Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Clogher & St. Marcartan's Cathedral

Compiled by Teena


Clogher, Clog- Oir a bishopric and borough, in the county Tyrone, province of Ulster, situated nearly 77 miles from Dublin ; it is a post town, and sent two members to parliament. Patron, the Bishop of Clogher. It is called Regia by Ptolemy; and in a very early age an abbey of regular canons, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was founded here. St. Patrick is said to have presided over the church of Clogher; and having appointed St. Kerteen to be his successor, he resigned this government, and went to Armagh, where he founded his celebrated abbey,— though it is said the monastery and bishopric here was founded by St. Macartin, or Kerteen, by order of St. Patrick, in 490. In 1041, the church of Clogher was rebuilt, and dedicated to the memory of St. Macartin ; since which time it received many alterations and improvements, especially by Matthew M'Catasaid, who, in 1295, rebuilt the Cathedral, erected other buildings, and granted several other valuable donations to it. On the 20th of April, 1396, a dreadful fire burnt to the ground the church, two chapels, the abbey, the court of the bishops, and thirty-two other buildings, with all the sacerdotal vestments, utensils, &c., belonging to the bishops, chapter, and church. In the year 1610, on the 24th of July, whilst George Montgomery was bishop of Clogher, King James annexed this abbey and its revenues to that see. Here was also situated the royal seat of the ancient kings of Ergal, which place comprehended the present counties of Fermanagh and Donegal. The see of Louth was united to this bishopric, about the middle of the llth century, together with the deaneries of Drogheda, Atherdee, and Dundalk. Clogher signifies the place of the stone, and lies by the river Launy : during the times of Paganism it was a Druidic sanctuary, in which was kept a stone of Divination and worship, called the golden stone, which some antiquaries have supposed to be the famous Lec Fail; but from its name it appears to have been a gem of yellow colour, probably of that species which Pliny calls Ananchites, by which the Greeks, Romans, and all the aborigines of Europe divined, resembling the Urim and Thummim of the Hebrews.—


Fair days, May 6, and July 26.

extract from An Improved Topographical and Historical Hibernian Gazetteer By G. Hansbrow Dublin 1835



Clogher Clogh-Oir


Saints who helped to spread Christianity and were connected with the See of Clogher were


ST ENDA of Arran and his sister ST. FRANCHEA d 515 (they belonged to Clogher's Royal family)

ST. DYMPHNA Patroness of Clogher Diocese before her flight to Belgium.

ST. SINELL patron of Cleenish Island where he had a a center of scholorship in the 6th C.

ST. FINIAN sojourned in Clogher.

ST. COLUMANUS b 543 d 615 was at Cleenish in early life

ST. NINNIH d 523 03 530 and ST. MOLAISE who were both pupils of of ST. FINIAN. ST. MOLAISE founded a Monastery on Devenish Island in 541

other Saints associated with Clogher See-

ST. CILLIN (Tyholland)

ST. COLMAN (Clontibret),  

ST. SENACH (Derrybrusk)

ST. FEBER (Monea)

ST. ULTAN, who is buried at Clogher. 


Events and Bisgop's etc throughout Clogher's History


9th Century Raids by the Norsemen and the Danes began and continued until the 11th C


843 Moran Abbot of Clogher called 'Bishop of Clogher d this year as a prisoner of the Danes

869 AIL nothing else known


1110 Synod of Rathbreasil divided Ireland into Dioceses The Diocese of Clogher was from the river Blackwater on one side to Galloon on the other and from Slieve Beagh to Slieve Largy near Sixmilecross including approximately the Barony of Clogher and that part ofCo. Fermanagh between the Barony of Clogher and Upper Lough Erne. Co. Monaghan was alloted to Armagh.


1135 Cinaeth O'BOYLE

1136 Christian O'MORGAIR brother of Primate MALACHY

1139 Edan (Hugh) O'KELLY

1182 Maelisa O'CARROLL (Ua Cerbhail Bishop of Oriel, d on his way to Rome to receive tha Pall

1187 Christian O'MUCCARAN d 1193

1193 Maelisa O'MULKERIN d 1197 when the see was removed from Louth to Clogher

1197 THOMAS appears as Bishop of Clogher

1200 Gilla Tighernach MacGilla RONAN d 1217/18

1218 Donat O'FIDABRA d 1237

1227 Nehemiah O'BRAGAN d 1240, David O'BRAGAN d 1267 appointed Bishop


1268 Michael MacANTHSAIR (or CARPENTER) Official of Armagh and then forced into the See by the Primate consecrated 9 Sept 1268 d 1285 bur. in the Abbey of St. mary's Clogher


1287 Andrew MacCASEY (MacCATHASAID) elected Bishop b the Dean and Chapter and cosecrated in Lisgoole Abbey. He presented Bells Chalise, mitre, and vestments, rebuilt the Cathedral and built a chapel or oratory over St. Macartan's grave d 1316 bur. in the Cathedral


1310 Henry- nothing else known

1316 Gelasius O'BANNAN d 1319

1320 Nicholas McCASEY (MacCATHASAID) d 1356 bur at the Cathedral

1356 Bryan McCAWELL (MacCAMAIL) died of the plague 1358 or 1361

1361 Archdeacon Matthew MacCASEY ll , the nephew of his namesake appointed Bishop by the Dean of Chapter.

1366 Hugh (Odo) O'NEILL Chancellor of Armagh succeded as Bishop d 27 July 1370

1373 John O'CORCORAN d 1389

1389/90 Arthur MacCAWELL Bishop for 43 yrs. D 1432

1395 Clogher with all it's riches was burnt and a second fire. "whilst employed in the rebuilding the Chapel of St Macartans, the Abbey, Cathedral, 2 chapels episcopal residence and 32 homes were destoyed by fire.


1432/33 Peter (Piaras or Piers) MAGUIRE (MAGUIAHIR)

1449 Roger (or Rossa) MAGUIRE (MAGUIAHIR) Canon of Clogher Bishop 21 July 1447 d 1483 and bur at Aghalurcher


1475 Florence WULLEY (WOOLEY) d 1500

1484 John Edmund COURCEY D.D. said to be the 1st Englishman that filled the See as Bishop

1498 Dean Cathal MacMANUS MAGUIRE d aged 60

1500 Andrew- no other info

1502 Nehemiah CLONIN resigned 1503

1504 Patrick O'CONNOLLY (O'CONNOLOID) died after a journey to Rome in the same year

1505 Eugene McCAWELL (MacCATHMAILL) d 1515 bur. cathedral

1508 1511 and 1516 The monastary at Clogher was burned and raided

1517 Patrick CULLEAN an Augustinian Prior and preaccher elected Bishop d 1534 bur in the Cathedral

1525 The Ancient Register was compiled by the Bishop and written by the Archdeacon. Only fragments remain.

1525 Rory O'CASSIDY Archeacon of Clogher from 1502 and writer of the registers continued the Annals of Ulster until his death in 1541


1531 Clogher ravaged by the Lord Deputy and again in 1535

1535 Hugh (or Odo) O'CERVALLAN. He was the private Chaplain to Con Bacah O'NEILL.

1560 Cornelius MacARDGHAIL provided as Bishop the last to receive the See from the Court of Rome (but doubtful if he got legal possession.


1566 The Clogher valley was described as the fairest, richest and the best inhabitated land in Ireland

1570 Miler MAGRATH appointed by patent dated 13 Sept 1570 died 14 Nov 1622

1571 Bishop Cornelius MacARDGHAIL- again

1605 George MONTGOMERY D.D (a Scotman).apponited Bishop of Clogher together with Derry and Raphoe d in London 1620/21


1607 Flight of the Earls

1608 Plantation of Ulster

1611 There were weekly markets at Augher and 2 yearly Fairs and the Barony mustered 3 times a year. Sir Thomas RIDGEWAY purchased from Patrick McKENNA of Errigal trough 700 trees and 400 boards as there were none in Clogher


1621 James SPOTTISWOOD D.D. Bishop of Clogher d 1644/45 son Sir Henry SPOTTISWOOD was M.P for Clogher 1634 His dau from a 2nd marriage was married to Colonel Abraham CREIGHTON (or CRICHTON)


1629 Corporation of Clogher formed Charter granted by Charles l and a portreeve and 12 Burgesses appointed. Provost of Clogher Robert MONTGOMERIE


1637 James MARGETSON Archbishop of Dublin, became Chancellor

1640 Humphrey GAILBRAITH Archdeacon

1641 rebellion broke out and the Bishop fled from Clogher to England where he d is 1644 His son-in-law Rev Archibald ERSKINE. Augher town destroyed.


1645 Henry JONES appointed Bishop d in Dublin 1681 Known as the 'Warrior Bishop"

1661 John LESLIE D.D. bishop of Raphoe made Bishop of Clogher he married at the agee of 67 yrs to Katherine dau of Alexander CONYINGHAM who was 18 and had several children. The Bishop d aged 100 in 1671 buried at Glasslough Church


1671 Robert LESLIE D.D. appointed Bishop but d 10 months later

1672 Rodger BOYLE D.D d 1687 bur Clones parish Church

1688 David CAIRNS played a leading part of the defense of Derry. His son William was one of the appreentice boys who locked the gate.


1691 Bishop Richard TENNISON D.D. the see had been vacant for 3 years d 1705

1692 Dr. Thomas SMYTH rector

1697 Bishop St George ASHE D.D. Of Cloyne transferred to Clogher d 1717 or 1718 in Londonderry. in 1714 he founded the Irish branch of the S.P.G. Became Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College Dublin


1705 Thomas PARNELL became Archdeacon in 1705/06 / Nicolas BROWNE Prebend of Kilskeery in 1704 and 1705 John RICHARDSON Prebend of Donaghcavey 1716 Johnathan SWIFT a friend and pupil of Bishop ASHE Prebend of Donacavey


1717 Bishop John STEARNE D.D. a great friend of Swift. d unmarried in 1745 aged 85

1724 Jonathan SMEDLEY appointed Dean was a writer and satirist waged a literary warfare with Jonathan SWIFT


1738 Dean John COPPING ordered to call a vestry to fence the burial place

1745 Fivemiletown was formed as a perpetual Curacy from Aghalurger and Clogher and the chapel of ease of St. John.


1745-1751 Bishop Robert CLAYTON D.D translated from Cork Lord Bishop of Clogher he d 1758 aged 64 bur. Donnybrook Dublin

1758 Rt Rev John GARNETT Lord Bishop of Clogher d 1782 aged 73

1780 Philip SKELTON appointed Devenish in 1780 J.P for Co. Tyrone. d 1787

1782 Bishop Sur John HOTHAM Bart, D,D

1791 The list of Curates date from 1791

1794 William CARLETON d in Dublin 1869 born 1794 at Prolisk Clogher. He wrote of Clogher



"And as the Bell, whose distant swell

In the grey Cathefdral's tower

With measured sweep, came slow and deep

To wake devotions power

'Twas sweet to join the village train

And solemnise the hour."


1796 Bishop William FOSTER D.D, d Nov 1797

1797 Bishop John PORTER. D.D. d 1819 Rev. John Grey PORTER son prebend of Kilskeery 2nd son Charles Rector of Aughnamullen 1842-1850. The Bisops grandson John Grey Wesley PORTER D.D.of Bellisle noted reforming landlord in Co. Fermanagh.



1801 Act of the Union came into force and Clogher and Augher boroughs were disfranchised 2 clogher M.P's Mr. ball and MMr. King voted  against it.

1819 Bishop Lord John George BERESFORD D.D.

1820 Thomas Romney ROBINSON D.D. Ll.D became precentor in 1821 abd Astromoner of Armagh 1823

1820 Hon. Percy JOCELYN traanslated from Ferns son of the Earl of Roden Summoned to Ecclesiastical Court deposed d Edinburgh 1843


1822 Rt Rev Lord Robert Ponsonby TOTTENHAM D.D. for 28 years Lord Bishop of Clogher d 26 Apr 1850 aged 76 yrs, 3 of his 10 sons became parsons George, becoming Dean of Clogher,


1835 Clogher Church of Ireland in Clogher Parish census- 4,750

1836  Diocesan population 104,359

1843 Clogher Workhouse opened and could fill up to 900 people

1845 the Great Famine

1850 1819 Bishop Lord John George BERESFORD D.D again

1860 William Conor MAGEE D,D became precentor Became Bishop of Peterborough in 1869 and Archbishop of York in 1891

1862 Marcus Gervais BERESFORD d 1885.


Augher Parish formed as a Perpetual Curacy consecrated 1864


1873  Rt Rev W R BAILEY D.D.(Rev Dr William Richey BAILEY Rector) Rector and Prebendary of Kilskeery 1874/75 son of Robert BAILEY methodist Minister Resigned Cloghor for Killeshar (Kilmore) built with his own hands the stairway at the Cathedral skilled at music, mechanic and architect.


1874 Thomas Le ban KENNEDY D,D, Rector of Errigal-Trough appointed Dean of Clogher d 1899 aged 86 and 35 yrs of service.

1874 Clogher Palace bought by Canon John Grey PORTER, sold to his descendant in 1922 Mr. Thomas S. PORTER

1876 Clogher School enlarged Mr Joseph JORDAN principle and secretary of the Select Vestry.

1886 See was sepperated from Armagh
1886 Rt Rev Charles Maurice STACK D.D. Bishop of Clogher b 1825 retired Dec 1902 lived in Ardress d 1914

1887 Rev. Charles Burchell BEWICK M.A. d 1900 aged 46

 1900 Arthur Newburgh HAIRE-FOSTER  M.A. Rector of Clogher resigned his Rectorship of Clogher 1925 but held the Deanery until 1931


 1900 Rev George TOTTENHAM 10th son of Bishop Tottenham was Rector of Inishmacsaint resigned 1903 d 1911

1903 Rev Charles Frederick D'ARCY D,D, F,B.A.

1903 Rev. Charles Thomas OVENDEN D.D. appointed Dean of Clogher a musician, writer composer painter




Deans of Clogher

1873 William Richey BAILEY D.D

1887 Charles Burchell BEWICK M.A

1900Artur newburgh HAIRE-GORSTER M.A.





Mary Maud ANCKETELL d 1 May 1882 aged 12 only dau of Fitameline ANCKETELL of Killyfaddy 7 Laura valetta his wife 


Mary Louisa ANCKETELL widow of Maxwell ANCKETELL


Ricard BAGWELL Dean of Clogher 1805-1825 died 1825  aged 48 yrs


John Charles Maude rector 1825-1860


Jane BROWN d 11 Dec 1875


louisa Elizabeth KNOX-BROWN d Aughentaine Castle 22 May 1903 w of J. Hervey KNOX BROWN D.L. and dau of Sir F Arthur KNOX-GORE bart of Belleck Manor Co Mayo


William CALDWELL Esq of Summerhill d 1893


Dorothea GARNETT wife of Rt Rev John Garnett and daughter of Sir Thomas Molyneux and his wife Catherine. died May 1770 aged 52


James GLEDSTONES of Fardross d 1746 aged 75 and Thomas GLEDSTONES his only son d 1778 age 59


Ambrose Upton GLEDSTONES of Fardross wife Cecilia nephew Moutray GLEDSTANES


Moutray GLEDSTANES of Fardross d 14 Sept 1917


Helen Catherine w of Moutray GLEDSTANES dau of J.J. VERSCHOYLE of Tassaggart Co Dublin b 27 Aug 1850 d 10 June 1928


Cecilia GLEDSTONES dau of Richard  HORNRIDGE of  Tulfarris and wife of Ambrose Upton GLEDSTONES of Fardross


David IRWIN d 1935 and wife Mary E IRWIN d 1958 (Mr Irwin was the principle of the Clogher Primary School)


Ann JACOB wife of Matthew JACOB (daughter of James GLEDSTONES and sister to Thomas)


Elizabeth wife of J.W.Ellison MacCARTNEY Mp for Co Tyrone 1876 who died 22 Dec 1902 at Clogher Park aged 75 yrs


Elizabeth Phoebe ELLISON-MacCARTNEY wife of John William ELLISON-MacCARTNEY


John William ELLISON- MacCARTNEY D.L. of Clogher Park only son of Rev Thomas ELLISON by Catherine dau of Arthur Chichester MACARTNEY K.C of Murlough Co Down. sometime M.P for Co Tyrone d 12 Feb 1904 aged 86 yrs.


Charles F MOUTRAY of Summerhill Obit 20 May 1927


John Grey PORTER clerk eldest son of John TAYLOR Lord Bishop of Clogher


Rt Rev John PORTER D.D. d 27 July 1819 aged 86 yrs


John Benjamin STORY of Corick b 31 Aug 1850 d 18 Feb 1926 wife Blanche Christobel born Nov 1866 d 28 Dec 1931


Letitia TAYLOR 1872


Abraham Beresford TAYLOR Esq. Lt Col of Her Majesty's East Norfolk Reg. of Ft. charging the Sikh Batteries at the battle of Ferozeshah d 21 Dec 1845


Elizabeth wife of James TAYLOR Esq of Fermanagh d 23 July 1842 aged 80 years

James TAYLOR d 17 Dec 1848 aged 87 years  (Eliza Husband)


John E TAYLOR Esq & wife Letitia


John E TAYLOR d 1 May 1873


Gen Thomas E TAYLOR  of the East Indian Army born in the deanery of Clogher 12 May 1791 d at Ramsgate 2 Sept 1871


Hugh WARNOCK Medical Doctor of Clogher d 26 Dec 1914 aged 59 yrs


For King and Country

This tablet is erected in memory of those who going forth from this Parish to the Great War and the 2nd World War gave their lives in the cause of Freedom and Justice




BREEN James                              GLASS William                      PAISLEY Richardson

CULL Herbert                               McCOLLUM William               PORTER Alan Grey

DURNEEN John                            McDOWELL Irwin                  STOCKDALE Hector

FOSTER Samuel                           NEELY George                      WARNOCK Hector

GAULT Thomas                            NEELY James                        YOUNG Edward




GARNETT John Brookshank                                      STEWART Charles Fullerton


Title Sources for local history, Clogher Valley, 1600-1900

Authors Northern Ireland. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast) (Main Author)

Subjects Ireland, Tyrone - History - Sources
Ireland, Tyrone, Clogher - History
  Call Number - Location - Status
941.64 H2c -  FHL BRITISH Large Q Book -  Available

Format Manuscript (With Film) Publication 1968  Subject Class 941.64 H2

Also on microfilm. Salt Lakke City : Filmed by th Genealogical Society of Utah, 1975. on 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. -  FHL BRITISH Film [ 990082 Item 10 ]