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | .......... | Kinrush | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | ......... | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
MEATH, BISHOP OF | .......... | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
MECORD | Sam. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
MEETINGHOUSE GREEN | .......... | Balligoney | Londonderry |
MEGUCKIN | F. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MEGUCKIN | Widow | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
MILLAR | Jas. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
MILLAR | Wm. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
MILLER | Widow | Elagh | Tyrone |
MILLER | William | Elagh | Tyrone |
MOFFIT | Wm. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
MONAGHAN | Pat. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
MONEY | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MONEY | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MONEY | Pat. | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
MONEY | Peggy | Drumore | Tyrone |
MOORE | Andw. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
MOORE | Henry | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
MOORE | Jas. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
MORAN | Phil. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
MORGAN | David | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
MORGAN | Henry | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
MORGAN | Jas. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
MORRIS | David | Drumard | Tyrone |
MORRIS | James | Drumard | Tyrone |
MORRIS | Robert, Junr. | Drumore | Tyrone |
MORRIS | Robert, Senr. | Drumore | Tyrone |
MORRIS | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
MULHOLAN | Barnd. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
MULHOLAN | Jno. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
MULHOLAN | Widow | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
MULHOLLAND | Hugh | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
MULHOLLAND | Jas. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MULHOLLAND | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MULHOLLAND | Pat. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
MULLAN | Artr. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
MULLAN | James | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
MULLAN | Pat. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
MULLEN | Jno. | Brookend | Tyrone |
MULLEN | Wm. | Brookend | Tyrone |
MURPHY | Danl. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
MURPHY | Robert | Feagh | Tyrone |
NEAL | Pat.–Widow | Drumard | Tyrone |
NEALE | Condy | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
NEARY | Jno. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
NEILL | Sarah Donaghy or Widow | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
NEILL | Widow | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
NEILSON | Joseph or Jno. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
NESBITT | James | Balligoney | Londonderry |
NESBITT | Wm. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
NEWTON | Robt. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
NEWTON | Robt., Esq. | Drumard | Tyrone |
NORRIS | Thos. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
NORRIS | Widow | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
NORRIS | Wm. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
O’HARA | Daniel | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
O’NEAL | Ambrose | Elagh | Tyrone |
O’NEALE | Chas. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
O’NEALE | Edward | Elagh | Tyrone |
O’NEALE | Hugh | Elagh | Tyrone |
O’NEIL | Con. | Drumore | Tyrone |
O’NEIL | John | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | .........[?] | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Barnd. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Bernd. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Barnard, Rev., | Brookend | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Charles | Brookend | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Charles | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Charles | Kinrush | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Chas. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Condy | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Daniel | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Danl. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Edwd. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Felix | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Francis | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Francis, Senr. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Henry | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Henry | Kinrush | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Hugh | Kinrush | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jack (Tole) | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | James | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | James, Senr. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jas. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jno. (Shonan) | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jno. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jno. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Jno., Junr. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | John (Frank) | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | John | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | John, Junr. (Frank) | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Lewis | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Michael | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Michael | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Michael | Lurgeyroe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Michl. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Owen | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Pat. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Patrick | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Peter | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Phelimy | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Widow Chas. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Widow Elen | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Widow Jno. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
O’NEILL | Widow Terance | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
OLD ARDBOE CROSS & BURYING GROUND | .......... | Farshnagh | Tyrone |
ORR | Jas. or Widow | Brookend | Tyrone |
ORR | Wm. | Brookend | Tyrone |
PATTERSON | Robt. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
PHARE | Richard | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Ambrose | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Dalway & partners | Brookend | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Dalway | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Dalway | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Dalway, Junr. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | David (Dalway) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | David (Jas.) | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Jack | Brookend | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Jack | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | James | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Jas. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | John | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Richard | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Saml. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Silas | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Thos. | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
PURVIS | Wm. | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Ambrose | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Arthur | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
QUIN | Barnd. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Bartley | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Bernard | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | Bernd. | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
QUIN | Charles | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
QUIN | Charles | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Charls | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Daniel | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Danl. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
QUIN | Denis | Ardain | Tyrone |
QUIN | Dennis | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Edward | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | Felix | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
QUIN | Felix | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
QUIN | Felix | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Felix | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Felix | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Francis | Carnan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Francis | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Francis | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Francis | Kinrush | Tyrone |
QUIN | Frank | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | George | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Hugh | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Hugh | Drumard | Tyrone |
QUIN | Hugh Junr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Hugh | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Hugh, Senr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | James | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | James | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | James | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | James, Junr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
QUIN | James, Sen. | Carnan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Jas. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
QUIN | Jas., Senr. | Carnan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Jno. | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Jno. | Kinturk | Tyrone |
QUIN | John {(Shane) | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | John | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
QUIN | John | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | John | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | John | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | John, Senr. | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Mathew | Drumard | Tyrone |
QUIN | Mathew | Drumullan | Londonderry |
QUIN | Matw. | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | Mich. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Michael | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Neal | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | Neal | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Neill | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | Owen (Crawford) | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
QUIN | Owen | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
QUIN | Pat. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Pat. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Pat., Junr. | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
QUIN | Patrick | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
QUIN | Peter | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Peter | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Rodger | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Talley | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
QUIN | Tally | Mulnahoe | Tyrone |
QUIN | Terance (Oge) | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Terence | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Thos. | Ardain | Tyrone |
QUIN | Widow | Anneter More | Tyrone |
QUIN | Widow Bet. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
QUIN | Widow | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
QUIN | Widow Pat. | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
QUIN | William | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
RAW | Richard | Carnan | Tyrone |
RAWLINS | James | Brookend | Tyrone |
RAWLINS | Jno. | Elagh | Tyrone |
RAWLINS | Nickl. | Brookend | Tyrone |
RAY | Jas. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
RAY | Saml. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
REANY | Robert, Junr. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
REANY | Robert, Senr. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
REED | James | Drumard | Tyrone |
REILLY | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
RICE | Edwd. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
RICHARDSON | James | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
RICHARDSON | Robt. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
RICHARDSON | Widow | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
RICHARDSON | Wm. | Brookend | Tyrone |
RICHARDSON | Wm. | Gortnaguig | Tyrone |
RIDDLE | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
ROARK | Edward, Junr. | Elagh | Tyrone |
ROBSON | Robert | Eary | Tyrone |
ROBSON | Robt. | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
ROBSON | Robt. | Carnan | Tyrone |
RODDY | John | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
RODY | Widow | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
RORKE | Henry | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
RORKE | Widow Brian | Elagh | Tyrone |
RORKE | Widow Edward | Elagh | Tyrone |
ROSS | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
ROX | Charles | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
ROX | Edward | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
ROX | Edward | Kinrush | Tyrone |
ROX | Hugh | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
ROX | Widow Donal | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
RYANS | Cornelis | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
RYANS | Pat. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
SANDFORD | Michael | Balligoney | Londonderry |
SANNA | Pat. | Drumard | Tyrone |
SANNA | Pat. | Drumhubert | Tyrone |
SCOTT | John | Drumullan | Londonderry |
SCULLION | Hugh | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
SCULLION | William | Drumanagh | Tyrone |
SHAKEY | Thos. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
SHARP | William | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
SHIEL | Hugh | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
SHIELS | Hugh | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
SHIELS | Manus | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
SHORT | Barnd. | Kinrush | Tyrone |
SHORT | Edwd. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
SHORT | Francis | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
SKEFFINGTON | Fras. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
SLEMINGS | Wm. | Sessagh Conyngham | Tyrone |
SLOWNE | Samuel | Eary | Tyrone |
SMALL | Frank | Kinrush | Tyrone |
SMALL | Hugh | Clunto Richardson | Tyrone |
STEWART | Hugh | Carnan | Tyrone |
STEWART | John | Gortigall | Tyrone |
STEWART | Mrs. A. | Anneter Beg | Tyrone |
STEWART | Mrs. A. | Kinturk | Tyrone |
STEWART | Mrs. | Anneter More | Tyrone |
STEWART | Mrs. | Clunto Quinn | Tyrone |
STEWART | Sir Hugh | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
STEWART | Wm. | Gortigall | Tyrone |
STEWART | Wm. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
STRAIN | Widow | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
STROUD | Widow | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
STUART | Mrs. A. | Anaghvore | Tyrone |
TAGART | Arthur | Drumore | Tyrone |
TAGART | Francis | Drumore | Tyrone |
TAGART | Hugh | Drumore | Tyrone |
TAGART | John | Drumore | Tyrone |
TAGART | Pat. | Drumore | Tyrone |
TAGGART | Arthur | Killygonlan | Tyrone |
TAGGART | Francis | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
TAGGART | Michl. | Carnan | Tyrone |
THOMSON | Jno., Esq. | Ballymurphy | Tyrone |
THOMSON | Jno., Esq. | Turkvallen | Tyrone |
THREW | Thomas | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
TOLAND | Wm. | Sassagh Alexander | Tyrone |
TRENCH | Mr. | Mulwhittragh | Tyrone |
TRIMBLE | Matw. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
VALLALY | James | Drumullan | Londonderry |
VANCE | Adam | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
VINCENT | Jas. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
VINCENT | Jno. & partners | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
VINCENT | Joseph | Drumore | Tyrone |
WADDLE | Thomas | Carnan | Tyrone |
WALKER | Jas. | Tamlaghmore | Tyrone |
WALKER | John | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
WALKER | Thos. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
WALKER | Wm. | Ballymaguire | Tyrone |
WALKER | Wm. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
WALLS | Jno. | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
WALLS | Owen | Mullaghglass | Tyrone |
WARD | Adam | Drumullan | Londonderry |
WARD | Adam | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
WARD | Michael | Drumullan | Londonderry |
WARNOCK | Thomas | Drumore | Tyrone |
WATERS | Ezekl. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
WATERS | Jas. | Tamnavally | Tyrone |
WATERS | John | Kilmenagh | Tyrone |
WATSON | Wm. | Moneyhaw | Londonderry |
WHAN | James | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
WHAN | John | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
WHAN | Wm. | Elagh | Tyrone |
WHAN | Wm. | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
WHITE | Hugh | Brookend | Tyrone |
WHITE | Robert | Brookend | Tyrone |
WHITE | Thos. | Balligoney | Londonderry |
WHITESIDE | John | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
WHITESIDE | Phinehas | Killeycolpey | Tyrone |
WILSON | Andrw. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
WILSON | John, Esq. | Drumullan | Londonderry |
WILSON | Wm. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |
WOLLAX [WILLCOCKS?] | Widow | Killeywollaghan | Tyrone |
WRIGHT | George | Kiltagh | Tyrone |
WRIGHT | John | Carnan | Tyrone |
WRIGHT | Widow | Drumullan | Londonderry |
WRIGHT | William | Drumore | Tyrone |
WRIGHT | Wm. | Ballinafay | Tyrone |
WRIGHT | Wm. | Carnan | Tyrone |
YOUNG | Wm. | Ballinargan | Tyrone |