Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Patrick Street Graveyard, Strabane, Camus Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs

Unknown & Wills
Compiled and Submitted by
Faye Logue, Mundingburra, Queensland, Australia

This file of Patrick Street Graveyard, Strabane, Camus Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CAMUS PARISH & COUNTY TYRONE on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Index to the Twenty-One Pages involved in the Patrick Street Graveyard: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs



1. Main Page    
  8. Elliott – Evans 15. McBrearty – McFarland
2. Surname List 9. Ferguson – Fyffe 16. McGarrigle – McSwiggan
3. Adams – Auchinlec 10. Gallagher – Gwynne 17. Mearns – Murray
4. Baird – Burgoyne 11. Hall – Huston 18. Neilson – Porter
5. Campbell – Colhoun 12. Inch – Kyle 19. Ramsay – Stewart
6. Collins – Cuthbertson 13. Larmour – Lyon 20. Tait – Young
7. Daly – Dunlop 14. MacDonald – Maxwell 21. Unknown & Wills


Unknown & Wills



UNKNOWN                           [E Section]

April 2018 Ruined Burial Enclosure




UNKNOWN                      [B26]




UNKNOWN                               [I12]




UNKNOWN                              [I13]



CL                        RG




A. L



UNKNOWN                          [B1]

T. L



UNKNOWN                        [B15]




UNKNOWN                         [B9]




UNKNOWN                    [D1]




UNKNOWN               [D2]




UNKNOWN                      [D3]







UNKNOWN                  [D1, D2 & D3]

Left – J W             Middle – Unknown                 Right – A W



UNKNOWN                            [A10]

R W 1693



UNKNOWN                            [E28]


1817 AGED 40 YEARS



UNKNOWN                            [C7]









UNKNOWN                              [D37]







UNKNOWN                         [E21]


DORA -----------



UNKNOWN                     [E27]








------- HE DIED 8TH

OCT ---- AGED 97



UNKNOWN                   [E38]


OF ………



UNKNOWN                             [F11]





----------- 1719 -------------------


JAMES ----------------------------



UNKNOWN                       [F35]





UNKNOWN                         [F77]

Upright stone Michael Graham


SARAH -------------------

EREC -------------------- DAUGHTER



UNKNOWN                        [H1]





UNKNOWN                         [H23]









UNKNOWN                        [i16]

Cathcart/Browne                                                         Unknown

Unknown [back]                                       George Hamilton [back]

William Perry [fallen]



UNKNOWN                                         [I23]

                                                                  2015 Unknown                        Warnock

                                                                                                                    McCrea       Samuel …..







UNKNOWN                             [F43]




UNKNOWN                            [F81]

Inscription illegible



PORTERFIELD (Location of grave unknown)


Londonderry Sentinel

September 22 1838





7 MAY 1863

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

I Joseph Arbuckle of Strabane, being of sound mind but of infirm health, do make this my last Will & testament. I commit my soul to God in humble hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I bequeath to my niece Rebecca Buchanan widow of the late Joseph Buchanan the sum of Thirty Pounds

To my nieces Margaret Pollock & Anne & Sarah Campbell Thirty Pounds each. To George Buchanan my nephew Thirty Pounds. To my niece Isabella Buchanan now in America I bequeath Ten Pounds. I bequeath the three Houses in the Back Street of Strabane which I now hold under the heirs of Mrs Skipton to James Pollock of Stanylane for the benefit of himself and the family of Robert Campbell now residing with him, said houses at his death to become the property of my nephew Robert Campbell. I direct that the sum of Thirty Pounds be handed to the Rev James Gibson, to be divided among (inserted - the poor £30) the Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the Edinburgh Bible Society as he may consider best. I direct that a decent Tomb Stone be placed on my grave and should any surplus remain after funeral & law expenses I direct that the same be equally divided among my four nieces, Rebecca Buchanan, Margaret Pollock and Anne & Sarah Campbell. There being Five Hundred and Fifty Pounds of my money in the hands of Messrs John & James Graham of Strabane and Derry I direct that they not be called upon for the same by my Executor for 4 months after my decease if it be their desire to retain the money for such period. I appoint Andrew Jenkins of Strabane my Executor to carry out the provisions of this will and I hereby cancel all or any former will made by me. Dated at Strabane this 7th day of May one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty three

Joseph Arbuckle Signed and sealed in the presence of


Emily Jenkins William Wray

No. 2. In Her Majesty's Court of Probate The District Registry of Londonderry. In the Goods of Joseph Arbuckle deceased I William Wray of Strabane in the County of Tyrone Postman make oath that I am one of the subscribing witnesses to the last will and Testament of the said Joseph Arbuckle late of Strabane aforesaid in the County of Tyrone Printer deceased the said Will being now hereunto annexed bearing date the seventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and sixty three and that the said Testator executed the said Will on the day of the date thereof by signing his name at the foot or end thereof as the same now appears thereon in the presence of me and of Emily Jenkins the other subscribe witness thereto both of us being present at the same time, and we thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and of each other. William Wray. Sworn at Strabane in the County of Tyrone on the 2nd day of September 1863, before me and I know the Deponent and certify that said deponent is above the age of Twenty one years. Oliver White Master Exty, John Colhoun Solicitor.

For Probate see Probate Book No. 2 page 63.


8 June 1857

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

In the Name of God – Amen – I William Boyd of Strabane in the County of Tyrone Merchant being sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do make publish and declare this as and for my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made I give devise and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Frances Margaret Boyd my brother in law John Craig Junior of Killy Gordon in the County of Donegal Gentleman and my friend Walter Scott of Strabane in the County of Tyrone Merchant all my freehold lands tenements houses and premises together with all such personal goods and chattels or other effects whatsoever or wheresoever situated as I may die possessed of or in any manner entitled unto and to the survivors and survivor of them and their heirs to for and upon the several uses trusts intents and purposes under and subject to the powers provisos and limitations hereafter expressed and delivered of and concerning the same that is to say to pay thereout the following bequests and legacies at such times and upon such conditions as hereinafter mentioned respecting the same I do hereby Will and declare that such stock in the funds as may at my death be standing in the joint names of my wife and myself shall be hers absolutely for her own separate use and benefit and that in consideration thereof she is not to have or claim any dower or ----- from or out of my freehold lands I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Stewart Boyd the sum of Two Thousand pounds Sterling and I further give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Gwynne Boyd the like sum of Two Thousand pounds Sterling the said several and respective legacies to be paid unto each of my said daughters on the day of their respective marriages or their attaining the age of twenty five years whichever shall first happen provided they marry with the consent of any two or more of my trustees such consent to be signified by some writing or -----ment under their hands and in the event of any of my said daughters marrying without such consent or dying before becoming entitled to receive such legacies my will and desire is that the bequest so made to them or either of them shall be null and void and the bequest so as aforesaid made to such of my daughters shall revert and be paid to my other children in equal proportions at such time or times as they may be entitled to receive their respective legacies under the provisions of this my will and it is further my will and desire that if any of my said daughters marry with the consent of my said trustees as aforesaid but should happen to die without leaving lawful issue then and in such case if her husband should be living at the time of her decease I request my trustees aforesaid will see that her settlements are so prepared that her husband shall only have the yearly interest or annual produce of said sum of Two Thousand pounds during his natural life and upon his death the said principal sum shall revert and be paid to my other children in equal shares and proportions and that my said Trustees will in all other respects see that the interest and advantage of my said daughters be duly provided for and regarded in the preparation of such settlements it is further my will and desire that until my respective daughters shall become entitled to be paid their aforesaid respective legacies my trustees shall pay and apply the yearly interest or annual proceeds thereof or such part thereof as may be necessary towards their maintenance clothing and advantage and my trustees in order to enable them to do so are hereby empowered to vest the said respective legacies at interest with some public banking company or in the Government Stock and funds or in good and valid Security by Mortgage of lands in Ireland sold under the Incumbered Estates Court and being a first charge thereon and as to and concerning all my following Freehold houses Lands tenements houses and premises namely my houses and farm situated at the Milltown of Ballymagorry in the parish of Leckpatrick the houses and premises I now hold in Irish Street in the town of Strabane in said parish my Steam Mill and premises thereunto belonging and Store adjoining same commonly called Porters Store ( which Steam Mill premises and Store it is my desire may be sold if practicable as hereinafter mentioned ) my dwelling house Office houses stores yards and premises at the Bason of Strabane Canal in said parish the two houses I now hold in the Church bray of Strabane in the parish of Camus and my farm in the townland of Carriclee in the parish of Urney and all in the County of Tyrone together with the residue of all my aforesaid personal Estate goods and chattels ( save as hereinafter excepted ) I give devise and bequeath the same unto my son John Craig Boyd on his attaining the age of twenty one years with power to my trustees aforesaid and the survivors and survivor of them and their heirs to pay and apply such parts and portions of the rents issues and profits of my several freeholds Lands tenements and premises and the annual proceeds of the residue of my personal effects goods and chattels toward the support maintenance clothing and education of my said son during his minority and in case my said trustees should at any time see that it would be for the advantage or benefit of my said son to advance lay out or expend any part of the principal for his advantage in life they are hereby empowered so to do according to their judgement and discretion and as to my Steam Mill with the houses stores apartments and machinery thereunto belonging and Porters Store adjoining same my will and desire is and I hereby empower my trustees aforesaid the survivors and survivor of them and their heirs at any time after my decease to see and absolutely dispose of the same by Public Auction or private contract as to them shall seem expedient for the best price that can be had for the same and thereupon to make and execute all such deeds or conveyances as may be necessary to the purchase thereof and the money to arise or be made from such sale I will and declare shall be deemed part of my personal property and go according to the disposition hereinbefore contained respecting the residue thereof and I direct that the receipt of my said trustees for the money arising by any such sale shall be a good and valid discharge for the same and that the purchaser thereof his heirs or assigns shall not be accountable for any loss or misapplication or to see to the application of the purchase money of the said premises I give and bequeath to my said wife the silver tea pot I bought for her and it is my will and desire that my wife and children shall continue to have and enjoy the use of all my household furniture plate linen glass china and other matters necessary for their accommodation as also my horse car and cow so long as they or any two or more of them shall continue to live and reside together and if my wife remains unmarried she is to have same during her life with power to dispose of same by her will but if she marries then same or the proceeds thereof to be divided in equal shares amongst my three children I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my aforesaid Trustees my Executrix and Executors of this my Will and I appoint my wife guardian of my children and I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and costs of proving this my Will may be paid and it is my wish to be interred in the grave yard of Leckpatrick in a respectable manner without any ostentation In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven – William Boyd (Seal) -- Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto – William Elliott Solr. and Not. Pub. Strabane Joseph Browne M D Surgeon R N Killygordon--------

--- This is a Codicil to the said Will and testament of me William Boyd of Strabane bearing date the sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven which I desire may be considered as annexed to and taken as part thereof whereas by my Will aforesaid I have bequeathed unto each of my daughters therein named a sum of two thousand pounds and I have given unto my son John Craig Boyd the residue of my properties both freehold and personal after payment of the bequests therein named contained now my will and desire is that if the value of said freehold and other property so left to my son does not amount to a sum of Four Thousand pounds then and in such case my desire and intention is that my trustees and Executors who are hereby empowered so to do shall partition and divide all the property of whatever nature or description I may die possessed of or entitled unto ( save that bequeathed to my wife Frances Margaret Boyd ) among my three children in such manner that my shall have and be paid a sum equal to double the amount of that which will be paid to each of his respective sisters In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this third day of April One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven – William Boyd(Seal)Signed Sealed published and declaredby the said testator as and for a codicil to his last Will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto – William Elliott Solr. and Not. Pub. Strabane – Jos. Browne M D Surg. RN Killygordon

---------- This is a further Codicil to my Will dated sixth March One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven whereas I have bequeathed thereby a sum of money I have now in the funds amounting to two thousand pounds to my dear wife Frances Margaret Boyd now my will and desire is that she shall have the interest of that sum during her life and upon her decease one thousand pounds part thereof shall revert and be paid to my son John Craig Boyd with power to her my said wife to dispose of the remaining One thousand pounds in such manner as she may think proper and I hereby appoint my brother in law Revd. William Craig x x x x of Derry as guardian of my children along with my said wife who are to have the power of approving of such person or persons as either of my said daughters may marry In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this eleventh day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven – William Boyd (Seal) Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for a Codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto – William Elliott Solr. and Not. Pub. Strabane Jos. Browne M D Surgeon RN Killygordon ------------

PRONI – D/2298/26/1/5

WILL of ANTHONY COANE, Esqr. 3 April 1756

Collector of Strabane, Co Tyrone

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)


I hold a freehold or fee farm lease of Ballymontreggans alias Higginstown in Manor of Ballyshannon by deed from the Right Hon. William Conolly, senior. Wife Ann Coane 30 guineas. To Mr. Robert Coane 20 guineas. To my niece Mrs Pce Coane, wife to said Robert Coane, 5 guineas.

Executors wife and Mr Robert Coane. To wife £100 per annum.

To my nephew Mr Robert Coane the lands of Ballymontreggan after his aunt’s death. Nephew Mr. George Friel. Niece Mrs. Lettice Balfour. Niece Mrs. Peacience Coane, wife to said Robert.

Dated 3 April 1756. Proved 29 November 1757.

PRONI – T282. Page 27



(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

Three beloved daughters, Mary Montgomery, Margaret ffox, and Catherine Mortimer, and Grandson Robert Mortimer, second son of William Mortimer. Son Anthony’s bond. Lands of Higginstown, Co. Donegal.

Executors Son in law Thomas Montgomery and Rev. James Hamilton.

Dated 12 August 1790. Proved 10 Nov. 1790.

PRONI – T282. Page 28.

Will of Francis Alexander COLHOUN died 5 July 1872

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

I Francis Alexander Colhoun, at present living in Strabane, in the County of Tyrone, formerly residing at 1, Clanwilliam Place, Dublin, being now in full possession of my mental faculties, do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament. I leave to my sister Jane Mitchell, of Strabane, the sum of Thirteen hundred pounds Also to my sister Elizabeth Roulston the sum of Thirteen hundred pounds Also the sum of One Thousand pounds to be divided equally between my two nephews Robert George Colquhoun Colhoun and William James Macklin Colhoun, now living in the City of Dublin. I will that the balance of my money after deducting funeral and other expenses be divided equally between the above mentioned legatees. I appoint Albert Ramsay Ross, of Woodend, William Ramsay, of Strabane, and John Britton, M.D., as my Executors.


Francis Alexander x Colhoun Signed. Signed by the


Testator in the presence of us witnesses, who also sign our names in the presence of each other. Robert Bell, Clk., James Scott. June 8th 1872

For Probate see Probate Book No. 3, page 162.

Will & Probate, 5 folios. Afft. of due Execution filed.

Amt. of Assets £4702.13.8



(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

“A Declaration of the nuncupative Will of Gabriell Homes and Agnes Homes his wife being then both sicke of body but of sound and perfect memory delivered the 6th day of June 1669”.

“They Recommend yr soules to Almightie God and their bodys to be buried in Comely sort, And as to theirs worldly estate they declared joyntly ffirst they ordered that Agnes her cloathes be devided between her two daughters Geiles the wife of Patricke fflemminge and Margaret the wife of John Moore in manner followinge vizt her eldest daughter Geiles to gett her plaids and all other her woollen cloathes except only her best Gowne and petticoat to goe to her daughter Margaret and for her Lynnen belonginge to her bodye to be equally divided betweene her said Twoe daughters Secondly they declared that their sonne William Homes should have and enjoy their twoo freehold tenements situate in Strabane……alsoe they devised unto him Two peeces of new Lynnen Conteyneinge twenty six ells Two Red Ruggs three pair of small linen sheets halfe a dozen Table napkins one-third of all the pewter vessels in the house……… All residue to be equally divided between their said daughters……... “Thirdly they declared that there was about sixtie pounds of outstandinge debts and ordered that what charges was expended in recoveringe and gettinge the same should be taken of ye Totall sum and what remained to be equally divided betweene The brother and Two sisters”………..

Fourthly the said William Homes having charge of his fathers Keys and knowing there was Concealled money he hath declared since his ffathers death that only he left to his Two daughters ffifty shillings Le peece which money the said William Homes doth yet delaye and refuses to make payment thereof”…….

[The document ends here, There is no note of Probate.]

PRONI Reference T681/1 page 387 and T808 page 7919

[ Tenison Groves' typescript made before the destruction of the Public Records in 1922].


(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

“Dated this 28th day of December 1752/3

The last Will and Testament of Gabrial Holmes

I sign over all that I have to my wife Shusanna Millar house and land cows and horses and plenshing……. Only one shilling and a penny Maroin Holems and Hugh McMullen for hir and his part of legacy and one shilling and a penny to John Holms……….and this is all I have”

Witnesses:- Robert Beers

John Donaldson

Probate granted to the widow……..26 April 1755

PRONI Reference T681/1 Page 393


(Transcribed by Simon Elliott)

Will dated 15 Feb1884 Jane Denny of Lifford [died 10 July 1884][g'dau of the Revd James Taylor of Convoy]; sole executor William Elliott of Strabane merchant; a mortgage to me by Mr Kincaid of Ballyholly in possession Mr Robert Wilson of Raphoe solicitor; £100 to Miss Tillie Crawford daughter of John Crawford of Strabane; £100 to Mrs Margt Crawford his wife; £100 to Miss Mary Elliott daughter of said William Elliott; £100 to Mrs Dorcas Holmes Elliott; my gold watch to James Taylor Elliott son of William Elliott; all rest to Margt Crawford; witnesses Samuel Martin Strabane and Thomas Elliott Nelson.


Wills proved in Derry Diocese

1734 Michael Mees 1783 Willm Mease of Strabane

1746 Mathew Mease of Ballendrait 1785 Robt Mease of Strabane

1799 Mathew Mease of Gortin

1802 James Mease of Gortin

1802 Jane Mease of Gortin

PRONI Reference :      MIC15A/65

WILL OF MATHEW MEASE of Ballandrait, Co Donegal

Tenison Groves Collection - Wills proved in Derry Diocese

Derry Will made 29 July 1746 Proved ?????

Mathew Mease of Ballindrait co Donegal gent

To be buried in Clonleigh churchyard beside father’s grave

& 2 tombstones to be erected over the graves

Tenement in which I live in in Ballandrait to wife for her

life, then to my nephew Mathew Mease son of my brother

John of America, Mathew is a minor & living with Testator.

£70 to brother James Mease of America

£70 to brother John M’Crea of Lifford

£10 to latter’s son Mathew M’Crea

£70 to brother Robert Gray of Drumgumberland

£70 to brother John Watson and my Cornmill during his

present wife’s life & my part of the Mill Sessiogh for 6 years

The Mill Sessiogh & The Tuck Mill are to go to nephew

Mathew at the end of 6 years

£30 to children of Robert Mease of Strabane

£70 to children of brother Isaac Fitzgerald of Omagh by

my sister.

£8 to daughter of Mathew Mease junior of Gortin

£10 to nephew William Mease

£96 to Aunt Jennett Allison

30s to Aunt Jane Keys £5 to Elizabeth Keys

£3 towards building a Meeting House in Ballindrait within 3 yrs

£5 to poor of Lifford parish

Executors wife & said John M’Crea of Lifford &

Thos Scott & said Mathew Mease junior both of

Gortin in said county Donegal

Overseers John Sinclair of HollyHill (co Tyrone)

Nath Nesbit of Lifford (co Donagal)

Witnesses Robert Hamilton Willm Butts Jas Miller

Probate to Marjory Mease widow of Testator & John M’Crea

& Math Mease junior


Will produced 3 May 1756 at Londonderry to Robert Hamilton

one of the Witnesses at his Examination on a Commission

in Exchequer Court Cause

Robt Law & Marjory Law al Mease his wife

V. Mathew Mease a minor & others Defts

The village of Ballindrait & the town of Lifford are both in

the parish of Clonleigh otherwise Lifford in co Donegal

PRONI Reference :      MIC15A/65


21st July 1889

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

Strabane 21st July 1889. I John Moody of Strabane in the County of Tyrone, do make this as and for my last will and testament revoking all former wills at any time made by me I leave and bequeath to my wife Matilda Moody all that I may die possed of My House, household furniture lands, horse, trap, harness, books, office furniture two policies of life assurance, all my estate real and personal of whatever nature during her life and with full power to dispose of it as she may think proper amongst her own children I appoint her as Executrix with James White Main St Strabane and Robert Stevenson Main St Strabane as my Executors

John Moody

Signed by Testator in our presence & by us at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other G J Lewis Bank Clerk Strabane

John Britton, M.D. Strabane

For Probate see pro book No 7 p.101

Will & pro 5. fols

John Moody

Died 28 Sep 89

Amt of Assets



Died 6 August 1886

(Transcribed by Faye Logue)

I James Stevenson of Ardcorn Strabane do make this my last Will I leave all my property of every nature and kind whatsoever to my dear wife until my son William shall arrive at the age of twenty six years When he arrives at that age I leave him all my property aforesaid subject to an anniuty of £100 (one hundred pounds sterling) a year to my dear wife payable half yearly the first payment to be made at the end of six months after his attaining said age and also subject to the payment of a legacy of £1000 (One thousand pounds sterling) to my daughter Mary Morton and a legacy of £1000 (One Thousand pounds sterling) to my son Thomas Henry Craig both said legacies to be charged on all my property bequeathed to my son William and to bear Interest at the rate of £5 (Five pounds stg.) per cent per annum payable half yearly from the date of his attaining the age of twenty six years, but he shall not be required to pay off the capital of the said legacies or either of them until he shall attain the age of thirty six years I appoint my dear wife my brother in law John Walker Craig and my friend Robert Gordon of Stragollin Strabane executors of this Will I hereby authorize and empower my executors to carry on my business at the Foundry Strabane in whatever way they may think proper until my son William attains the age of twenty six years; and I direct that Mr Taylor my present manager shall be continued in his Office until the expiration of the engagement he has lately entered into with me In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this fifteenth day of September 1880

James Stevenson

Signed by the said James Stevenson as and for his last Will in presence of us both present at the same time when in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses

John A Taylor William J Bell

For probate per probate bk. No. 6. P 249

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