August 2 1852 | Married at Urney Meeting-house, by the Rev. Mr. McConaghy, on Wednesday week, MR JOHN CULBERSON ENTRICAN, of Stonefalls, to MISS REBECCA ENTRICAN, of Gortlougher |
June 24 1865 | Married June 15 in First Ardstraw Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Mr. Lyle, JOSEPH WAUCHOB, ESQ., of Kinkitt, to ISABELLA, daughter of the late JAMES ENTRICAN, ESQ., of Stonyfalls |
July 22 1868 |
Advertisement: EXCELLENT FARM of LAND and CROP, by AUCTION, in the Townland of TIVINEY (One short Mile from Ardstraw Bridge Post-Office), on THURSDAY JULY 30, at ONE o’clock, p.m., the property of MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, of Stonefalls(sic). The Farm contains 26 Acres Cunningham Measure.....good state of cultivation......suitable dwelling house, well accommodated with good Water and Turbary......said farm is held under the Most Noble the Marquis of ABERCORN, renewable for a most peaceable and thriving part of the country, situated within 3 Miles of Castlederg and 5½ of Strabane....... |
July 6 1870 | Birth: July 2, at Craigmonaghan, the wife of MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, of a daughter |
August 31 1839 | Died at Gortlougher, near Strabane, on Tuesday last, MRS. ENTRICAN, relict of the late JAMES ENTRICAN, of Strabane, aged 81 |
October 7 1853 | Died on the 4th inst., at Stoneyfalls, Parish of Ardstraw, after a lingering illness, SARAH, wife of MR. JAMES ENTRICAN |
February 15 1856 | Married in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Andrew Clark, MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, Stoneyfalls, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late MR. ANDREW JACK, Magheracolton |
March 13 1857 | Died on Sabbath last, at Stoneyfalls, parish of Ardstraw, JAMES ENTRICAN, ESQ., aged 63 years |
November 5 1858 | Birth: On the 31st ult., the wife of MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, of Stonyfalls, of a son |
January 2 1863 | Died December 20, at Stonyfalls, of whooping cough, the infant daughter of MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, aged one month |
June 3 1864 | Birth: May 25, at Stonyfalls, the wife of MR. ROBERT ENTRICAN, of a son |
October 26 1946 |
TO J.C. ENTRICAN, AUCKLAND, N.Z. [New Zealand] We send you hearty greetings James From Queensland’s sunny clime We’re hoping that you are fit and well Defying Father Time Oh! Cousin how the years have flown Since we last gripped your hand And many things have happened since That we can’t understand Craigmonaghan is far away In Erin’s lovely Isle And Castlederg in old Tyrone Is distant many a mile Your thoughts at times many wander back To days and scenes long gone To Newtownstewart’s pleasant town Or good Uncle John To Reverend Baird from Christchurch way His wife - your daughter Jean To Miriam, Jim and stalwart Frank And Helen smart and keen Please give best wishes to them all The members of the Clan And say the man who penned these lines was born near old Strabane “BANNERMAN”, Maryborough, Queensland 23.10.46 |