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The History of the Two Ulster Manors of Finagh, Co. Tyrone and Coole, otherwise Manor Atkinson, Co. Fermanagh, and of their owners.

Author - Lord Belmore, pub.Longmans, Green & Co London 1881
Transcribed by Wayne

Appendix A-J

page 297

Before the Plantation the barony of Omagh was divided, as represented in the map of 1609, into the following portions:-
1. Vergurk, i.e., TermonMacGuirk.
2. Finagh (or Fivagh or the Fews, see Joyce, vol.i.,p.441).
3. Ballintacken (probably, The town of the Field-fares).
4. Fentongh (see Joyce, vol. i., p 41).
5. Slught Art (i.e., the dependents of Art O'NEILL).
6. Lough Muky (i.e., the pig's lake).
7. Brade (i.e., a narrow pass - a gorge).
8. Ovaral ?
9. Camoun (i.e., crooked river)."

At the Plantation it was divided into the following proportions:-
1. Church lands of Termonmaguirk unaltered.
2. The great proportion of Finagh (alias the two Fews) coincided with the old district of Finagh.
3. The small proportion of Rarone, containing part of Ballintacken and part of Camoun.
4. The small proportion of Edergoole, containing the remainder of Ballintacken and part of Lough Muky.
5. The great proportion of Fintonagh, containing Fentonagh, the remainder of Lough Muky and part of Slught Art.
6. The great proportion of rade, containing Brade, part of Ovaral and part of Slught Art.
7,,8, and 9. The remainder of Slught Art ws divided into the small proportion of Garvetagh, Claraghmore, and Cornabracken.
10. The remainder of Camoun, with the decayed castle of Omagh, was granted to John LEIGH, esq., constable of the Fort of Omagh. --8th James I.

"Appendix B

12th March, 8th Jas.I.--Grant from the King to George Tuchet, Lord Audley, and Elizabeth his wife: Armagh co., in Orior barony, total 2,000A.; rent 16 pounds Engl. Tyrone co., in Omagh bar.,
Derieragh, Namoda, Eskermore, Radaragan, Barhagh, Cooleskera, Derribroghes, Vauchran, Anosina, Ardlochra, Derriowire, Derriowran, Clenure, Keilchome, Dromgane, Ballyculla, Aghnagarty, Ballihalligan, Ballykeile, Tolloneale, Ramacrame, Aurattagh, Dromakelline, Bally-Intrim, Cloghorm, Taghanaglea, Cavan-redagh, Glan-inny, Teneregeigh, Drumlasker, Ballinchorig, Aghalane, .........all 1 balliboe each;

Ballimgellin, 2/3 bal.; Carrowgowlan 2/3 ball.; total, 2,000A.; rent 10 pounds 13s. 4d. The advowson and patronage of Termonmaguoirk rectory and vicarage, being called the great proportion of Fynagh, --the small proportion of Rarone, viz., the lands of Dougarie, Totekeile, Nasircassa, each 1 bal.; Rarone 1 1/2 bal.; Lisarrae, Achorrow, each 1 bal.; Killdorow, 1 1/2 bal.; Rascany Derrenchorrowhy, Nahany, Tirwony, Ramocone, Lislea, Cornacamowne, Branar, each 1 bal.; 2/3 of the bal. of Racassan next Branar;
total 1,000A., rent 5 pounds 6s. 8d.


To hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to his heirs. The lands in Armagh co. are created the manor of Stawbridge, with 600A. in demesne; the lands in Tyrone Co. are created the manor of Hely, with 900A. in demesne. Power to grant tenure, and to hold courts baron. ---Calendar of Patent Rolls.

"Appendix C

17th Oct., 13th Jas.I. (1615). --King's letter for a commission to be issued to inquire what denomination of land in Omagh barony, in Tyrone county, of those allotted to Lord Audley, Sir Mervyn TUTCHETT, Sir F. TUTCHETT, Sir J. Davis, and Edward BLUNT, Esq., are misnamed or omitted in the letters patent by which the same are granted to them, and to grant them all such denominations as shall be found to lie within their several proportions, and in the mean time they are to be continued in possession of the lands they at present hold; p.293.

6th Sept., 14th Jas.I. (1616). --Grant to George TUTCHET, Lord Audeley, of Heleigh Castle, in Stafford county, and his heirs male, of the title and dignity of Baron of Audelay, of Orier in Armagh county, and Earl of Castlehaven, in Cork county, with an annual fee of 20 pounds sterling, to him, and his heirs male, in consideration of his military services in the Netherlands, France, and Ireland, and more particularly at the siege of Kinsale, where he was severely wounded: p.304.--Calendar of Patent Rolls.

In the Survey of Ulster, 'made at several times, and in several places, between the 1st day of December, 1618, and the 38th day of March, 1619, by me, Nicholas PYNNAR, Esq., and others, by virtue of His Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal of Ireland to me and others directed, dated 28th day of November, 1618,' it is stated with regard to the Manor of Finagh as follows:-

'The Precinct of the Omy, appointed to English Undertakers.'
'cxxxii.---3,000 acres
'This is the Countess her jointure.
'The Earl of Castlehaven hath 3,000 acres, called Faugh and Rarone.'
'Upon this there is no building at all, either of Bawne or Castle, neither Freeholders.
'I find planted upon this land some few English families, but they have no estates; for since the old Earl died the tenants (as they tell me) cannot have their leases made good unto them, unless they will give treble the rent which they paid; and yet they must have but half the land which they enjoyed in the late Earl's time.
'Lessees for years -8; viz:-
1 having 120 acres
6 having 60 acres le piece.
1 having 30 acres.
Cottagers, three
'Each of these have a small piece of land to keep their cows

'All these tenants do dwell dispersedly upon their own land, and cannot dwell together in a village, because they are bound everyone to dwell upon his own land, which, if they do not, the lease is void. These eleven tenants can make no more men, and all the rest of the land is inhabited with Irish.'

"The Earl had also 2,000 acres more, called Brede, and another 2,000 acres, called Fentonagh. Upon these there was nothing built. He had also---
'cxxxv.--2,000 acres.

'The Earl hath more 2,000 acres, called Edergoole and Carneurachan.
Upon this there was a large house begun, but now it is pulled down, and made but half so great; being three stories high, and finished. The Agent for the Earl shewed me the rent roll of all the tenants that are on these three proportions; but their estates are so weak and uncertain that they are all leaving the land. These were in number sixty-four ; and each of these hold sixty acres, which they term a townland. The rest of the land is let to 20 Irish gentlemen, as appeareth by the rent roll, which is contrary to the Articles of Plantation; and these Irish gentlemen have under them, as I was informed by the tenants and gentlemen in the county, about three thousand souls of all sorts.'
This proportion includes the townlands of Beagh, Letfern, Legacorry and Moylagh, which are in the manor of Tuchett."

"Appendix E

17th July, 17th Jas.I. (1619). --King's letter, directing surrender and regrant upon fine to Sir Piers CROSBY (cupbearer), and Lady Eliz.,
Countess Dowager of Castlehaven, his wife, of the several portions of land, containing 3,000A., with all their rights, members, and appurtenances in the barony of Omagh, and county of Tyrone, which had been granted by previous letters patent, and also certain lands in Queen's county, to their joint heirs, and in default to the right heir of Sir Piers; p. 454. -Calendar of Patent Rolls. X2"


page 300

Appendix F
Inquisition held at Dungannon, 1st May, 1631.
Sir Peirce CROSBY, knt., houldeth the great proportion of the twoe Fews and Ballytaken, within the barony of Omagh and county of Tyrone, contayning 3,000 acres, graunted to him by letters patent from our Lord the King that now is, in free and common soccage; and hath, since the date of said letters patents, and contrary to the conditions therein mentioned, demised the several balliboes of lands, hereunder mentioned, unto the meer Irish, viz:--Donnell and Neil O'DONNELLY houldeth the balliboe called Roscam, and doeth pleugh, pasture, and grease on the same. Teag O'DONNELLY houldeth Berhagh, being 1 balliboe, from Francis LOWCAS, gent., whoe houldeth the same from the said Sir PEIRCE. Patricke McCAWELL houldeth Aghnegarry, being 1 balliboe. Edmunt Groome O'DONNELLY houldeth the balliboe called Cloughfynn, excepting only the fourth parte thereof, and doth pasture same. Philemy O'DONNELLY houldeth the balliboe called Cavan-reagh. Neel Roe O'DONNELLY Tonregae, being 1 balliboe. John McNEMY houldeth Eskermore, being 1 balliboe. John O'ROETRY houldeth Tatekerron, and Neill O'TEAG houldeth Lysboy, in manner as aforesaid. Edmund MAGHER houldeth Ballinenagh, being 1 balliboe. All the said balliboes are within the said proportion of the Fews and Ballytacken, and are become forfeited to the use of our said Lord the King.---Inquisitionum,&c., Repertorium, vol.11.(Ultonia).


"Appendix G.

1st Sept., 6th Chas.I. 1630).---A grant unto Sir P. CROSBY, knt., his heirs and assigns for ever, as an undertaker of the provice of Ulster, of the several proportions, viz: the great proportion of Ffinagh, in the barony or precincte of Omey, in county Tirone, containing two thousand acres, and of the small proportion of Rarone, in the barony and county aforesaid, containing 1,000 acres, rendering for the great proportion of Ffinagh
yerelie, the sum of £21 6s.8d., sterling, and for the small proportion £10 13s. 4d. Grant of a court baron, demesne, and of a weekly market to be held at Balliculla, and two fairs yerelie to be held there alsoe--one on the Monday in Whitsun week, to continue for that day and next after, the other on the feast day of St. Michael the Arch-angel, if it fall not on Saturday or Sunday, to continue as before.---Patent Rolls. Rolls Office.


Appendix H

4th April, 13th Car.I.--A grant upon the Commission of Defective Titles to Sir P. CROSBY.---Patent Rolls. Rolls Office."


"Appendix I.

County Tyrone. Parte of Termonmagarke parish, Omagh barony. C.S.{Civil Survey.} Sir William USHER,* knt.., Protestant.-- Rannally, Tolleherme, Lissragh, and Killadroy, Corballytacken, and Derryfevorry, Annagh, Roscamey (all these were in Rarone or Ballytacken), Barragh, Radorgan, Loghlemley, Eskermore, Croloskeagh, Redargan, Glennewine, Ashvough, Killcame, Balle-hallaghan, Ballykill, Aghenegree, Dirroran,
Bonnecreane, Dirrearra, Cowlagh, Cowagh, Aghnalee, Cloughfinn, Cavanreagh, Tennorgee, Drumlester, Ballytreane, Ramakan, Dromgosh, Brackagh (all in Fynagh). Mullaghmore, Sheskanore, Loghferne, Beagh, Legocarry, Molliagh, Tullerush (in Edergoule).

Parte of Cappy parish, Omagh barony.
Cornacamon, Lisscoppan, Ramakan.
Parte of Dromragh parish, Omagh barony.

(Book of Survey and Distribution. Public Record Office.)


"Appendix J.
Inquisition held at Koragh, (Sixmilecross), 5 Jan. an 15 Car.I.(1639).
found that the Earl and Countess of Castlehaven were seized of and demised as follows:--
Deriereagh } 1 May 1614 Tirlagh moder odonnelly (born at Ballytacken
Namoylie } (for 1 year)
Eskermore }
Lissra }

Cloghfin } 1 May, 1616 Edm' Grome odonnelley (born at Ballytacken)
Ballyhalaghan } (for 1 year)
Ballekeile }
Kilcam }
Aghynachary }

Ballytreyne } 1 May, 1615 Bryan o donnelly (born at Ballytacken)
Aghnegley } (for 1 year)

 Dromlaster }


*Sir William USSHER was granted a patent of the office of Clerk of the Council. 26th March, 1593: he surrendered it 27th August, 1603, and got a new patent, 31st August, jointly for himself and his son, Arthur. Sir William USSHER's will is dated 28th December, 1657: and William DAVYS, eldest son of Sir Paul DAVYS, got a joint patent with his father, 1st February, 1660, Sir William USSHER being then dead. Arthur USSHER, left a son Sir William, of Castle of Grange, Wicklow, who was returned M.P. for Dublin County, April 8th, 1661.

"Dromgoyne } 1 May, 1615 Neale Grome o donnelly (born at Ballytacken)
Toleneyle } (for one year)

Rathmane }


Barragh } 1 May 1614) Neale o donnelley (born at Derryowry in said co)

Anosmagh } (for 2 years)

Raddaraghan } 1 May, 1616 Neall McGillpatrick o donnelley (born at Ballytacken)
Clanure } ( for 1 year)

Ballyculla }

Rasscowye }


Killadroypratt } 1 May, 1614 Hugh m'Tirlagh oge o donnelley (born atLislan bar Omey)
(for 3 years)
Coolesker 1 May, 1614 Bryan m'Can (born at Derryoyre aforesaid)
Derryoyre (1 year)

Derrybroghes 1 May,1614 Teige m'Caell (born at Killanele bar Dung.)
(for 1 year)

Branar 1 May, 1616 Pattric' m'Cawell (born in town of Wexford)
(for 1 year)
Ardlogher 1 May, 1614 Art' m'Can (born at Tirmonomongane said co.)
(for 1 year)
Derryowran 1 May, 1614 Edm' m'donnell boy o donnelly (born at Garvaghye

(for 1 year) said co.)

Brackagh 1 May, 1614 Donellboy o donnelley (born at Garvaghie)

(for 1 year)
Dromonokilly 1 May, 1614 Neale Grome odonnelly (born at sd town -Ballytacken)
(for 1 year)
Doogerry 1 May, 1614 Tirlagh oge m'Cawell (born at Clane in said co.)
(for 1 year)

Naheny } 1 May, 1614 Hug' Boy o Neale and Neale Garave m'Cowell (born at
Tiremany } (for 1 year) Ballentacken)

Sayrocleassa 1 May, 1614 Bryan m'Gillsennane (born at Saoyreclossa in said co.)
(for 1 year)
Glaninnye } 1 May, 1615 Bryan' m'Phelem o donnelly (born at Rascowaye)"
Tannerageigh } (for 1 year)


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